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  1. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    so... tractor finally showed up today. i'm still annoyed... dropped off by a young guy who's never ran something this big... so, having him show me around the tractor was about as helpful as reading the owners manual. I'm also really disappointed in the condition the tractor showed up in...
  2. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    Just called back to the dealer again... and his response is that his rep is going to check the warehouse to find out what is going on with the backhoe. is this a red flag or am I being impatient? I gave verbal purchase go ahead on 3/29. Tractor is sitting on dealer lot and they are waiting on...
  3. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    SO.... still waiting on the dealer to get word on the backhoe. I've had to call him this week and last for an update... seems like trying to spend 50k should warrant attentive service... uhg. he said LS does report the backhoe is in stock and that it just hasn't shipped... so maybe next week I...
  4. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    Keeping it all in the same thread, thought i'd give an update. I am just about to sign the paperwork on a 23 MT347HC. Optioned with grapple valve/ control, rimgaurd and the 3104 backhoe. The actual grapple will be a future purchase. Will keep my eye open for a 6' rotary... new or used...
  5. M

    LS MT335 vs LSMT342

    one reason to consider mentioned already is frame size. if your primary application is loader work, horsepower is prob less a concern that overall weight and frame size... while the mt2 loader has baout the same capacity as the mt34x, the underlying frame is smaller and only has 1 steering...
  6. M

    LS mt357

    Just wondering if you made a purchase decision. I've been eyeing the MT352/57 but my dealer has not had one in for me to sit in.
  7. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    Honestly, this is true and waiting a bit for a part IS part of my overall consideration. I AM willing to wait a couple days/weeks/month to get a part (if needed) and save 20k (edit: 30k!$) off a purchase price. It would absolutely be different if i needed to rely on this machine for my living...
  8. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    So, i went back to look for 3 series problems and came up mostly empty. but during my initial research, i found too many people with various serious issues that i wasn't comfortable with. I'm not slagging deere, but that was my take away. I just checked on the 4 series pricing and its a good 20k...
  9. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    It's been a while since i looked at the kioti... i guess the dealer left me a bad taste, so haven't been in a hurry to go back. my neighbor likes his tym and i've never looked at branson, not even sure where a dealer is... but i may look. I should also mention I looked at yanmar, but that gets...
  10. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    I looked at the Kioti, the only reason I hesitate on that is they do not offer a hydro for that frame size machine. (another strike is the local Kioti dealer, whom, i'm not thrilled with). I'm not100% stuck on getting a hydro, but prob 98%! the shuttle sift from LS is also tempting, but for...
  11. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    haha... the wife is non-existent, not having a wife is a blessing and all decisions, good or bad are mine alone. thx for the input
  12. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    in my first post, i tried to lay out some of the tasks I have in mind, but mostly maintaining the field (not really hay at this point), and driveways. installing drainage tiles (also a backhoe/excavator project), re-grading the lawn areas, tilling the garden and tilling a few small areas for...
  13. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    Yes, like most i'm on a budget. Yes I have called a couple local landscapers (who do hardscapes) to come give me a quote... neither showed up, even after a follow-up call. This seems typical for contractors in my area. If I'd hazard a guess at costs, I'd est 7-9k to do the walls and earthwork...
  14. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    youtz, agree and did pick up a mower. I'm still looking at which tractor... and i'm slowly coming around to the idea of renting a mini ex to handle someof the digging tasks... but would like to have the option to dig anytime i have time and not owrry about renting... buying a machine large...
  15. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    Funny enough it is the same engine that the cub had, which i liked and have had 0 issues with. It does have an electronic diff lock, unlike the other, which was an 'automatic' lock. the heavier trans and diff locks were requirements with my property. At almost $4500, I hope this one will last...
  16. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    Update: Well, I bought the bullet and pulled the trigger.... on a new Husqvarna T354xd, from lowes. Long story short, I called around to order a replacement trans for the CC and nobody had them and the local repair shop said wasn't sure when or if they'd get a new one. I did ask about buying...
  17. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    All, Greatly appreciate the input. I've been pretty tied up this week with work, but will further comment when i get a chance to catchup this weekend. good to hear you like the MT2, they were pointing me towards a MT 240E TLB... and yes, i'd need to get the mower fixed.... it's too tight around...
  18. M

    Tractor Recommendation

    OK, First post, longtime lurker. I have 12+ acres of (somewhat hilly property. 1.5acres lawn, 4acres 'field', the rest woods.Here's my situation. I've been looking at tractors for the past 6 years. I intended to purchase a larger tractor for the hay field and landscaping tasks. I bought a CC...