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  1. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    “Metropolitan area” Look it up and you too will be enlightened. About 80%+ of the US population lives in one. Living in the ‘city’ doesn’t mean everyone lives in a high rise and parks in a parking garage.
  2. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    Post metrics from 2023 to refute mine, why are you going back 3 years? Seems to be an extremely even split between 35-54 and 54+ age groups 60% ‘white people’ isn’t the US racial demographic right around 60% ‘white people’?
  3. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    ~70% attached/detached homes in US ~25% MultiFamily homes/apartments in US ~86% of US population in metropolitan areas What is your argument? Here is something to level out your racial bias, seems like it is the rich Asians in San Fran. Recall the US race % makeup when studying the chart...
  4. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    I’ll break out my Crayolas next time. Sorry it was hard for you.
  5. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    Most EV owners live in cities, must not be too impossible. I’d imagine an electric car that couldn’t be charged wouldn’t sell many units. I average 850-1,000 miles every Monday-Thursday. My Ram with 50gal tank can’t even handle that in one tank. The little F150 before couldn’t make 2 full...
  6. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    Covered many times on this forum. No doubt electric generation is derived from multiple sources of varying percentages across the country. Fossil fuels being a majority in the states as a whole. The generation, transmission, ultimate charging losses are significantly more efficient for...
  7. B

    Exposed Aggregate concrete help

    Sandblasting is the answer. I’ve had it done to probably 50,000sqft that didn’t finish well on a college campus.
  8. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    So despite our resident family Ford expert’s ‘inside information,’ seems these strikes are coming to a close much earlier than expected? Add another $800-$1,000 to each vehicle for the added labor cost and all is well [emoji19]
  9. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    Who are the ‘EV freaks’? - Those that own and drive them? - The elected politicians who create policy around them? (Incentives) - The C-Suite automaker decision makers who are pursuing due to lost ICE market share? - Greta? - Entire renewal energy industry? I guess I haven’t experienced them...
  10. B

    Question about using a stabilizer?

    I’ve been using the expensive pre-mixed 2-stroke fuel from a big box store for a number of years now. Engines love it and I haven’t had 1 fuel related issue while using that fuel. I go though probably 10-12 gallons of that stuff per year and it is nearly $25/gallon now… I’m curious about Avgas...
  11. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    Ram 4x4 Crew Cab Long Bed here, believe that is the longest conventional truck Ram makes?… As long as you can learn to back into parking spaces, really non bad for 95+% of parking. Downtown parallel parking or garages are what get you. There is an architect in Dallas that I could get in the...
  12. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    70,762 miles on the ol Golf Cart Model 3 today. I’ve never been to a supercharger. Driving the Ram tomorrow to pickup some batteries with some leaky cores I’d rather not have in the Tesla trunk. Not looking forward to the $75 round trip that will be… or not being able to sit back and have the...
  13. B

    Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

    I think it is funny you think cash’s value or use isn’t already controllable. They didn’t need to try and freeze any money during COVID, they just unlawfully shut businesses down. 🤷‍♂️ How’s the value of that $100 bill compared to 10 years ago? Traceable is another story. I haven’t visited...
  14. B

    Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

    EVerify is a start. I’m still involved with multi sometimes 100s of million dollar contracts that are not required to EVerify at all or beyond 1st tier contractors. Abolishing cash could make the money easier to follow…
  15. B

    Will UAW Strike?

  16. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    Probably correct. Ford 57,000 UAW Ford CEO $21,000,000 / 57,000 / 2080 = $0.18/hr/employee. Same point I suppose.
  17. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    Wasn’t calling you out individually or indicating that’s what you were saying. But it is commonly said… or common inference when discussing C suite in large organizations.
  18. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    Those CEOs could work for free and we could give all the union employees $0.03/hr raise (guesstimate) Always comical to me when the C suite salaries are called into question as the ‘problem’ and reason for ‘under paid’ working class.
  19. B

    Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

    Do what? Upset that the system has the ability to defrost itself and keep working through winter? For those that have Starlink over the available alternatives, I’d say the tiny heating element to keep the service online is a small inconvenience and not even a consideration for them.
  20. B

    58 MPG by 2032

    Factory battery is over 3 years old now, coldest I’ve started probably ~30* in Moab, UT on a cool morning without issue. Don’t think I need to be able to start any colder than that. That is a 30-90*F sport in my book. KTM 500 XCF-W, not a tiny motor either from a dirt bike perspective. Good...
  21. B

    Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

    Millions of Americans going broke will result in stimulus and more government handouts and reliance… The plan is working… It’s really an easy plan, because the masses are idiots. I’d love to know the real make up of the $1T of American credit card debt… I’m betting it isn’t largely due to...
  22. B

    Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

    No hangups on percentages here. If the initial (starting) number was 70 and went to 123 (ending), most would consider that an increase. In which case, +75% is correct. (The plus signifies increase 🤣) Starting point matters.
  23. B

    58 MPG by 2032

    Thing is absolutely amazing in my KTM. Thing feels like a feather and is tiny.
  24. B

    Will UAW Strike?

    [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] Knew when I first read this there wasn’t a chance in h3!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  25. B

    Looks like a trip to the tire store today

    Never an issue with Discount tire other than they won’t mount 17.5 or 19.5 tires. They are my go to for city tire needs. I use a smaller local outfit if I’m in town. My wife and I do a fair amount of driving per year. In the 60-70k range.
  26. B

    Cutting power use to the bone.

    And that is often where there is such disagreement on solar and paybacks, ROI, etc… If my typical usage was 100kwh/month, I’m not even sure what I’d do with all that extra money, that would be a decent raise! Definitely wouldn’t have solar. My solar generated about $3,000 worth of power last...
  27. B

    Cutting power use to the bone.

    Shop yes! No chicken house though… 3 AC units on the property… (2 house, 1 shop) When it’s 2pm and the weather app shows this, you can bet they are all running.
  28. B

    Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

    Glad you figured out decimals to percentage as an Actuary. “So if we take the peak of 123 and the low of 70, which was March of 22-March of 23 that is a 75% decline of price.” The goal posts you set above. Time and values. $123 - March 22 $70 - March 23 I added the other through to peak...
  29. B

    Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

    Another ‘non-web source’ Financial Intelligence by Karen Berman & Joe Knight
  30. B

    Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

    Your chart. 12/2021 - $70 6/2022 - $123 3/2023 - $70 There was a 75% increase in value between 12/2021 & 6/2022 There was a 43% decrease in value between 6/2022 and 2/2023 If we are discussing percent change over time for a value. This is how it works. If it was 50% decrease in value from...
  31. B

    Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

    V1 is initial number (in terms of time old) V2 is the new/final number (in terms of time new) percentage change = (Vfinal - Vinitial) / Vinitial × 100%
  32. B

    Cutting power use to the bone.

    Ya, coastal tempering. 100kwh/day here pretty easy.
  33. B

    Is a Kubota L6060 (60hp) strong enough to run an 8' brush chopper?

    Likely no problem with 8’ twin for power (I own a Grand L6060). It will pull a 12’ without much complaint in the right conditions (mowing more often than you) 3pt or pull depends on mower weight, L6060 lift capacity (understanding leverage effect) and if your 6060 has a front loader or weights...
  34. B

    Midwest Gasoline to Spike $0.50-$1.00 Per gallon

    Percent of a number, percent change from initial to new/current number, and percent difference are all different things. If I had 10 apples and now I have 20, 100% increase. If I had 20 apples and now I have 10, 50% decrease
  35. B

    Cutting power use to the bone.

    Not really the case. Or at least location dependent. The exterior to interior delta T for heating in my climate (N. Texas) is greater than that for cooling. Very often seeing more BTUs for heating than cooling. Or in my case (house) nearly the same. The increase in cooling BTU required comes...
  36. B

    How hot is it?

    Right after remotely turning HVAC on in car yesterday. Thats toasty.
  37. B

    58 MPG by 2032

    Wow, pretty interesting. I wonder if PGE has a study to the contrary? [emoji23]
  38. B

    58 MPG by 2032

    Many industries/manufacturing turn off at night. Look at ERCOT charts and the reduction in evening is pretty clear. Not saying it is enough, but 90 at night with industry reduced frees a lot of unused capacity.
  39. B

    I love electric vehicles. But increasingly I feel duped

    Why is the cost of a new vehicle compared to a new vehicle? That 5-10k used ice may have been 50k new? What is the argument? Don’t know much about a Lightning, why is a charger/connection so expensive? What is a Tesla connector now? $500-600? I expect it will be a long long time before EVs are...
  40. B

    58 MPG by 2032

    I owned a 2003 Jetta 5spd, 45-55MPG depending on driving style Owned a 2011 Jetta 6spd after, 35-45MPG, much heavier and more powerful car
  41. B

    Future of HVAC and industry supply issues.

    Off the shelf DX units are generally a no go for surgical suites. The 20ACH plus the required OA % generally requires a unit with reheat (hot gas, electric, HW, NG) to keep RH within range. Then you also need a higher than normal dP fan for pushing through pre-filters and HEPAs. HEPAs can live...
  42. B

    Are people lazy, don’t know how to help or scared of liability.

    Litigious society is why there is serious hesitation for helping someone in ‘need’. Especially when it comes to healthcare professionals. Then you have the scammers that add that question if someone really needs help or not (car broken down)
  43. B

    My first John Deere

    What does this response mean?
  44. B

    Neighbors Sue for Horse Manure Pile Smell

    Huge commercial properties with fortune 100 companies that I work on will have ag exemption claims for any of the acreage without buildings on them yet. If the land is open, it will be hay If the land has woods it will be bees Property valued well over $1M/acre in the middle of a city, with...
  45. B

    The EPA Just Delivered a Solid Kick to John Deere... Right in their Jimmies

    Seems to be a fight between a grown adult and an adolescent, interesting to say the least.
  46. B

    58 MPG by 2032

    Ahh, when the EV owner must be anti-ICE, but in fact still owns and operates ICE and likes them!!! Oh the horror…. [emoji23] This has been a hilarious spar.
  47. B

    What's your average mpg?

    Let’s see recent list Toyota Tacoma 2x4 - 19.3 over 19,000 mi Toyota Tacoma 2x4 - 20.3 over 6,000 mi 2001 Dodge 2500 4x4 6spd Diesel - 15.1 over 200,000 mi 2017 F150 4x4 V8 - 17.2 over 100,000 mi 2011 Ram 3500 SRW 4x4 - 14.2 over 230,000 mi 2015 BMW X5d - 27.6 over 165,000 mi 2020 F150...
  48. B

    58 MPG by 2032

    I dodge potholes, gators, etc… daily doing 80+ witnessed within 100yds. Stopping and moving over to avoid collision are 2 different things.
  49. B

    58 MPG by 2032

    This is reasonable… It’s when vehicles are doing below the speed limit in the left lane and in sync with the vehicle to the right of them when I lose my mind. If you are doing a couple over to overtake, my blood pressure stays cool even if I’d rather be doing 5 over… At least do the speed...
  50. B

    58 MPG by 2032

    Well depending on what I’m driving, possible my hands aren’t on the wheel at 85. 🤫
  51. B

    58 MPG by 2032

    Thanks Jesus for 75-85mph speed limits in Tx. Owned a 2003 5spd and 2010 6spd Jetta. Loved those little cars. Couple odd issues, glow plug harness, EGR valve, AC compressor, water pump, 100k timing belts. Not too terrible on maintenance, put about 350k between the 2. 45-55mpg on the 2003...
  52. B

    Battery powered chainsaw

    Whoa baby!! I got pretty irritated when ours crested 10c, now in the 14-18 range. Looking seriously at more solar to augment my 15kw system. 33c is crazy talk… Decently large commercial project I’m on now pays 4-5c… but they accept 138kv from the utility. Step it down to 12.5kv for...
  53. B

    Massive storm clean up

    Looks like microburst type damage. Scary stuff
  54. B

    Glulam Beam - Checking Problem

    I doubt it. The tension strength is just the ‘squeeze’ of the boards together, not really adding anything to the strength in the direction the beam gets it’s strength from. The shear strength of the screw could add to the resistance of the boards passing by one another as the load is applied...
  55. B

    New HVAC 18 Seer2 Humidity???

    So in what I assume is the hottest days/months of the year for you, calling is about to be achieved with stage 1 cooling. This generally means (and very common unfortunately), that your system is oversized and performance will suffer during lower load conditions. Ideally, on a design day for...
  56. B

    New HVAC 18 Seer2 Humidity???

    50% is generally the target. 72-74/50 for cooling design. Sounds like things are working as they should.
  57. B

    Future of HVAC and industry supply issues.

    Completely agree.
  58. B

    Future of HVAC and industry supply issues.

    Nope, pretty much same, reps will come out as often as I ask. They know the recourse if they don’t.
  59. B

    Future of HVAC and industry supply issues.

    ASHRAE will call median life at 15yrs for small commercial rooftops. 15-20 is generally plenty for small units of any brand. Just got done setting 8 of the 33 units on this project, 10 more this month and the balance early September. Largest units are 52,000cfm. 4,200T plant on this one. 600T...
  60. B

    Glulam Beam - Checking Problem

    Distributed load, point loaded, unequal distributed load… a beam supported at both ends with the load in between the points always has the bottom chord in tension - top chord in compression. Get into cantilevers and things change.
  61. B

    Anyone go from gas to electric, then back to gas?

    I have both. Right tool for right application. Neither is a replacement for the other. No different than a battery impact driver being a replacement for a screw driver. It is not.
  62. B


    Nicest bathrooms of any roadside establishment… I stop just for those on occasion. When I was commuting in an ICE I stopped every other day to fuel at the one in Ennis, Tx for a while. Now I only stop for a bathroom break or in the rare occasion I’m driving the Ram and need a fill on my way up...
  63. B

    ARCO selling Biodiesel at my station now?

    Most Tx pumps have been 5% for over a decade.
  64. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    Texas Property Code limits the restrictions HOAs can put on personal solar. They can restrict it sticking above the roof line or require proof that it is being installed on the most productive elevations. I’m on an HOA Board. Solar is a pretty easy issue due to the state law.
  65. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    Good for you. My electric bill would have been around $671 last month @ 19.4c/kWh after fees. A $20k investment with ~5yr straight line ROI works for me. No batteries, no need.
  66. B

    Interesting conversation with a Ram technician at dealer service dept.

    11 Ram… 4 dealer issues under warranty. The only times the truck saw a dealer. Wouldn’t trust any of them to set the air pressure in the tires… 1 water pump failure at 80k 1 steering recall 1 transmission wire harness recall 1 AC… All pretty easy except the AC. If the truck was cold (less...
  67. B

    How hot is it?

    Exactly… same here. And explaining why a 64*/50% OR cost so much more than a 68*/50% OR goes right over their phd head! Getting below 68/50 generally pushes us to either very cold chilled water/glycol (leaving coil ~45*) or a OA pretreatment unit or both in this climate.
  68. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    Pot kettle… Plenty of not a patriot talk, loving China, slave child African labor, etc…
  69. B

    Steering cylindar leaking oil

    Addicted to that channel
  70. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    I see the argument has changed, stepped down from the high horse a bit… easier to take seriously.
  71. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    Existing transmission lines. New substation to step up voltage to 138KV. Line steps up to 345KV about 8 miles away
  72. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    This is comical. Is your house insulated? Mine is. Cost money. Saves money.
  73. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    And that is different from any other power generation how? Modern power plants aren’t run like and 1850s saw mill… They are all computer controlled. All with foreign non-US components (from materials mined with “African Slave Child Labor”, I’m sure) Who needs to worry about computer chips? 2...
  74. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    Cute. Because the vast majority 99+% of solar adopters (the 1-% being true off grid systems) consider the solar system/production as ‘part’ of their energy solution. Most of us are very aware of where the balance of our power comes from: larger wind/solar installations, NG, coal, biomass, oil...
  75. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    About 250 construction workers gathered at the morning 600am safety meeting when I drove by the new solar farm going in about 5 miles from my property this am. They are finally setting panels. Ought to go really quick now, appears the new substation is nearing completion as well.
  76. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    There are ways to make this work, but most not approved for standard grid tied inverters. Hybrid inverters with some battery storage are becoming more commonplace. My grid tied inverter (non hybrid) has some real intelligence if I wanted to go all out. My utility currently has very favorable...
  77. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    I’m not looking for your attention. Please no. So far no solutions, only half baked ideals. What solar panels are becoming ‘junk’ at 10yrs? Why aren’t you so up in arms about other industries that 1,2,4,5,6,7 apply to?
  78. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    Ok, so we aren’t contesting the point. Glad we are past that. I’m sure there are many of solar/wind farms continuing to add capital and take advantage of subsidies to help their bottom line. Just like any of the other available subsidies available to many industries…
  79. B

    I love electric vehicles. But increasingly I feel duped

    Didn’t say anything wrong with folks paying $20k for a new vehicle. Actually, the contrary. But the premise of a $20k new vehicle existing so it automatically means folks will class down to buy it and therefore EVs don’t save money compared to their equivalent ICE is a silly argument. No idea...
  80. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    I didn’t say they weren’t subsidized. You indicated the subsidy was required for ALL solar fields to ‘stand on their own’ ie be profitable. That is false. Just like an oil company can be profitable with our without a subsidy. Then you went back to your China kick which is a road well...
  81. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    I’m not familiar with other states, but just google any solar/wind farm county approval in Tx. Most county commissioner, zoning meetings, etc meeting minutes have this information available for public. It is the primary reason the solar/wind farms get approved around here. The county doesn’t...
  82. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    Electric rates? How is this related to tax income for counties? Electric rates in my area have skyrocketed due to recent bankruptcy of Brazos Electric Coop, the mandated upgrades of plants and NG distribution, fuel costs, inflation, etc… no one thing.
  83. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    A surge in development and adoption. You aren’t countering my response, just asked a different question.
  84. B

    I love electric vehicles. But increasingly I feel duped

    Initial premise is flawed. There is no $20k car that I’d own and drive. For folks that are comparing their cost to a $20k ice car that they would be happy with, I’d highly encourage them to go that route. I’d expect low cost BEV imports to become a real player within 10yrs, but that isn’t...
  85. B

    I love electric vehicles. But increasingly I feel duped

    Both work well for me. No desire for either to be outlawed. Just correcting misinformation.
  86. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    How do your counties generate income? Here it is largely property tax, business personal property tax and sales tax Solar farms generate additional taxes on property value and business personal property tax. There are concessions generally negotiated (as with all large commercial projects)...
  87. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    That hasn’t been true for a number of years now for solar or wind. You can pick specific instances where it is, where solar and wind are installed in low production areas and the math still works due to subsidies. But many solar/wind farms can absolutely stand on their own without the subsidies.
  88. B

    Revolting internet charge increases

    What type of business do you have that needs that type of bandwidth? Would have to be heavy video usage or fairly large data transfer required on a regular basis. I only bring this up because people often think they need 100+Mb services for home or small business use and they are often...
  89. B

    Damaged Threads - 1025R Rear Axle

    Tapered end of the tap on the original post doesn’t look damaged to me?
  90. B

    I love electric vehicles. But increasingly I feel duped

    My 2022 model has the 7yr, 120k mi warranty. I’m at 7% loss at 61,500miles and that has basically flat lined. Purchased mid December 2021, so I’m around the 18 month mark as my commute is a bit over 200 miles round trip. Significantly longer than the average American commute. Where is your...
  91. B

    I love electric vehicles. But increasingly I feel duped

    Plenty discuss it. For me it is mostly solar/NG, followed wind, then coal/lignite, then nuclear and lastly hydro. All far more efficiently used fuel than a tiny ICE.
  92. B

    Revolting internet charge increases

    Any Point to Point providers in the area? You very likely have no need for a 1Gbit service. Can you step down? WiFi ‘reliability’ is just a function of the router/access points. You can abandon the ISP hardware and just install your own for the home WiFi portion.
  93. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    Wouldn’t it be a shame for businesses to stand on their own?
  94. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    Should be taxes going to the county as well. That is why the government is interested, increased tax revenue. The $18M they cite is probably the county share. How many houses are boarding this solar farm that $18M in depreciation is likely? Fire department upgrades, what are they planning to...
  95. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    That will be $150/hr for your therapy session.
  96. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    Long winded maybe… but simplification of complex issues doesn’t do much. The road to ruin for American energy or manufacturing is well… America. What we chose to make too difficult to do here is easier elsewhere. So we shall choose to go elsewhere. Let’s only manufacture things we need in the...
  97. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    Any solutions to offer considering big picture? Not ALL Chinese manufacturing is slave labor/sweat shop, a huge problem in the textile industry known very well and probably populates a fair amount of the majority of American closets [emoji631] Some Chinese factories are very high tech and...
  98. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    I’ve only read a few solar installation contracts. They all included a remediation bond. Not terribly different from a mining remediation bond.
  99. B

    House Build 2023

    I’ve never heard of a fire department that wouldn’t fight fire until the meter was pulled or transformer feed opened on residential. Not a thing in my area of east Tx. Commercially, we keep power on. Too many safety systems rely on power to kill it. During all the fire department walks during...
  100. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    Chinese/Russia/others have been stealing US designs for a long time. Likely, probably to a smaller extent the US does the same. Folks have been backwards engineering other companies products forever. Chinese/Russian hacking US companies gets a lot more press. Compete or complain or do whatever...
  101. B

    Solar Farm #2, dangers involved.

    Lot of crying about folks using their land for income. Offer to buy them out of the 20yr lease agreement +20% and they may be interested. Of course, they’d have to weigh the risk on the optional lease extensions in those contracts as possible income lost. There are some termination points in...
  102. B

    The Hydraulic Fight is Over - Hydraulic Coupling Pressure Relief Tool

    My flat faced couplers are PITA for my grapple, connecting together hasn’t offered any help. Same can be said for reconnecting loader, it isn’t the tractor side, it is the 150*F implement side that has increased pressure due to heating.
  103. B

    Towing 10.1K with either Toyota Tundra SR5 OR F150 which is better?

    10k is too much weight behind a half ton for any sort of frequency. A 6,000lb boat behind a 2020 F150 Crew Cab V8 4x4 was a white knuckle ride when traffic slows suddenly on the highway, just not enough weight and stability. Plenty of power, trans would shift about every 7 seconds (10 spd) you...
  104. B

    I love electric vehicles. But increasingly I feel duped

    Estimates in that article 8,000km to 700,000km I’ll pick something in that range. Seems safe with zero actual fact gathering and analysis of my own.
  105. B

    Mower with independent rear braking system.

    Huge fan of my 760S for the slopes around my place. A traditional zero turn would just make a mess dragging that uphill tire around.
  106. B

    I love electric vehicles. But increasingly I feel duped

    Estimates are all over the place for the ‘overall break even point’ Nobody on this thread knows any better. Conjecture at best.
  107. B

    Warranty vs Proven Reliability

    I don’t believe it is so cut and dry, old vs new. If the manufacturers and design engineers of the past had the fancy modeling, stressing and simulation software that we had today, they to would have been designing to the minimum performance requirement/lowest cost in order to compete just as...
  108. B

    Busted rear diff dodge 2500

    When the Ford guys wanted an upgrade in their larger trucks, they could opt for the Cummins or stick with the base model Powerstroke. Did Dodge/Ram have an option to ‘upgrade’ to a Powerstroke over Cummins? Just laughable. [emoji23] Love these debates. Everyone loses! We should talk about...
  109. B

    How many solar panels

    0.5V?? Panels on my shop at 44VDC open circuit, 37VDC loaded. Each string coming into inverter is ~ 530VDC open, 450VDC loaded
  110. B

    Kubota or John Deer

    Mmmm.. Shiner..
  111. B

    Bad common advice given to teens and young adults

    Keeping a balance is not equal to paying interest. 30 day grace. A low percentage of used credit when reported to agencies is better than $0 used for most analytics. Still pay off all purchases prior to paying interest.
  112. B

    Bad common advice given to teens and young adults

    Don’t have kids you can’t afford. Be intelligent about your situation before you get pregnant. - I don’t want to support your kids. It is your job to raise your kids… Not the school, daycare, state or fed. Save for the future, but don’t forget to live now. For you, the future may not...
  113. B

    Selling a house, real estate commission

    I did for sale by owner in 2017. $1,000 for MLS listings, all the major website postings, and paperwork handled by a 3rd party. 3% for buyers. Would definitely do it again at least to start out. I sold in 4 days.
  114. B

    Aws issues

  115. B

    My Industrial Cabin Build

    Awesome, Congrats!
  116. B

    2nd Opinion on Truck Squat

    I’d vote the GX will overall handle the load better. By handle, I mean stability and braking. The GX is overall a heavier vehicle. I’ve not towed with a GX (driven one though). I have towed with an older LX 470 and a couple of tacos. The light rear end on the tacos is not pleasant. 5,000# is...
  117. B

    2nd Opinion on Truck Squat

    Doesn’t the GX have air suspension with auto leveling?
  118. B

    Another tornado insurance horror story!

    25%!!! Holy crap, didn’t even know that was a thing. Believe mine is 1%. Back when insurance wasn’t so dang expensive I had $1,000 deductibles.
  119. B

    Kubota not honoring original deal

    That was offered for cash and 0% however.
  120. B

    Kubota not honoring original deal

    I weigh each situation - rent v buy - new v used - cash v finance Had absolutely zero issue financing anything when rates were hovering 2%. My house is 2.02% 2 - vehicles at 1.99% A tractor at “0%” I have a big toy that is at 4%, that’s the only one I actually work to pay down faster than...
  121. B

    Kubota not honoring original deal

    Local Kubota dealer network hasn’t offered cash discounts in at least 10yrs that made any sense to accept. Can call it duping, any intelligent person just realizes it is baked in. Realize that intelligent people are becoming less frequent.
  122. B

    Kubota not honoring original deal

    The green plastic sure does.
  123. B

    Kubota not honoring original deal

    This always cracks me up. The same can be said for any sub prime rate being offered. They are going to make their money one way or another. Cash buy discounts when 0%, 1%, 2% and now even more is offered often don’t exist or are too small to make sense. Kubota dealers around me won’t offer a...
  124. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation
  125. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Wrong end of the stick. The 30% credit is for the producer, just so happens the producer is most often the consumer in small scale solar. For your gas pump, you are only the consumer. Now start drilling wells, building pipelines and refining that petroleum and you are in line for government...
  126. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    🤷‍♂️ not sure what this comment is.
  127. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Sounds good, this is absolutely possible at the expense of our place in the world economy. The products become more expensive and the division of wealth becomes even greater. We will build the same products here at a higher cost and they will only be available to US consumers as they will not...
  128. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    What is this even in reference to?
  129. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Well Chinese corporations are allowed to buy property in the US. Not the other way around. Chinese debt is less than US in value and as a percentage compared to GDP (but seems to be spiraling out of control faster than US if that is even possible). Chinese may be growing their military, but...
  130. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    I’m asking how. What is the proposal? I’d love to buy and support more US products. But I have limits to how far above and beyond market I’m willing to go. A 30% import premium on the China panels wasn’t enough.
  131. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Your consistent argument for most everything is: 100% manufacturing on US soil by US companies, including raw material sourcing, I’d like to hear your approach to how this could be achieved without impacting the 2nd part above (economy). Quick google search about 500 manufacturing related...
  132. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    My in laws just signed an initial contract for a solar installation. Initial contract is just a 4yrs hold. They have 4yrs to start construction and the lease goes to 30years with 2 - 5yrs extensions written in. 2% increase in lease payment per year. Bond on property for rehabilitation at the...
  133. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Do what? “The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 25.99 percent average rate, more than eight times higher than the 3.1 percent average rate paid by the bottom half of taxpayers.” “top 1%, or taxpayers with an AGI of $546,434, paid $612 billion in income taxes, and paid 38.8% of all federal...
  134. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Zero to my knowledge. US didn’t have a play in that game. This was about Canada business. Much of this comparison was around a Canadian owned pipeline against US solar farms. Your quote :”The pipeline wasn’t going to receive the funding that the solar power generation industry is receiving...
  135. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    The Government of Alberta invested/funded $1.1B into the Keystone Pipeline XL project. $2.7B was to be funded by TC Energy The remaining $4.2B was to be financed by the Government of Alberta
  136. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Wait, are we proving points to make solar/wind more attractive? I can employ less people? Need less support businesses and less reliance on the great petroleum logistics network? 🧐
  137. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

  138. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Could have been the previous day instead of current day chart I was looking at. 3 charts given on that page. Min load yesterday: Max load yesterday: Main point being a significant reduction in coal and lignite in Tx, which I’m pretty fond of. Don’t have a big issue with NG. Wish we had...
  139. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Or what their sunshine? Going to keyboard me into submission? Wasn’t implicating you or your business practices in anything big shot. Just that we have a pretty significant influx problem that effects certain areas of the country more than others. Pipeline work employees a large amount of...
  140. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    We will send em north anyways, don’t worry they have a SS card and license.
  141. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    There are a number of sources if you care to look. I’m between Dallas and Houston on this map. EDF WAQI TCEQ TDHS also has lagging indicators of higher per capita cancer rates in east and northeast Texas.
  142. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Same here. Solar, Utility and Diesel Backup for the house/shop Utility is served from solar, wind, hydro, battery storage, NG, Coal and Lignite, and Nuclear here. Luckily our Coal and Lignite usage is reducing fast. At peak today ERCOT was 49% solar/wind, 33% NG, 11% Coal and Lignite and...
  143. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    How many more import workers do I need to send north to work on your oil straw? [emoji23] Gates are open!
  144. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    I’ve never claimed eliminate was an option. Reductions in local pollution would be a great benefit for folks like me living in coal/lignite/NG burning country. Wish we had more nuk plants here. Pretty amazing, way out in the country and the air quality here isn’t great due to the ‘clean fossil...
  145. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Global climate agenda aside, is there any doubt that the local pollution would be reduced with the reduction of burning hydrocarbons for power?
  146. B

    Business Leadership/Career Advancement

    My BS meter is screaming. Family PT practices, extremely diligent billing practices and insurances screw up on the regular. BCBS is about the best there is to work with and probably the least of the troubles (but still not great) Medicaid, Medicare, Aetna, United Health Care, Cigna, Humana...
  147. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    That’s approx $1.23/KWh, assume a public charger and somebody is making a killing! That would have cost me about $4.50 at the casa.
  148. B

    IH McCormick Standard WD6 tractor

    It has a PTO, should be able to pull a draw type PTO driven bush hog without much problem.
  149. B

    Bobcat GPS locator killing battery

    Another vote for simple solar charger and panel. Very inexpensive now. My fuel trailer has had a small one to keep the battery charged for years.
  150. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Not sure where you are getting this. There are most definitely differences in panel and inverter manufacturers, efficiencies and degradation over time. My system is way less than ideal because it is roof mounted. Not a perfect angle, not a perfect direction and some shade from tall oaks at...
  151. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Correct, Tx power generation failed due to winterization or design criteria not in line with that type of weather event. AND ERCOT undershot the load estimate, so there weren’t plants lined up to provide the proper output in the first place.
  152. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    The comments on adding to rooftops of buildings. This is becoming more common on new construction. Structure has to be sized to support and the electrical system has to be able to support a large array. Parking lot/garage structures for solar are pretty expensive, but they are becoming more...
  153. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Wind and Solar issues contributed in small part. NG issues contributed in large part Texas does have their own grid, largest producer in the country and largest exporter in the country.
  154. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    I’m guessing it was a 7.5kw array. 30MWh over 3.5yrs seems doable. My 15kW system did 20MWh in the past 12 months.
  155. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation Net positive energy production on new Wells Fargo campus.
  156. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation I heard about this project recently.
  157. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Solar/Wind wasn’t the primary issue with Texas power in the freeze, it was NG. Solar/Wind production expectations are factored in the winter months by ERCOT. I know it doesn’t make good Facebook posts, but had NG stayed alive. Tx would have been fine.
  158. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    This is a stretch. Virtue Signaling is a cool buzz phrase though. No doubt the rich want to keep getting richer, money makes money. Im a big believer in choices. Not casting a wide stroke as it doesn’t fit every situation, but I believe many are content scratching but, cashing their check...
  159. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    I’d agree with the major cause being political/economic/scare COVID based and to a much much smaller fractional degree the push to ‘green’ energy. The ‘green’ push just couldn’t have the kind of impact we have all witnessed over the past 2 years alone. But, yup nearly double in fuel and about...
  160. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Is energy way up since 2020 because of renewables? Or just up with everything else due to overall US economic health? The energy not produced by personal solar at my house is primarily NG (60+% fossil fuel, 20+% solar/wind). That power has gone up significantly. To add to the pain is paying...
  161. B

    Stump Grinder 3pt. baumalight ip24?

    Only 53hp on the PTO. I’d prefer domestic as well, my heart and wallet don’t always agree. Only weak spots I’ve had with this unit are mostly self inflicted, the units are pretty aggressive (somewhat violent), I’ve blown a few cylinder seals that I’ve been able to easily source. Unit cuts...
  162. B

    Stump Grinder 3pt. baumalight ip24?

    I’ve done over 100 stumps on this unit, don’t know how it compares in price. Haven’t rotated the cutting teeth yet. Takes some finesse, but in general does a pretty dang good job. Oak, Ash and Mesquite here mostly. Can feed it to draw the RPMs down on my 6060, but can always take smaller bites...
  163. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Rare we agree, but I’m 1000% with you on that one! [emoji23]
  164. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    About as fair as the thousands of other subsidies/handouts I don’t agree with. But thanks for your contribution. Our shared array produced about 20MWh on my shop roof last year. Thinking of 2nd install this year.
  165. B

    Shipping Container Lock

    I bought a One Trip container a few years back when building my house. Paint, floor, locks, vents, etc all in perfect shape. Was a few hundred more than one that had been beat to death back and forth across oceans. Worked well for me.
  166. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Sounds like an insurance claim to me. If the body shop laid a finger on it, probably their insurance. If not, EV owners insurance. Ever see an ICE engulfed in flames on the side of the road? Insurance covered that.
  167. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Yet it is farmers/ranchers signing up for the leases? Just because some on here aren’t fans, doesn’t mean all landowners aren’t fans.
  168. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Same story for oil and gas. Ever been to Louisiana inter-coastal? Thousands of abandoned wells and thousands of miles pipe laying on the bottom. Laws allow for the property to be transferred to new companies and reset the clock to removal. Others just go ‘bankrupt’ opening under a new name the...
  169. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Then negotiate that in the lease or bond. Or choose to not lease. Land owner’s choice.
  170. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    I meant below, but you are correct for above. All this complaining about farmers and ranchers leasing and making money on their property off evil energy companies. Poor farmers and all that extra money in their pocket. Real shame. [emoji447]
  171. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    0.1 acre for the concrete. Seems like they out the ecosystem back around it.
  172. B


    Right… [emoji23]
  173. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    Utilities should not be reimbursing at total cost. Just generation cost, if this is the intent, then I agree with that part. What does household income have to do with setting base rates though? If they want to do something more fair, they could base the distribution cost on peak demand like...
  174. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    No doubt, believe I referenced that earlier. That is really the only way that battery based systems pencil out. They would not for me, mine is purely net generation at the same rate in vs out.
  175. B

    Gooseneck or bumper pull?

    Each trailer type has their place. My ‘opinion’ is a bit less than Hay Dude, north of 10k, I like the weight better distributed, but legally on a bumper pull can go much more A bummer pull will track better behind you in turns as the hitch connection goes the opposite direction of the turn. Up...
  176. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    Got it, solution - steal from the haves and give it to the have nots, thought that is what i said? 🤷‍♂️
  177. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    Look up trade winds.
  178. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    Just another Robin Hood program… Surely these are the fixed rates, usage is additional (probably at a different rate as well. I hope this fails.
  179. B

    Gooseneck or bumper pull?

    Every one I’ve ever installed (B&W and others) is just FORWARD of centerline. Including factory installed from Ram.
  180. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    Depends on location and power company, I sell mine back for the exact rate I purchase for. Therefore a battery system makes zero sense for me. Negative payback period. For some more complex situations, stored power sold back during peak demand times can pencil out pretty nice with batteries...
  181. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    Winds aren’t taking it to Australia.
  182. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    A vast majority of it does. Does it impact US? Sure to a small extent. Not really different from the pollution centers of America (generally city/industrial centers), does it effect me in East Texas? Sure. But, not like living in the middle of...
  183. B

    another hiccup to going solar?

    My coop’s net metering is decent, really not complaining, my situation works, it could be better. Wholesale power in and out at the same rate, but it won’t go below zero on a bill, if I over produce, the coop gets to enjoy that energy for free. IE not paying for the service I provide. No energy...
  184. B

    Foam filled tire turns inside rim

    I have a foam filled wheelbarrow tire… It is only beneficial for folks that don’t like flats. Many people enjoy flat tires on their equipment for the challenge of keeping the air contained. To each their own. Unless this is a prized machine, I’d drill the rim and use screws, just like drag...
  185. B

    Daughter got new vehicle...finally!

    Hard to beat Toyota/Lexus reliability. Good for them. Nail is a bummer way to start! [emoji23]
  186. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    The recent history: coal from the Powder River Basin was blended into the fuel beginning in 2000.[6] LO-NOx burners were installed in both boilers in 2001 to curtail nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.[6] NOx emissions were reduced again in 2008 with selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) systems...
  187. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Seems to only come close to penciling out with ‘needing’ a roof replacement. Pretty neat product though.
  188. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    I paid $2.00/W ($1.44/W with tax credit) installed for my system in 2021. Quality panels and inverter (Fronius) I’ve seen some other quotes that were absolutely outrageous when compared.
  189. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    And that doesn’t even touch the market value vs production value argument for areas with property tax. Those calculations are terribly outdated in Tx.
  190. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Sure thing, tons better than 50 years ago. Would you consider it clean and not impactful now? Economically, that technology shut a lot of plants down. Close to me a lignite plant survived by adding many round of pollution controls as the EPA tightened its grip. Finally having to mix in Wyoming...
  191. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    But we can agree that none of them are clean, non-impactful, producers correct? What are the categories that would have to be considered for ‘overall impact?’ Human impacts Mining impacts Drilling impacts Seismic impacts Air quality impacts Waterway impacts Animal impacts Atmospheric impacts...
  192. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    Burning fossil fuels = not clean Nuclear = not clean Hydro = not clean Solar = not clean Wind = not clean Tidal = not clean Wood/biomass = not clean Geothermal = not clean *Add the word ‘clean’ in front of any of the above categories = not clean Perhaps we need a new metric [emoji848] Is...
  193. B

    Tractor lots are full

    Best car buying experience I’ve ever had…
  194. B

    Are Southern kids soft?

    We are a society that teaches how to obtain the most from government handouts. I’d venture a large portion of the ‘injuries’ are for the pure purpose of a disability check. Next up food assistance, then housing assistance, then health care assistance, then cell phone assistance, then childcare...
  195. B

    Fighting 'Solar Farm' Installation

    I’d like to have 50% more. This was a good month Many solar farms going up around me. Some taking up good farm land, but apparently not good enough to be better for the owners than solar! Good for them. My in-laws are in negotiations for a solar lease on their 1,000+ acres. Hopefully it...
  196. B

    Debit vs. Credit Cards

    Trying to think of the last time I used cash for anything… sometime in 2022 I imagine, can’t recall what it would have been for though. Only time I’ve seen cash discounts actually worth while are in establishments that are likely not claiming cash sales on their taxes, don’t know this, but if I...