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Results 1 to 200 of 213
  1. T

    Tar River Safety Question

    I'm looking at a tar river spreader. Seems dangerous to me to have the actuator so close to a spinning shaft. Other spreaders seems to have double the clearance or more. Am I missing something?
  2. T

    Storage of Attachments.

    Guys lots of good ideas! Thanks all. I ended up using my vehicle oil change ramps to get the snowblower high enough to get onto an oversized dolly. I think I am also going to get myself a set of pallet forks for the three point too.
  3. T

    Storage of Attachments.

    The larger wheels are tough. My quick hitch can't pick it up for larger wheels. Maybe strap it to plywood.
  4. T

    Storage of Attachments.

    I'm in a suburban lot, with a 12x12 shed. I have enough attachments that I keep a cheap 12x12 storage unit with seasonal attachments, and make the swap twice a year. I got my system down, uhaul 6x12 with a ramps, everything is on skates. The only issue is my front mounted snowblower. It's a...
  5. T

    Can’t Sell My Bushhog

    It’s sold guys! Awesome advice as always.
  6. T

    Can’t Sell My Bushhog

    I needed a kick I the ass guys, lowered the price, and got a bite! It sounded obvious but I needed to be talked into it. Here are some photos.
  7. T

    Can’t Sell My Bushhog

    Thanks for the comments guys, anyone post on tractor house or similar?
  8. T

    Can’t Sell My Bushhog

    I’ve been trying to sell my 48 inch rotary cutter in suburban NJ. It’s been on Craigslist and Marketplace for 6 months, not even a bite It was too large for my x730 (shocker) Any ideas? My dealer won’t take it. Thanks all.
  9. T

    Where's this Go on a JD X730 or 54" High-Capacity Mower Deck

    Looks like a part to lift the deck, similar to my three point. Does your deck lift?
  10. T

    Opinions BCS 40" sweeper attachment

    Old post here, it I will chime in. I have a 3 dog sweeper on my 770hy. I felt even adjusting the sweeper bristle height, it was a bear to manage. The steering brakes were not as helpful as I would have liked.
  11. T

    Buffalo Turbine

    I'm planning on putting a buffalo turbine on my 1300 pound 2wd tractor. I have enough horsepower, and the implement weight is ok. Is this a good idea? Anything I should be aware of?
  12. T

    Stick Removal

    Thanks everyone! I think I will try the pine needle rake first!
  13. T

    Stick Removal

    I wanted a front broom, but some folks said it wouldn't work. the twigs are small, under 8 inches long for the most part.
  14. T

    Stick Removal

    its over an acre.
  15. T

    Stick Removal

    Thanks for the response guys. I don't think its a bug, it happens all winter. But I never knew that was a thing! I have a landscape rake, but it tears up the lawn I have a flail mower, but the twings are pretty low to the ground, but I like that idea! Maybe the pinestraw rake is a good...
  16. T

    Stick Removal

    I have a bunch of old growth trees that drop hundreds of sticks every wind Storm. I've been picking them up manually with the kids. It's a 4 hour job. I need a better solution, but can't figure the right tool. I'm thinking: Take a used walk behind leaf blower and build an adapter for my...
  17. T

    Help Bending Metal Back

    Just a quick followup. So I tried to bend the metal back. It wouldn’t go. Thanks all, appreciate everyone’s time.
  18. T

    Help Bending Metal Back

    Amazing responses as always. I'm trying to answer, and provide additional info. Yes the bending of the frame impacts the use of the sweeper. The chain hits the chain guard, scoring it. Bristles are getting eaten by the chain. Both arent bent but what they are welded to is. The square tube is...
  19. T

    Help Bending Metal Back

    So I bought a front broom, unfortunately it is bent pretty bad, see attached. What's the best way to Bend it back? Can't use heat, too many pivoting bushings. I was thinking a jack, but I can't figure it out Any thoughts how to bend it back?
  20. T

    PTO Shaft Wont Come Apart

    Thanks all! I got a longer drawbar, that did the trick!
  21. T

    Deere Used 52 Broom Purchase

    I buy all my equipment used, probably north of 12 pieces. And this time I think I made a mistake. I grabbed a Deere 52 inch broom model year 2021, with a 1023 quick hitch and drive shaft for $2,000. It was used in a fleet in north Jersey for snow removal. Not a alot of rust, and the bristles...
  22. T

    Bought a Power Broom - What Do I Use it For?

    I know this is an old thread. I am considering a broom to address sticks in my yard. they are 1/8" to 3/4" diameter and 4" to 12" long. Can a rotary broom move this?
  23. T

    PTO Shaft Wont Come Apart

    Thanks all!
  24. T

    PTO Shaft Wont Come Apart

    Let me preface this that I searched for 15 mins before posting this... I have a new PTO generator. When I brought it home, I went to take the PTO apart to cut it, but when I fully extend the shaft, it stops abruptly. I can't take is apart. There is nothing in the shaft manual about this, can...
  25. T

    Easy Grass to Flail Mower

    Awesome guys, thanks!
  26. T

    Easy Grass to Flail Mower

    I need a reccomendation on a grass seed I live in Northern NJ, the soil is in a wetland in the spring, but wet all year. Full sun. The existing grass is so stringy, it gets caught up even with sharp blades. And grass seed reccomdation that can be cut by a flail, but looks nice.
  27. T

    2nd Opinion on Truck Squat

    Thanks for all the replys, some good thoughts here. I have a curt bluetooth brake controller, so the wired controller isn't needed. the helper bags are a good idea the base lexus doesn't have the air suspension.
  28. T

    2nd Opinion on Truck Squat

    I am buying a new truck. Here are my constraints: I am between a Toyota Tacoma or a Lexus GX. I tow a 5,000 lb boat, 5,000lb dump trailer (single axle), and misc dual axle uhaul trailers, about 4000 lbs I am concerned about the squat on the Lexus GX, can someone give me their thoughts...
  29. T

    Checking x700 hydro fluid with rear PTO

    I had a rear pto installed by a dealer for my x730 They didn't properly vent the PTO assembly, so the oil wasn't properly circulated. Watch this video. I dodged a real bullet, once I vented, my hydro oil went down well past the danger zone.
  30. T

    BCS Snowblower

    I've snowblowed with both BCS and Grillo Machines. This sounds like a shoe adjustment to me. I always had filled ag tires for the snowblower
  31. T

    Air Down While Mowing

  32. T

    Air Down While Mowing

    I have a soggy lot. Ruts are pretty easy to get. I was curious if anyone airs down their turf tires on subcompact sized machines when it t gets soggy while using a mid mount mower. How low do you go? My rears are 26x12x12
  33. T

    Which trailer brand has best paint finish?

    my sure trac trailer paint it 3 years old, and has held up very well. Its a dump trailer too. Certain Cam and Sure tracs are made at the same plant. I heard the landscape trailers are built together.
  34. T

    Looking for Experiences/Thoughts/Opinions on JD X380 and similar X series tractors

    I have a X350 and X730. the steering on the X350 works for me at the property i use it at. I would imagine the larger wheels on the x380 would only help.
  35. T

    New inventory at JD dealers?

    Good Luck in your search! Are you willing to travel? I usually travel up to 300 miles for used tractor parts.
  36. T

    Propane F250

    I worked for the port authority of ny and nj in the early 2000s. My truck was a propane "light duty" F-250. It has a massive tank, and needed to be refilled 6 hours into my shift...
  37. T

    Help Finding a Switch

    This is the switch I'm using. The threads are at 14mm, and the hole is 17mm. I don't have alot to make up. But I'm realizing I can't fit this. The clearance behind the hole is too small. I was hoping to get a marine grade switch, but my clearance inbthe back would very tough. Would I need a...
  38. T

    2x4 Snowblowing

    thats a good idea to lift the machine to put the chains on. Thats fair that i change my approach. Honestly, I was struggling getting up the driveway with the blower lifted!
  39. T

    2x4 Snowblowing

    I have a new to me Deere x730 (2wd, 1000 lbs), with a front 47 snowblower. I used it in about 5 inches if snow this weekend. It was ok on the flat, but my slight incline (3 ft rise over 15 ft) it was a mess. I need three options (but are open to others): 1. Weight (I have no three point, and...
  40. T

    Help Finding a Switch

    thanks for the replys. I have a few options being mail to my house, i will send pics. I did my Mcmaster and grainger.
  41. T

    Help Finding a Switch

    Very Good Point to make a harness out of jumpers.Thanks! Im thinking a rubber washer from lowes, any other washer suggestions?
  42. T

    Help Finding a Switch

    I have a tractor project, and I need a high quality toggle switch for my dash. But the switch needs to fit into a 17 mm hole in the dash, and fit a wiring harness that can accept spades that are 9 mm apart. I've looked for an hour and can't find anything. Thanks in Advance!
  43. T

    Keeping Front PTO Mounted

    thanks guys!
  44. T

    Keeping Front PTO Mounted

    pulling a cart of wood is my only activity. I jacked the tractor to triple check clearance, and I seem good. But i don't know if I am missing something.
  45. T

    Keeping Front PTO Mounted

    I am shocked that I can't find this answer on the internet. I have an x730, of course 2WD. Can I keep the 2000 RPM drive shaft for the snowblower on all winter? Other than clearance issues, I can't think of any reason why i wouldn't keep it on. Am i missing anything?
  46. T

    Broom Discounts

    Hi, I just bought a x730, and I want a 52 Broom. I am in NJ, and reach out to dealers in NJ, NY, and NH, and I am being quoted MSRP and over MSRP. In this environment, are the brooms in high demand (other than its snow season)? Should I be expecting an 8 percent discount? Or am I out of touch?
  47. T

    First heavy tow with a BCS 770

    I’ve had my BCS 770 for about 18 months now. Today I needed to move a rented log splitter throughout my property. I mounted a drawbar on my first Generation eartthtools power barrow, and it worked awesome. The transmission didn’t whine at all towing the 700 plus pound splitter though wet grass...
  48. T

    BCS Power Cradle Leaking

    The unit was filled to the max. Nearly no air in the case.
  49. T

    BCS Power Cradle Leaking

    Does anyone else's power cradle leak oil. Mine was overfilled by my dealer, I ran it for about 5 hours, until I realized it was overfilled.
  50. T

    Show me your mods

    So after using the 38 inch mower with the chutes taped shut for two cuttings, I can say it doesn't work. It leaves a strip of grass behind that happens to settle right where the front caster went.
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    Commercial Walk Behind Tire Lifespan

    Thanks guys! I have plenty of 150 ft strait runs, but I also have a few obstacles.
  52. T

    Commercial Walk Behind Tire Lifespan

    I am curious how long a 48 in commerical walk behind mower rear tires will last. I have a similar sized machine, that makes similar turns. I would like to foam the tires, but I would like the Carisles to last a while.
  53. T

    Show me your mods

    I have a 38 inch mower, I dont like the side discharge, or the bag. So I blocked off the chutes with Masonite and tape, the mower is a decent mulching mower.
  54. T

    No PTO electro clutch engagement

    Try the lawn and garden sub forum here. best of luck!
  55. T

    X350 Series Deck Delete, upgrade to 54 inch deck

    they did increase the HP in the x350 this year. I’m just trying to save some money. There are folks that put 42 inch mowers on x570 so I think it would work, but I would like some opinions. Thanks for the responses
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    X350 Series Deck Delete, upgrade to 54 inch deck

    Can I order an x350 with a deck delete and buy a 54 inch deck separately? Would it work?
  57. T

    Super Duty Lead Times

    Inline build price was $49k. I wanted a tried and true engine hense the 6.2
  58. T

    Secure a Deere x300 Series in a Pickup

    I need a good way to secure a Deere x350 in the back of a 2021 Ranger with the short bed. the tie down are in front of the wheels by alot. Any ideas or photos? Also, storing the ramps themselves are hard. Thanks!
  59. T

    Bcs 740 powersafe first run-in

    Thanks for keeping this thread going. Very interesting.
  60. T

    Del Morino mower finally broke

    Brakes don’t turn it fast enough, the skids get caught on the brush. A caster would be nice instead of skids.
  61. T

    How Much Does Quality Cost? Looking at the BCS System

    That's an interesting analysis, and makes me feel better spending all the money on my BCS stuff! The BCS transmission warranty is a huge plus for me.
  62. T

    Del Morino mower finally broke

    1000 hours of brushhogging! that impressive, both for the machine, and for you. Im not to impressed with my BCS bushhog. It brutal to turn with my BCS 770. I really have to manhandle it.
  63. T

    Del Morino mower finally broke

    Brush Mowers do live a tough life. How many hours would you estimate? What were you cutting?
  64. T

    Craigslist finds 7/2021

    I found these interesting items on craigslist. A PTO spreader, and a sprayer. Prices seeem good. In PA...
  65. T

    Super Duty Lead Times

    Yep, I still have my 5x8 5000# dump trailer... i tows it behind the wife's 2020 Blazer these days.
  66. T

    Super Duty Lead Times

    12 weeks after placing my order I was notified by the dealer that the order was bumped. Im pretty mad to wait this long and have nothing. Any thoughts on what I should do, should i put the order in again? Should i call ford direct?
  67. T

    Oil Dilution

    Yes its direct injection. I am trying to balance better quality oil vs my frequent changes with just any synthetic. Short trips aren't my issues, but I drive into Manhattan everyday, so think its the idling.
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    Oil Dilution

    I have a 2018 Honda Accord with the 1.5L Turbo just at 25,000 mi. I just got back an oil test, fuel dilution is at 4.4 percent. I changed the oil (mobile 1) at about 80 percent of the oil life, or about 5,000 miles. I just put the Amsoil XL in it, and bought Amsoil Signature for the next...
  69. T

    Ethanol free gas?

    that website is the best.. It was a game changer when they added the map feature.
  70. T

    Question regarding funnels for different type of oil

    I have a funnel buddy, and keep a small funnel inside the funnel buddy. Everything drips to the bottom, and they are always dust free. Best purchase I’ve made for my oil management.
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    PT 180

    the french drain project is a multi year project for sure. im going to add more every year until i find something that works. this was my math PT 180 1260# plus me at 225# plus fuel 40# equals 1525# The tires are 8.5 inches wide and a radius of 11.5 inches. for an area of 97.75 assuming the...
  72. T

    Snow Equipment Owning/Operating Pictures of your snow weapons

    My BCS 770 HY with the sweeper attachment. The sweeper is 28 years old. I found is gem on craigslist.
  73. T

    PT 180

    My issue is how soggy my lot is. I cut lawns for years, and my lot is the soggiest ive seen. i have some new french drains, but still way too wet. the only two machines that don't rut mt lawn are my bcs 770 with turf tires, and a tracked mini skid, like a toro dingo.
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    PT 180

    Good point about the duals. But I would like to explore the largest tires I could fit on that machine. Any recommendations?
  75. T

    PT 180

    If there is no third function frontage grapple, how do they run the mower?
  76. T

    PT 180

    I need a second machine to complement my BCS 770, and I'm interested in a PT180. Going through this forum its impressive how many hours you guys run on these machines. I am looking to run the machine about 30 hours per year. I have an acre of grass, and many wooded acres. I am looking to...
  77. T

    Super Duty Lead Times

    On Saturday I put an order in for a F250 CC 4x4 XL, I customized it for my specific needs. The dealers in NJ where quoting lead times of 12 plus weeks. The Virginia dealer was quoting 4 weeks, and they beat the price by $1,800. Does anyone know actual lead times of these trucks in the current...
  78. T

    Pressure Washer Heated Storage

    I have a small PTO powered pressure washer. I want to use it in winter, but my garage gets close the freezing often. I thought about having a 100 watt bulb in a small insulated wooden box. But I am not sure that would work. Any other ideas.
  79. T

    Pressure Washer Use in Winter

    I am interested in using my pressure washer this winter. I usually winterize it. Here in NJ my attached garage gets in the mid 30s often. Has anyone built something to keep their pressure washer heated, instead of heating the entire garage?
  80. T

    Tuff Torq KHS Drives

    I have a machine with a Tuff Torq KHS drive, specifically this one. KHS-13 - Tuff Torq Corporation I plan on using the machine for 48 hours strait, but I am concerned that the unit isn't built for that duty cycle. Anyone know what these drives are used for? Tuff Torq says these are light...
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    chain performace

    this guy does an amazing job with every test he does. This time the was testing several chainsaw chains. not surprising the chinese brands did do well. Which Chainsaw Chain Brand is Best? Let's find out! Stihl vs Oregon, Husqvarna, Carlton, Forester - YouTube
  82. T

    Too Many Snow Weapons???

    I am in the process of selling my two year old honda tracked snowblower, and already got a tractor snowblower and snowplow. I have a 200 ft driveway. I came across a sweeper for a song... $400, and bought it. But now I have three attachments for snow, and I only live in northern New Jersey...
  83. T

    Auger Adapter

    I have a general brand one man auger. I bought it used from a home depot rental location. I would like to use it for ice fishing this year, but my auger shaft outer diameter is 1 inch, and the ice auger inter diameter is 3/4". i cant seem to find and adapters online, and recommendations?
  84. T

    New Leftover MS241

    Hi, I saw a new Stihl MS 241, at a Runnings in Hinsdale, NH. SInce they were discontinued years ago, they are hard to come by. Hope this helps someone.
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    BCS 38 Inch Mower

    I have a rough pasture, with alot of grasses (3 ft high) hardwood brush (1/8 " thick max 2 ft high) I also have a finished lawn. Would a BCS 38 inch mower (without the bagger) be able to take this on?
  86. T

    Chippers Left Outside

    I have a PTO chipper that's too big for my storage. Any issues leaving a PTO chipper outside? Anything I should be aware of. I really don't have any options.
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    light for a small engine

    i have a honda gx 390 electric start engine, and would light to add a working light. i looked at the specs and cant figure out the largest led light that i can fit on that unit. any ideas?
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    Light for GX390

    I have a GX390 electric start powered tractor. I am interested in seeing folks headlight setup on two wheel tractors. I tried to google image search it, and also searched the forum to no avail.
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    Napa Prices

    I usually dont shop at Napa, but i needed tractor hydraulic oil, a special zerk, which i didnt know the size for, and a bunch of other items. I live in NJ, so its difficult to find these items. My local "independent" Napa would not honor their online pricing, i had to buy it online, and come...
  90. T

    replace grease tip with lock and lube

    i have a new milwaukee m12 grease gun, i tried to replace the stock tip to a lock and lube, but can get the stock tip off. i tried a my bench vise, but no luck, and ideas?
  91. T

    Dump Trailer for SUV - 5 or 6 foot and other considerations

    Thats a fair response. My need of 8 footers depends on the project, i buy alot of masonite, something that i would rather keep flat. Rarely do i need 8 ft sheets, so i perfer to cut it . I find it easier to cut, than to deal with tying it down. I have a pretty complete etrack system in my...
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    battery charger

    I am looking for a good battery charger. Here is what I am looking to do. 1. Charge my dump trailer quickly while loading, before I make it back to the dump. 2. Keep my tractor charged when turn it on and off several times 3. Charge Boat Batteries I rarely need to use it as a starter. I...
  93. T

    Best Chain Option for a Specialty Tractor.

    I have had Italian two wheel tractors for years. They are tough machines, but I am tired of swapping tires. I would like to get a good set of chains for my machine. Sorry I cant upload a photo from my phone, but it looks like this. Google Image Result for...
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    Navigating Forum

    Hi, ive been a member for well over a decade, but i never figured out how to do two things. 1. Is there a way to only see certain forums on a "home screen" I really don't need grey market tractors, and other smaller brands? 2. Is there a way to "subscribe" to a post, so your always brought to...
  95. T

    Tying Down a BCS Tractor

    When transporting a BCS on a trailer, how does everyone tie down the engine side of the unit. I used to tie to the engines protective bar. But that bar is attached to the engine, which is then attached to the tractor. And Im not sure that it is strong enough. Any better ideas?
  96. T

    Logging arch

    Anyone ever use a logging arch like this with their two wheel tractor? ??????? ??? ?????????. - YouTube
  97. T

    Stihl Kombi Vibration

    I have a Stihl KM 131 that is 2 years old and has about 50 hours on it, but it is out of warranty. It vibrates so bad that my hands hurt for days. 3 days later and the tips of my fingers are a little numb, even with the anti vibration gloves. I finally put the machine it down for good, until...
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    Portable Dump Trailer Jack

    My SUV jack cant pickup my loaded dump trailer. What do you guys use for a portable trailer jack for use on the road? How do you store it ?
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    Harbor Freight Jack Stand Recall

    Harbor Freight Jack Stands Recalled for Risk of Collapsing I have a pair of small ones, but I never trust them for a big job
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    Ground PSI

    I have a very soggy lot. I'm trying to figure out the machines with the least amount of ground pressure. I have an acre of grass. I am considering an x350, x380 and a x570. I was assuming 60/40 split of the weight of the machines before accounting for the operator, but I'm not sure if that's...
  101. T

    Air Compressor Fittings.

    I have two different npt 1/4 inch fittings for my air compressor. But they don't seem to be interchangeable. The one with a thicker collar needs to be forced a little more. What is the different name of these two fittings? Since I am in quarantine, I need to buy them online.
  102. T

    Generator too heavy for my dad.

    My dad had an old 5500 watt manual start generator. He struggled start it and cant fill it with 5 gallon gas cans. So we got a 9000 winco tri fuel. We got it delivered yesterday. And with the wheel kit it is too heavy for him. He needs to roll it 20 ft. I put it on a moving dolly, and he...
  103. T

    Garage Lighting

    I have florescent garage lighting, 2 two bulbs 4 footers. It's not bright enough. I am looking at these from northern tool, adjustable between 30000 to 10000 lumens. Thoughts? Any other suggestions?
  104. T

    "New Saw" that's 5 years old

    So I bought a new MS241. I knew it was a leftover, since it is discontinued. But I just realized the saw was made 7/2015! That's nearly 5 years sitting on a shelf. I contacted stihl, and initially I was taken back by their indifference. I'm a lifelong stihl guy, but I am pissed. Thoughts? Am...
  105. T

    Self Propelled Dump Trailer

    Never even heard of anything like this before. Sure its a little small, and its for a niche market, but wow what a good idea for the right application. Axis Corporation Self-Propelled Dump Trailer Operation Video - YouTube
  106. T

    Second saw

    I have a STIHL ms 362 mtronic and love it. I cut about 4 cords per year with it. I was limbing this weekend, and wow my back took a beating. I am considering a second saw. I tried not to, but I don稚 have a choice. I am looking at a MS 194 ce. The rear handle. Since I知 tall, I will get the 16...
  107. T

    Considering First Non Differential Tractor.

    I have had larger BCSs in the past, and recently a Grillo 107d. They are just too large for my wife to handle. She wants a small machine. She likes the 710 or 718 for tilling and cultivating, but I am concerned It is too small and the non-differential would make my tasks too difficult. The 16...
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    BCS 770 Hydro

    I came across a BCS 770, a hydro unit that can run attachments in the front and rear pto bcs 77 - Google Search
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    Burnt Clutch on a 107d

    Yesterday I can distracted, and left my tractor in gear for about 3 minutes, the tractor started moving, and you smelled the clutch burning. Is this the end for this clutch?
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    stihl 131 vibration

    Hi, I am a pretty young guy at 36. I have a Stihl km 131 that vibrates so bad, it really hurts my hand. I have a harness, but it doesnt work for every tool. My hands are really bothering me. I also purchased some anti vibration gloves, but it didn't seem to help. Any ideas? Could it be...
  111. T

    Gravely Items for sale in NJ

    I'm not selling, but came across it. Walk behind Gravely Tractors and attachments - farm & garden - by owner - sale
  112. T

    Trailer Paint and Rust

    Who really is happy with how their trailer or dump trailer paint has held up? Seems like all complaints.
  113. T

    Electric Brakes

    So I've been looking hard my first dump trailer, but I am unsure about brakes. I am considering a brake less 3000 lb or a 5000 lb with brakes. How much maintenance are electric brakes? Also, we lease out SUVs, so my tow vehicle will be changing. I am fearful of the expense of new brake...
  114. T

    Tiny Dump Trailers Sure Trac Utility Dump

    I need trailer, but our SUV only tows 5000 lbs, and i need something compact in size to fit in the barn, and its pretty soggy back there. I will tow yard debris (less than 2000 lbs), some lumber (less than 1000#) , fire wood (only about half a cord) and maybe stone once every 4 years or so to...
  115. T

    Heavy Duty 4x6 Utility Trailer

    We need a small utility trailer that we can easily store on a project site in New Jersey. A 4x6 trailer would be perfect, but we need it to have a GVW of 3000 lbs along with solid sides. I saw two 219 Eagle Trailer Falcon 4x6 Utility Trailer | Olympic Trailer | PJ and Cargo Mate flatbed and...
  116. T

    Moving a Utility Trailer with a 2 wheel tractor

    I need to store a 1000 lbs trailer off the driveway, and want to push and pull it with a 107d. Its relitively flat, but rough enough that I can't do it myself. Any one have any experience? I would fill the tires. thx
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    Turf Tires

    Why are the turf tires so expensive for my grillo? I really am looking for a more cost effective option. Golf cart tires don't work, regular turf wheels don't either
  118. T

    Leaf Collection with your Walk Behind

    Who collects leaves with a walk behind tractor? The obvious answers are: Rotary Sweeper Pull Behind sweeper BCS 38 inch mower I would consider a trac vac Trac-Vac 47 Walk Behind Leaf Collection Vacuum But I am curious if anyone else has a better idea.
  119. T

    Gravely Rebadged

    Looks like gravely is at it again selling rebadged rapids. This one is rubber band run and has hydros your find on a zero turn at tractor supply. Just awful. Single-axle walk-behind tractors - Rapid Technic AG Gravely's YouTube site really makes it seem that they built it themselves.
  120. T

    Dog Barking on Tractor

    So this is going to sound crazy. My dog barks non stop when I ride my tractor. He is new, and barks from either inside the house, or outside the house. Any ideas how to train him to stop barking at the tractor. It drives my wife nuts.
  121. T

    Parts Availability in Years

    If your keeping a tractor for 30 plus years, are you concerned about parts availability? A friend of mine is considering: Deere 1023e, built by Deere (finally) Kubota BX 2370, built by Kubota Massey GC1705, by Iseki Kioti CS, don't know who build them. Any thoughts on the how long...
  122. T

    Rubber Band Commerical Two Wheel Tractor

    I came across these units. Welcome to TURF TEQ - Professional Grounds Care Equipment I wouldn't buy one over my Grillo and BCS units, but the edger is really helpful. Power Edger - Professional Grounds Care Equipment - Turf Teq Has anyone found an edger for BCS/ Grillo?
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    2015 Foreman VS Rancher

    I am considering buying either a foreman or a 4x4 rancher. The price difference is $300. It seems like a no brainier since the foreman has 50cc more and differential lock, but I thought I would run it past the TBN... I would be trail riding 80 percent of the time and working 20 percent.
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    Farm Dirt Bikes

    While search for a dual sport motorcycle, I came across this. Great way to get yourself around, as long as you don't have gear.
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    Removing Grillo Handles

    How easy it is to remove the handles and arm to a grillo 107d? And pointers? We are looking to store it in a tight space. Thx.
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    Newer Air Cooled Diesels Under 10 HP

    Does anyone have a newer Kohler, Yanmar, Hatz air cooled diesel under 10 hp. How do you like them? How are they in the cold?
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    Remote Hobby Farm

    So I moved around extensively for work. Now we are settled in a home were a small hobby farm is out of the question. I have a friend with some land 1.5 hours away. It's in a medium deer area. Is this feasible if I can old make it up there once every week?
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    Rescia Giulio Snowblower

    With winter coming to an end, I'm sure nobody is thinking snow blowers anymore, but does anyone have experience with Rescia Giuliano snow blowers? Their website is garbage, and there is very little info on the Web. Anybody know the intake height of these units? How does the chain drive hold up?
  129. T

    Mesh vs Wood Floor

    I am considering a small 4x6 utility trailer again. I am looking at two carry on models. One has a wood floor and the other a mesh floor. Other than sound and damage to the load , what's the advantage of the wood floor? My wife will be towing with her honda civic , which is rated at 1000 lbs...
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    honda cyclone air cleaner experience

    Does anyone have experience with honda cyclone air cleaners on the air cooled Honda GX engines? Positives? Negatives? Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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    Legit Box Blade

    If anyone is looking for a legit box blade for their two wheel tractor, I came across this. It's not on their website though, but interesting. It seems a lot better than a blade with ends on it. Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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    Carb Icing

    I've heard about carb icing. Has anyone heard of icing issues with the Honda gx engines? Is there anyway to reduce the chances. I've read about carb heaters in planes, but nothing for small engines. Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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    BCS dual wheel weight setup: liquid filled or solid tires?

    Here is a pic of my setup. I have the generator installed here. One issue with this setup is ground clearance suffers since the wheels are so far apart.
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    ATVs, UTV's, Bicycles??!??

    ATVs and UTVs are incredibly useful machines. Heck my Kawasaki ATV has brought me to places unaccessible with any other mode of transportation, other than hiking. But I have come across these fat bikes. Its a mountain bike with super wide tires, some of which are over 4" wide. People are using...
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    Bi Speed Turning

    This is pretty cool. It would make a big difference to small acerage buyers. Kubota UK Im sure it will never make it to the US. New Holland had something similar in large tractors only.
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    Cub Cadet XT3

    What tuff Torq Transmission is in the XT3? I couldn't find it on the web?
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    Leaf Removal

    Whats your favorite attachment for getting rid of leaves?
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    Help with Contracting

    My buddy has 30 acres of pasture (50 ac total) near Cooperstown NY. It's a family vacation house and he hates cutting. His friend has other 20 acre pasture across the street. If he contracts out is land to be harvested, how much can he expect to make? How many cuts per year? He is a little...
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    Roller Pumps

    I would like to use a roller pump for light dewatering. I would use a strainer to keep the water going in as clean as possible. If needed I could wrap filter fabric around the strainer to ensure the water is clear. I may use the pump 3 hours per year max, and can't see buying a gas pump or...
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    Honda GX340

    Have a Honda GX340 horizontal engine. The rule of thumb is an air cooled gas engine should last 1500 hours. How many hours are people getting out of their GX engines? With good maintenance of course...
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    2x4 UTV Kawasaki Mule 4000

    We are considering purchasing a Mule 4000 2x4 for work. It will be on grass 99 percent of the time. It may do some light snow removal, less than 6 inches. Could a 2x4 do this? I need a gasser since we have gas on site and EFI.
  142. T

    World Mower

    Does anyone have experience with world mowers? Walk Behinds | Worldlawn Power Equipment, Inc.Worldlawn Power Equipment, Inc. Their 32 inch mower with electric start and a Kawasaki is for sale near me for $1900 new. That is $1700 less than the scag 36 inch.
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    Honda Tracked Snowblower

    We are in the market for a small Honda tracked snowblower. All of the reviews I've read have been good. Does anyone have some drawbacks to a tracked blower? We will be blowing a very small lot. 150' x 50'. The ground is paved but a little rough in spots. So I was planning on using the high...
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    Regent EX Transmission

    Does the Regent have a serviceable transmission? Or is it sealed like the Deere? Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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    Nearly Stolen 107d

    We kept our 107d chained at a jobsite for the past year. Last night someone attempted to steal it. They where unable to move it, but they ruined every cable while turning the handlebars. I need to find the manual, but does anyone know if it goes through how to change the cables. The unit is...
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    lawn cart

    Does anyone have experience with thus lawn cart from Brinly Hardy? Any other recommendations under $200?
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    Honda Tractor for sale

    I'm not a Honda guy, but came across this. Hope it helps someone
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    Small heavy duty trailer

    I love having plenty of trailer as much as the next guy, but I want something small to tow behind my wife's honda civic. I have seen trailers from both red and harbor freight. But they don't seem tough enough. She will be towing 100 miles every month or so. Here are the specs...
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    Grillo 107d PTO Generator

    We received our Earthtools PTO generator Friday and love it already after 3 hours. We need a highly portable generator that only sees use every month. As we use the tractor daily, it is great to know the generator engine isn't sitting around. It looked flimsy on the website, but it is very...
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    Quick reverse

    Are there any quick reverse options for a 107d?
  151. T

    2014 New York Farm Show

    I don't see BCS on the exhibitor list. Will they have a few machines?
  152. T

    Grillo 107d Diesel

    I may be purchasing a second 107d. I will be running the machine close to 700 hours per year for 2 years. Does anyone has experience with the 8 hp lombardini that earthtools has? Also, I don't see a 8 hp on the kohler website. Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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    Lets see your machines...

    I use my 107d as a pusher and a wheelbarrow only. I have never used the PTO.
  154. T

    Interesting use of a walkbehind

    Found this tonight. It looked interesting. Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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    Snowblower on a BCS 710

    Does anyone have experience with a snowblower on a new 710? Earthtools and BCS doesn't recommend it, but I'm curious what the small unit can do Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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    Generator Forum

    It would be great to have a generator section on this forum. Good job guys.
  157. T

    Snow Let's see your snow removal equipment

    In addition to our 2 stage blower, we have this for light snows and clean ups. I tried it once and it did great.
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    Snow Equipment Owning/Operating  Ariens AX Engines

    Does anyone have first hand experience with ariens AX engines by LCT? I've found some good and some bad things about them on the net. Ariens has been using them for 5 years now. Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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    Grillo 107d Brake Options

    I don't like the brake ergonomics on my 107d. I came across this photo on TBN, are the two black knobs on the handlebar added brake levers? Thanks in advance for your help. Sent...
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    Dealer  New Gators?

    I posted in the UTV section and got crickets. I went to buy a gator TS three days ago. The dealer mentioned that they can't get any gators since the factory is retooling for all new models. Is this true? Details?
  161. T

    New Gators

    Tried to order a Gator TS today and was told no orders can be made until factory retools, for some new models. Does anyone have details? Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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    Largest Headlight on a 107d

    I need to install a headlight on a Grillo 107d. What is the largest wattage I can install and not drain the battery?
  163. T

    silt fence installer

    Does anyone have experiance with a silt fence installer in a three point hitch. I want to pull one with a sub compact.
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    Pricing on Grillo 107d

    I called earth tools for a quote on a 107d electric start. Do people get prices lower than the quoted prices online? Sent from my iPad using TractorByNet
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    G85 or 710 as a Pusher

    At work we need a cheap pusher for 400 carts on gravel. Can I get away with a 710 or G85? We have a 852 that will be doing "other things"
  166. T

    Light Towers

    How many hours can you expect from a diesel light tower. The rental houses sell them between 2000 and 3000 hours. However the small 7 kva wisperwatt generators they sell after 25, 000 hours.
  167. T

    fence options

    We are going to install a modest light gauge wire fence. When I checked out the tractor supply website they didn't show any plastic coated fence, only galvi. Does anyone know the difference between galvi and plastic coated as far as longevity?
  168. T

    Help establishing a slope

    We have had a spot that has gotten no sunlight for years due to massive trees. We finally cut the trees down, but we cant seem to establish grass. The slope is 35 degrees or so, and every rain storm the seed is swept away. We tried straw to hold it all in place. Any other suggestions?
  169. T

    Great New Videos on Youtube

    There are some great new videos of BCS tractors on youtube. They seem to be added in the past month or so. There is a great video of a 852 with tracks. I cant attach a link on this mobile app.
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    Christmas Tree Tractor

    I came across this on craiglist, and thought I would share. 1953 International Super C Tractor
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    Subaru Brand Generators

    Does anyone have any experience with subaru brand generators? It seem that everyone is making them these days, but I am curious about the quality. I have owned their engines in the past, and they have treated me well.
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    Interstate Trailers

    Does anyone have experience with Interstate cargo trailers? I am looking at a 5x8.
  173. T

    Maine Trailer Registration

    I am looking into registering my 24 foot 7700 lb trailer in Maine. I found a couple great websites with info. I live in downstate NY and am looking for any negatives on this. As it stands I can save $100 per year, plus 70 bucks upfront. Anybody have any info
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    BCS Tracks

    What happened to the BCS tracks? Are they still available outside the US? I am more curious than anything. A link below has a little info, and a photo. Accessories
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    Tri Fuel Generators

    First, I hope I am putting this post in the right spot. I need a new portable generator, due to the length of outages, and the need to move the unit, I am considering a Winco Tri Fuel generator. Does anyone have experience with these units?
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    Used BCS

    I know used BCS machines are tough to come by, but Theros equipment outside DC sells quite a few. Of course they are all previously rented units.
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    Shade Tolerant Grass

    My father in law has heavy tree cover, and his lawn has never been great. What seed suggestions would anyone have for New York? We don't get a lot of rain. I looked this up online and found little that helped me for northern states. Thanks in advance
  178. T

    Transmission 5252

    What brand / model of transmission does a 5252 have?
  179. T

    Snowmobile Suggestions

    I am considering purchasing my first snowmobile. I never realized how many trails there are close to New York City. I am considering a Yamaha Venture touring sled, 2 stroke. Any suggestions for buying a used sled? I have done some research online, but I trust the opinions here. I wish I...
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    Monster Walk Behind

    Check out this Monster Walk Behind. Microtratores ou Motocultivadores Tramontini - Torck Tratores - YouTube
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    Comparison  Mahindra volume dealer

    Are there any mahindra volume dealers out there? I am looking for a comparison for the price of a max 22.
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    BCS Prices

    I am surprised that BCS had another 10 percent price increase this year. What's going on? Is demand increasing? We run them at work, but if these prices continue to go up, we need to look at other options. What do you guys think? Are the prices too high for you? What did I gravely cost back...
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    x495 PTO HP

    What is the PTO HP of x495?
  184. T

    Awful Experience at Best Buy

    I went to return something at Best Buy today with out a receipt. They wouldn't take it back for store credit. Their new policy is no receipt, you get nothing. This is the last time I will shop there. Am I right here? Do you agree this is?
  185. T

    Best Farm show for CUTs and Sub CUTs

    I am looking for a good farm show for CUTs, Sub CUTs, and implements. I am willing to travel up to 4 hours from NYC area. Any suggestions?
  186. T

    Diesel Cars

    There seem to be more diesel cars now than ever. Unfortunately, many are premium brands such as mercedes, bmw, and audi. Who has never diesel cars? What do you have, would you buy another, has reliable has the car been other than the engine. We had a 77 Mercedes diesel that we ran for...
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    Going Price for an LS J2020H

    What's the going price for a J2020H? No loader no valves. Thanks
  188. T

    Post Hole Digger

    I know that gravely made post hole diggers back in the day, does anyone make them for today's walk behinds?
  189. T

    "Private" Gas Station in New York

    I went to Costco today and saw a sign that anyone can buy gasoline there, The station is in NY. Other Costco's l've been to in other states don't allow non-members. Is there a law about "private" fuel stations in NY? Can we get fuel from places that are off the beaten track? Maybe at a...
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    Honda iGX Motors

    What's the deal with the iGX motors. Has anyone used one? Do you need to "program" the engine for the application? Would they work for a two wheel tractor? Which will use different attachments.
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    Extended Fuel Tank

    How many hours does the 852 last with the standard fuel tank when mowing? Are there any extended fuel tank options?
  192. T

    Diesel Engine Opinions

    I am looking at a BCS diesel from earthtools (852). From what I see about these diesels they seem to be a pain. Oil level, terrain, fuel filters, engine priming all seems like a lot of work. Is the fuel savings, lifespan, and power worth it? I will be running the machine 200 hours per...
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    Tractor Sizing  Smallest New Holland with Supersteer

    I am very impressed with the supersteer system. What is the smallest frame with supersteer as an option? I would consider new or used. Thanks in advance
  194. T

    itorque engines

    What's the deal with the Deere itorque engines? For example in the x300 or x500 series? Are they just standard Kawasaki's, with a Deere sticker? They say have have "lugging ability", but I don't buy it. How long can one expect from one in hours? 1500 hours like a normal air cooled engine...
  195. T

    Convert Generator to NG and Electric Start

    My dad has a Briggs and Straton Generator. It has no frills, but gets the job done. It has about 150 hours on it in 8 years. He can't pull start it anymore, can a shop add electric start? In the northeast power outages rarely take out natural gas. I know he would like the generator to run...
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    keeping a truck on the driveway

    I will not be using my 06 Toyota Tacoma for nearly 3 months. I have put fuel stabilizer in it. What else, if anything, should I do? Would it be best to run it weekly?
  197. T

    Bearing Grease

    I have a boat trailer, yesterday i noticed that the grease was escaping and was all over the inside of the wheel and tire. I dont have alot of experiance with trailers. I checked the ez loader website and got a blow up picture. Is this something i can fix myself? Are there any tutorials online...
  198. T

    BCS Diesel

    I hear from a dealer yesterday that BCS is coming out with an air cooled yanmar diesel next year for the 8XX. If you check the Yanmar website the largest EPA certified engine is 8 hp. How many people would need an air cooled diesel? How long do they run? What would you guys buy?
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    I need a tarp that is 20 x 12 to cover a boat... I go through the poly ones quite often. Any suggestions on fabrics and a place to buy online? Thanks Guys
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    Boating Forum Like TBN

    I would like to find a boating and Fishing forum similar to TBN, I am having a real rough time finding one... anybody have any?