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  1. savagesultin


    Ok. Just looked at a diagram and seen the frog. Didn’t know that it was the frame where it connected to the plow. Thought it was another piece. Thanks.
  2. savagesultin

    Do I need a frog

    Hey folks. I have a 219280B mouldboard currently it only has a shin but seen a diagram that shows a frog. It’s 18” do I need a frog or can I just use a shin. I’m not plowing a lot maybe a small 1 acre patch for kids pumpkins.
  3. savagesultin


    Hey I have white 3 bottom plow with 219280B mouldboards. I don’t notice frogs so I need to add them? I’m replacing the shins ans shares
  4. savagesultin

    rear remote issue

    I have a 2009 DX55 and I have two rear remotes. One I'm having an issue with, it will work one direction but when I put the lever in the opposite direction is doesn't work. I have a snowblower attached and one way it will rotate the drum to the left when I push the lever the other direction it...
  5. savagesultin

    2003 Landini 65

    Hey folks, I currently have a 2010 farmall DX55 4x4 with loader, 250 hrs but its open station. Im looking at trading or selling it for a cab model tractor, currently looking at a Landini 65 2003. 4x4, loader and cab. I don't know anyone with one of these tractors so I thought I would pick your...
  6. savagesultin


    I'm sure this is been posted before but I'm trading in my case dx55 and one of my tractors I'm looking at is the new holland t4030. I want a cab and the NH dealer is great here. Anyone have a 4030 and if so comments, concerns etc. also if you have pics feel free to post as well. Thanks