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  1. J

    New L4701

    Ok I've decided on the new L4701 (gear tranny) will be making the purchase in a couple weeks. I am very excited. I thought about the HST but only using it for mowing so I decided I didn't need Hydro. Is there anything you guys can tell me I need to be looking out for any problems you guys have...
  2. J

    Top hours on you're LS!

    Ok guys, I'm still looking for reasons to either buy or not buy an LS 4047, can you post the number of hours on your LS tractor? List any major problems you've had along with the hours. I would love to see high hours with minimal problems. Thanks
  3. J

    Considering LS tractors or not?

    I'm looking at a LS XR4046 (no cab), I've been looking online for reliability issues on these tractors but haven't found many. It seems like maybe they are so new that some people may not be having major issues yet. The pricing on these tractors are in the right ball park, so any help from you...
  4. J

    Anyone know much about LS tractors?

    I'm looking at a LS XR4046 (no cab), I've been looking online for reliability issues on these tractors but haven't found many. It seems like maybe they are so new that some people may not be having major issues yet. The pricing on these tractors are in the right ball park, so any help from...