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Results 1 to 200 of 1149
  1. L

    What is this white stuff???

    Looks like we got about 7". It quit just around noon.
  2. L

    What is this white stuff???

    This is very abnormal around here... especially this early in the winter.
  3. L

    Operating a Diesel Truck in the Winter

    This is about what I thought. The tank was just about empty so the sensor/ float would not have been submerged in the heated DEF so it probably took a bit for the new fluid to thaw it out enough to register. That is why I was wondering if there was anything special I needed to do. I was not...
  4. L

    Operating a Diesel Truck in the Winter

    I love the 10 speed in this thing. But it's got so much power that once it gets up to speed it takes a BIG grade to get it to downshift. I don't put any strain on it with the little weight I haul.
  5. L

    Operating a Diesel Truck in the Winter

    It's a 2023 Duramax. I have been using 15W40 Rotella T6 for oil.
  6. L

    Operating a Diesel Truck in the Winter

    Well... I'm new to modern diesel truck ownership. This will be my first winter where I feel like I'm going to end up in the cold with one. I live in Arkansas so I'm not sure if we have winter blend fuel or not. I also don't have any idea about the exhaust fluid in the winter. I haul on the side...
  7. L

    Fun tourist trap in Western NC

    I bet he's talking about the Durango-Silverton train. I'm planning on doing that in the next few years.
  8. L

    Joining a "trim board" to a “stud”?

    The strength should come from the header and uprights also being fastened to the building along the length of the boards.
  9. L

    Joining a "trim board" to a “stud”?

    If you are just wanting them connected without anything on the face or the back you could use strong tie angles. You could put them on top and bottom of your header and on the side of the upright.
  10. L

    2022 Outlander Max 6x6

    Sometimes lighter weight areas are engineered as sort of "sacrificial" components to keep more expensive and harder to access parts from being damaged. Sounds like ArlyA understands what happened.
  11. L

    Propane tankless water heater

    I have had my Navien propane tankless for just under a year now. I love it. It is a new house so I had no previous experience with how long a normal wait should be for hot water. So i have no idea if it takes longer, it may, but not enough that i have even ever even considered it. Mine is...
  12. L

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    Hay rake into a windrow then loader bucket into dump truck? Or can you set you tedder to fling it one direction to disperse it far enough that you don't have to pick it up?
  13. L

    I got a dump truck! How does it work?

    I was lucky that I was able to find tires that were already mounted on rims. I just pulled off the old rims and put on the ones with the better tires. I was quoted $300 for one tire to be changed on site and I ended up spending $100 each for a set of 4 already mounted for the rear.
  14. L

    I got a dump truck! How does it work?

    On the one the dump cylinder is also the reservoir. Earlier in the thread I posted a picture of when I lifted the bed with the excavator to get to it to add oil.
  15. L

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    My fence row was almost just like this when we got our property. I did mostly the same as you are doing. I had a lot of blackberry vines and for me a sling blade worked faster than a trimmer. But I did not have one with a metal blade at the time. I was able to basically fillet the vines off the...
  16. L

    Ceramic Tile vs Laminate Vinyl Flooring

    I've had both tile and LVP. The tile I had was the plank look. 5-8" or so wide by 30" or so long. The LVP is what is in our new house and was chosen based on budget. Other than the cost, there was nothing that I did not like about the tile for a hard surface. After a year of living on the LVP...
  17. L

    $300,000 pet goat settlement

    Yeah, I'm firmly undecided on the goat one. It sounded like the old owner wanted to keep the animal and the new owner was fine with it. But I have no idea on how the auction was run. I've never been part of these types of events. I am not undecided that the parents failed in their duty to teach...
  18. L

    Best way to move an old 8' Grain Drill 85 miles?

    I would also pick a version of this. Probably on a trailer though.
  19. L

    Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

    but did he know it was his final day before hand?
  20. L

    Towing laws and enforcement in the southeast

    All this licensing mumbo jumbo is crazy to me. Firstly because Arkansas is all I have ever known and we must have super lax laws that I'm just spoiled to. Secondly, I don't understand the benefit of the rules being so convoluted that it almost requires tribal knowledge from a guy at the scales...
  21. L


    I have also found that local honey is easy to sell. I haven't ever advertised ours.
  22. L

    Milwaukee M12 Tool Line

    Yeah, you might have gotten me too... I followed the links and there is an 18V palm router with 2 batteries and charger for $199....
  23. L

    Camp property search

    The little building should be rather easy to elevate. As long as it has a strong enough frame and floor. I recently moved my 12X16 wooden shed with the help of my wife and a neighbor. You should easily be able to lift one side at a time with jacks, I used the old timey offroad bumper jacks. I...
  24. L

    Milwaukee M12 Tool Line

    Speaking of batteries.... I have gotten new batteries here and there. When I need (want...) a new tool I can usually wait unit there is a good sale or free battery thrown in. I just got a jig saw that was both on sale with a free battery for cheaper than the bare tool typically is. I already...
  25. L

    Milwaukee M12 Tool Line

    I've had that a couple of times on the 18v, typically if the battery got hot while I was using it. My guess is if you are really drawing from the battery it will drop just under the charge necessary for the charger to "see" it. I have had luck either trying several times in rapid succession, by...
  26. L

    Addicted to Amazon

    On the reviews, I got a card in the mail from an item we bought that offered us a $25 or $50 (I can't remember now) gift card if I gave a 5 star review...
  27. L

    Addicted to Amazon

    You are not alone. This has been the trend for many years.
  28. L

    Addicted to Amazon

    Same.... Also, my wife and small child are as well.... My credit card company also loves us for it...
  29. L

    Pics from the stand

    I just freshened up the edges on my tools. Ready to hit the woods Saturday.
  30. L

    2022 Bronco sport review

    They just turn off our state when we get that... Although we normally just get ice. Typically freezing rain and sleet. We do get the occasional snow but usually the temperatures aren't cold enough for it to stay snow. It will quickly turn to slush then freeze hard overnight and stay that way...
  31. L

    2022 Bronco sport review

    A question from an ignorant southerner... The winter tires I hear about from the north, how do they differ from an all terrain type tire? Again I'm asking out of ignorance, but in my mind it would seem there would be benefit to having a tire that would work in all seasons, is something like that...
  32. L

    Increased Fuel Economy, Am I Crazy?

    I hear what you are saying and have had that experience most of the time. Although I messed up my milage way worse than the .5 MPG with big tires when I was younger. Right now though my "fluke" is going on 3,000 consecutive miles. I'm leaning toward it braking in, cooler weather, and better...
  33. L

    Powering outbuildings further than 600 feet from your homes main panel.

    I ran a 100A service to my shop. I think it was only about 70' and it still cost me over $1,000 between all the materials and panel.
  34. L

    Increased Fuel Economy, Am I Crazy?

    That is entirely possible from what I hear. As far as economy, it is my primary transportation, but I put it to work to pay its own payment and a little pocket money. So, I pay a little attention to the fuel economy.
  35. L

    Increased Fuel Economy, Am I Crazy?

    This is for sure a possibility. We are entering fall now. Otherwise my driving habits have remained the same.
  36. L

    The complaint compartment.

    Does it hurt the tire to take the water out that way?
  37. L

    Increased Fuel Economy, Am I Crazy?

    I don't doubt you at all. I am just at a loss of what it could be.
  38. L

    Increased Fuel Economy, Am I Crazy?

    It's a K&N oil filter, not air filter. I know about the air filters. I had not researched the oil filters and needed a change so I just got what the guy at the counter suggested.
  39. L

    Increased Fuel Economy, Am I Crazy?

    I've had my truck for several months now and have put 15,000 or so miles on it. I got it with around 25,000 miles and am up to about 42,000 now. The whole time I've had it I've gotten around 16.5 MPG empty and around 12.5 on an average hauling trip. I had the dealership change the oil until it...
  40. L


  41. L

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    Did you ever get a scale for your loader?
  42. L

    Powering outbuildings further than 600 feet from your homes main panel.

    Without knowing the details on the property location etc., My thought would be to have the electric provider run a new service to it. It should cost you way less. In my area if the service is overhead the power company will run a line and transformer at no cost. You would just be responsible for...
  43. L

    Dock strike/Toilet paper shortage??

    This is an example of my point above. Way back the unions likely helped fix this issue. Now we have labor laws that specifically provide protections for the workers you describe. I'm not sure how seniority factors in though. I don't know how to ask without it sounding pointed since this is...
  44. L

    Dock strike/Toilet paper shortage??

    So what are your thoughts on the dock strike in general? I heard on the news that the workers make from $21-$40 per hour and are asking for 77% increase. As well as no automation allowed ever... Down here where I'm from there are no unions. From my vantage point I don't see a lot of necessity...
  45. L

    75% of truck owners tow 1/year or less?

    It's for our church's food pantry. My wife and I do the foot work of buying, delivering, and stocking it. It's the church's money though. We will get about 3 loads this size and it will last 8-12 weeks then repeat the cycle. We got lucky this load and it was palletized and loaded with a lift. We...
  46. L

    75% of truck owners tow 1/year or less?

    I picked up a load of groceries today. No trailer...
  47. L

    Poor bucket lifting power

    I've got a 1025R and am easily able to lift the back wheels off the ground with the loader if I don't have enough weight on my 3 point.
  48. L

    75% of truck owners tow 1/year or less?

    Just to piggy back on the load size conversation above. I've gotten sand before at our local... sandery? They used the giant - bend in the middle - payloader to load my 1/2 ton. The operator just loaded up the corner of the bucket and quit when my truck squatted enough then charged by weight.
  49. L

    75% of truck owners tow 1/year or less?

    But does a car or truck drive better on flat earth? And which one for a round earth????
  50. L

    75% of truck owners tow 1/year or less?

    This feels like an electronics class I had. Professor asked "is AC or DC power better?" I just kept my mouth shut and smiled as several started debating...
  51. L

    75% of truck owners tow 1/year or less?

    Sorry... Thread drift of the thread drift.. TMK - Tell me about those wheel straps you have on the car please. I'm hauling cars on the side and using chains and binders on A-arms or anywhere i can find. Sometimes it's tough to find a spot that's safe to chain to. Those straps look like they...
  52. L

    Helper springs/ Airbags Etc.

    I pulled a Ford Lightning E-Truck this weekend. I think they are about 1,000-1,500lbs heavier than a standard F-150. This is the heaviest of the fleet of trailers we have. I wouldn't doubt it weighs 4,500lbs. 24' all steel deck with 7k axles and lots of real estate in front of the axles. I threw...
  53. L


    Resaw blade is ordered. 3/4" 3-TPI.
  54. L


    I got lucky on mine. Grizzly tools is not too far away and had a parking lot sale. I got the one in the picture above for about $500, it was a showroom display. They had tons of tools for very reasonable, typically 30-40% off. It's got a 6" max height but you can get a 4" extender/spacer to up...
  55. L


    I was more meaning for the relief cuts that you used the dado stack for. Not sure what the time difference would be though. I just got a bandsaw 2 weekends ago and have not gotten a resaw blade yet.
  56. L

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    Am I counting that weight right? ~28,000# on the trailer? 🤯
  57. L


    It has a port and a strong blower. When I planed the lumber for my trim in my new house I did not have a dust collector so I Jerry rigged a dryer vent into a laundry sack.... I have a dust collector now and it's much better... It's said on the interwebs that the blower impeller can be removed...
  58. L


    I got a Dewalt 735 planer last year. I am happy with it. It's insane how much sawdust it generates.
  59. L

    implement dolly

    Simple and functional, I like it!
  60. L


    I'm planning on building several swarm traps this winter. I would be interested in seeing yours. My plan is just basically a 5 frame deep without a removable base, and one of the round entry "seals" that can be rotated open or closed. But with a provision to hang from a tree. I've got 4...
  61. L

    New Shop build Plywood wall finishing ideas needed.

    This is what my plywood walls that I'm working on look like. No caulk. I build 2x4 stud Faux? walls on 24" centers and used 1/2" plywood. Took a ton of paint. Did 2 coats of Kilz and 3 coats of interior semi-gloss paint.
  62. L

    Camp property search

    Would it be easier or cheaper (legal?) to move the septic vs the well? Seems like septic has less specialized tools for install. I got my whole septic run brand new for under $5,000 if I'm remembering correctly. But then you would reallllllllly want that water test since there would be...
  63. L

    Septic system - Conventional (anaerobic) or Aerobic?

    I'm a fan of standard systems personally. I was able to install a standard system at my new house and suspect I'll be happy. My inlaws also have a standard gravity system and it has been fine for over 40 years. I don't think they have even had it pumped but just a few times over that timeframe...
  64. L

    Helper springs/ Airbags Etc.

    Also this is 2,000 pounds of corn. So maybe I am getting a little too much tongue weight on the trailer. This looks less squatted with that much weight.
  65. L

    Helper springs/ Airbags Etc.

    Mine probably averages closer to the 8,000-9,000 range with occasionally more or less. I think it was close to 10,000 with the f-150.
  66. L

    Fox or Coyote?

    My vote... is for yote.
  67. L

    Helper springs/ Airbags Etc.

    Maybe not a bad idea. I'm probably doing it to myself since I am just gaining experience. Just a small move front to back makes more of a difference that I would have expected on the squat. I've been basically eyeballing the squat to determine how far forward to place it. In my mind it seems...
  68. L

    Helper springs/ Airbags Etc.

    Yeah, I'm probably loading a little too far forward. That 24' trailer has a lot of real estate in front of the axles and it's a very heavy trailer just on its own.
  69. L

    Helper springs/ Airbags Etc.

    That's about how much mine squats usually. That picture with the truck on the trailer looks way worse than it was. But it was still a little more squatted than yours. But that truck weighs a couple thousand pounds more than the tractor. I should have backed it up a foot or so probably and that...
  70. L

    Helper springs/ Airbags Etc.

    don't you have to modify the trailer to use it though?
  71. L

    Helper springs/ Airbags Etc.

    It's not overloaded. While you are probably right about a WD hitch I'm not really interested in going that route. My friend and I have 3 car haulers that we use depending on which one is out or load size. We may go 500 miles empty to get something light, or take a 1 ton and bring back something...
  72. L

    Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

    Amazing what they are doing with Bluetooth these days.
  73. L

    Helper springs/ Airbags Etc.

    No, it's factory all around. Also, do the air bags kill the ride when unloaded? Do you need to dump the air when empty then air them up for a load, or can you leave them aired up?
  74. L

    Helper springs/ Airbags Etc.

    I've been hauling pretty regularly lately. I guess I need to address the squat... Do any of you have experience with anything to help? I've seen air bags, big gigantic bump stops, and some sort of contraption that bolts onto the top of the spring pack. I don't want to spend a ton of money. It...
  75. L

    Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

    Caught this one while out at lunch today. That trailer is riding a little low in the front.
  76. L

    Front tire sealant

    Just wanted you all to know you are enablers... I ordered some Tireject yesterday for a leaky tractor tire because of this thread...
  77. L

    ordered Makita 18 volt band saw!

    Fancy! I am apparently the worlds worst operator of porta bands though. I always end up killing a blade every time I use one at work.
  78. L

    Buhler/ Farm King bat wing finish mower

    I bid on it up to $3600 but was not comfortable going more without having seen it in person or having a tractor to run it yet. Sad day...
  79. L

    Buhler/ Farm King bat wing finish mower

    It's at $2,300 with about 4 hours left.
  80. L

    Buhler/ Farm King bat wing finish mower

    I wasn't sure about HP but I have been seeing several mid 50hp older John Deer tractors for sale around me that are reasonable prices. I can't remember all the model numbers but something like 5401 etc.
  81. L

    Buhler/ Farm King bat wing finish mower

    Um... a tractor I don't have yet... That would be the next question, how heavy and how much PTO HP it would need to run decently. I don't mind grabbing this and storing it until I find a deal on a tractor, as long as it's a good deal. I have been keeping an eye out. I "need" to get a bigger...
  82. L

    Buhler/ Farm King bat wing finish mower

    My yard is right at 10 acres and it takes me and my wife about 2 hours to mow it with both of us on mowers. I have been thinking about getting a big finish mower to speed up the job and came across this listing this morning. Do any of you know anything about them? I have never heard of Buhler...
  83. L

    Powering a 12V fuel pump with battery charger?

    Turns out this is a moot point... I put about 50 gal in the tank, I hooked it up to the tractor battery and the pump did not come on. Fiddled with it a little bit then noticed the pump motor was super hot. I took the motor off the pump and the shaft would not spin. Took the face plate off the...
  84. L

    Coin collection inspection and grading advice

    This has been my experience as well. To the point that I quit even trying to find better coins in a lot or deal in numismatics. Just melt value for currency and bullion. My dad and I bought and sold a bunch of gold and silver of all types back in the '08 era of inflating precious metals. It was...
  85. L

    Powering a 12V fuel pump with battery charger?

    I will likely just fork it onto a trailer and haul it to the gas station.
  86. L

    EV owners of today and tomorrow

    Slightly switching gears here. It may have been discussed before, but have any of you been following Edison Motors? It's a couple younger truckers that are building electric big trucks with onboard generators, just like a diesel electric locomotive. But, they can be run all electric without the...
  87. L

    Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

    Since I saw this video I've started putting my truck in 4wd and setting the parking brake when there is even the slightest chance of the truck running away while I'm loading.
  88. L

    What animal is this?

    Definitely Robert cat for sure.
  89. L

    Powering a 12V fuel pump with battery charger?

    I'm trying to sort out my fuel storage situation at home. I have a 90 gal diesel truck bed transfer tank. I don't have any need for it to be in my truck. I'm thinking about using it for my home diesel storage. I have a potential place for it in the shop but it's got a 12v pump instead of a 120v...
  90. L

    EV owners of today and tomorrow

    I would also drive a DeLorean too though...
  91. L

    EV owners of today and tomorrow

    I'd drive the heck out of it. But I'm waaaaay too tight to buy one.
  92. L

    Used impliments and FB Market

    My father in law had that same bucket of red paint. I chuckled because he did the same thing, slowly all of his junk started turning red, a piece at a time. He ran out before he got to the tractors though. 🤣
  93. L

    The complaint compartment.

    I must have lucked out on my builder. There were a couple of small things, but by and large, my project was a piece of cake.
  94. L

    Old rotary cutter, tail wheel assembly?

    That looks like it. I don't see any parts just yet. I will probably have to MacGyver something together.
  95. L

    trail clearing technique and tools

    I have done lots of edging with a string trimmer. My experience has been to feed out line faster than it wears out. Typically the thinner line melts at the eyelets causing the whole string to break off. If you feed a bump at a time pretty regularly you will likely get better longevity, even if...
  96. L

    Old rotary cutter, tail wheel assembly?

    I had that idea... 🤣
  97. L

    Old rotary cutter, tail wheel assembly?

    Yeah it's a monster. I wish I knew the manufacturer, but any info that would have been on it has probably been worn off for 40 years. I'll measure it all up next time I'm over there.
  98. L

    Old rotary cutter, tail wheel assembly?

    This is my father in law's. I have been trying to keep up his place and it's gotten to the point that it's really difficult to use it like this. How would I go about finding parts for it. The biggest need is the whole tail wheel/yoke assembly.
  99. L

    Parents needing help, etc.

    We are not trying to step over the MIL for sure, or him for that matter. Just trying to figure out how to work with them to be able to help them the best way we can. MIL is a spitfire that is spry and as sharp as I am. We don't want to take any of his independence away. He is still 90% fine...
  100. L

    Parents needing help, etc.

    MIL is working on all that, and he's having heart issues at the same time so the heart is taking precedence by the doctors. I personally think they have him on too many meds that are conflicting, but I'm no doctor either. We have seen this a few times also. They present a little differently...
  101. L

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    Yeah people often comment that they can tell I'm a dad...
  102. L

    Parents needing help, etc.

    We do that, but the issue is he picks the oddest things to get focused on. For example just this weekend, after I started this thread. He called Saturday morning and told us to get to his house NOW, because he is "done with these stupid chickens" and we need to come get them immediately. When we...
  103. L

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    Uh.... ManUre not right... 🤣
  104. L

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    We are meal prepping for the week and thought of hay for some reason?
  105. L

    Parents needing help, etc.

    Chore day... That is a really good idea. Had not thought about that before.
  106. L

    Parents needing help, etc.

    This is my goal. He's a good guy just doesn't realize he is needing more help now days.
  107. L

    Parents needing help, etc.

    Yes and no. They are both easy going 99% of the time. Most of the time he's left to his own devices and he's fine. He doesn't have much trouble doing for himself and he piddles most of the day on just random stuff. He doesn't get around all that well and falls from time to time but is otherwise...
  108. L

    Parents needing help, etc.

    Yes, that is the reason we are trying to figure out the best way to help them. We know they are growing old and he has been absolutely showing signs of dementia increasingly for the last few years. We are all finally coming to the conclusion that we need to limit what he does for safety. Short...
  109. L

    Parents needing help, etc.

    Well, my wife and I have seen this coming for a while and I think the time has arrived. Her dad is in his early 80's, his body is giving out and mind is too. He still thinks he can do anything but his body doesn't allow it. He gets mad and blames others when he can't physically do what he wants...
  110. L

    Hay Making on a Different Scale

    Wow, my yard is growing that much in a week right now!
  111. L

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    Obviously it has to do with the time travel circuit...
  112. L

    EV owners of today and tomorrow

    From what I understand, my employer is pro-ev and will provide power to charge while at work. So theoretically I could have free power...
  113. L

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    So, do you buy 2 so you have a backup when random stuff like that breaks?
  114. L

    EV owners of today and tomorrow

    I have seen several Cyber Trucks around here lately. They are growing on me. I have said it before, if they were cheap enough - like almost throw away cheap, I would have an electric vehicle for going back and forth to work and random errands. I have an old beater I use for that most of the...
  115. L

    Bringing Battery Back to Life?

    I handed them to the guy at O'Reilly and asked him to test them.
  116. L

    Lincoln 180i multi process, dual voltage

    We have a local Welsco location here. They are only about $20 more for the full bottle and do bottle exchanges. That seems a little easier for me.
  117. L

    Bringing Battery Back to Life?

    Is there any way to bring a normal led acid battery back to life that just won't keep a charge? I have my brother-in-law's excavator at my house and it is in need of batteries. I have filled them with water and charged them. They will start it just fine soon after they are charged and they test...
  118. L

    New Railroad ties used for structural support.

    I'm in the "no way" camp also. You should be able to easily get trusses that will span the 33' width. I don't know why you would need the strength of such a large beam. You should be able to find a saw mill to make you some beams, or a lumber yard should have something to fit the bill. Also...
  119. L

    Thread sealants on NPT and others?

    For NPT fittings I've always just used some sort of PTFE pipe dope. Right or wrong I was told that the dope or tape on NPT fittings was basically just a lube to allow you to get the fitting tight enough to seal. I was also told that dope will dissolve in a hydraulic system. I just took it that...
  120. L

    Which is stronger?

    Since that was an example I don't feel bad about giving unsolicited advice now :). When just digging, it is more efficient to coordinate the bucket, boom, and stick together to take a "strip" of soil. You can get more product in the bucket that way, and it's easier on the equipment. If you just...
  121. L

    Which is stronger?

    Bucket curl is going to have the most force. You may have to dig around the stump some to get it free enough to pull out, depending on the size.
  122. L

    Lincoln 180i multi process, dual voltage

    My friend wants to build a light weight off road camper trailer. He wanted to use aluminum for the body frame, not undercarriage. I have zero experience welding aluminum and he has no experience welding other than 25 years ago in high school AG. He is going to be disappointed if he cant do alum...
  123. L

    Lincoln 180i multi process, dual voltage

    A friend of mine asked if I wanted to go in halves on a welder and bought the 180i before I could research it. It seems like it will be a decent little welder, but there are not a lot of reviews that I can find. But it does seem a little light weight for the specs. The box is unopened and we can...
  124. L

    Hay Making on a Different Scale

    We sure do. :)
  125. L

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    What is the benefit of cutting and bailing back and forth instead of round and round? I would think with the big train you are operating it would be less efficient to make tight 180 turns?
  126. L

    Anybody had electrical service installed on an empty property?

    I'm on Entergy power in Arkansas. For us that would be considered a "temporary service". I just got done building a house and did the same thing. A quick call to Entergy gave me all the info I needed and set up a site meeting with an Entergy engineer. They required us to have some skin in the...
  127. L


    They are good. I did an inspection on them Friday and had eggs! We were there for half an hour or so and did not see a single bee come out of the bee escape either. My plan was to pick them up Friday night and seal up the hole. But... My neighbor had different plans. We have a hay meadow...
  128. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    Paint and receps and this side will be done.
  129. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    Mine shows 5088 CFM. You would need to calculate the cubic feet of your shop to be able to get to the minutes for complete change out. But I would say get the biggest one you can afford that will fit in the space. I don't think you can have too much. I wish I had a dozen of them.
  130. L

    Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

    According to the link above it's got a 300# max tongue weight rating.
  131. L

    Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

    I don't know that this is really hauling anything "wrong"... I took my truck in for service today and I pulled in right behind this guy. What in the world would this be used for?
  132. L

    Barndominium/Shop or "real" House?

    I pushed all my piles out. Had a big enough low area that it looks like it was always there and it raised it up enough that the area no longer gets mushy in the winter.
  133. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    The double bubble insulation I put in my building made a BIG difference in the radiant heat. With a little air flow my building is no hotter inside than outside and being in the shade it feels cooler in the building than outside.
  134. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    I put this one in mine. I did the calculations based on advertised CFM and going off memory it should replace the air in my shop about every 7 min or so. I wouldn't say it cools the shop but it does a good job of pulling the heat out. It seems to feel cooler with the big door closed and windows...
  135. L

    trail clearing technique and tools

    Commitment is too strong to back away huh? Good on you either way
  136. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    Makes sense. Aside from a little more work I don't see an issue with leaving a little space. I'll factor that in. Probably just make a couple of blocks to use as spacers to rest it on while I nail the plywood. Oh, I'm planning on just using some shorter nails in my framing nailer to install...
  137. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    Do I need to?
  138. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    I started framing this weekend. First time doing this so it took a little while to get it all figured out and get some speed. I put studs on 24" centers since this wall is not really holding anything. I didn't think to take any pictures of how I connected it. I used Simpson "L" brackets from the...
  139. L

    Whole House Water Filter - Who's got one?

    Why did I read that as Waffle House water filter?... I have nothing to add except I was very confused for a bit and was trying to remember what Waffle House water tasted like....
  140. L

    What is some of your Pet Peeve's

    These are all in my hometown. It's not near all of them, but I think you get the picture.
  141. L

    auction giveaway

    I used to go to a lot of auctions around here. There was one auction company that would bid up stuff themselves. Sometimes it was the auctioneer himself and sometimes it would be his guys that were working the crowd just randomly yelling. It burned me up, I never once bid on an item that they...
  142. L

    Two questions for anybody who lays underground cable?

    I dug a super monster extra trench for mine... 813727
  143. L

    100 pound LPG tank....what to do? (out of date)

    I bet they can be re-certified. A quick google search says 12 years after the manufacturing date and every 5 years after that. I would call a local propane company and ask. I bet it's a simple process.
  144. L

    What is some of your Pet Peeve's

    We have a bunch of round abouts and I love them. Every one they have added in the city has improved the flow of traffic. Although you do still get the odd out of towner that stops in the middle or heads directly opposite the flow of traffic.
  145. L

    Battery powered chainsaw

    I wish I could throw stones 😁. I stay barefoot so I can count to 20 if I need to. 😁😁😁 My wife won't let me count to 21 in public any more...
  146. L


    It is crazy. The frames of brood I put in it had all stages. I did that on purpose so they would have the option to make a queen. I even got one with an empty queen cup for them. I thought I was going to have to get a new queen to help bait them in but they do not seem to care about the tree at...
  147. L


    Just went and checked on them at lunch. They have moved into their new home. 😁😁😁 Towards the end of the week I'll do an inspection to see if there is a queen. I do not expect the queen to come out but it could be possible. Especially since they seem to have calmed down and there are literally...
  148. L

    Battery powered chainsaw

    Maybe it has to do with RPM or cost of manufacturing on the chainsaw? But on the airplane you would think cost wouldn't be as much of a factor. However Jet and turboprop run on diesel don't they?
  149. L

    WOW!! Time travel

    I get that a lot too. Only on my phone though for some reason.
  150. L

    Barndominium/Shop or "real" House?

    Looks good! I just did the same thing not long ago. I know how tough it is getting everything level even with all the cool tools.
  151. L


    The forced abscond did not work. Tried it for 2 days and then changed tactics. I switched to trap out Friday evening. I built a board with a hole, made a cone out of aluminum window screen and I probably need to get some fine hardware cloth to have around for next time because the screen...
  152. L


    Correct. The tree is in the playground at church. It's an active area for kids and adults. I would hate to have to destroy the bees but they can't be allowed to remain in that location, and cutting down the tree is not an option either.
  153. L


    First attempt. I'll seal up the crack with a can of foam when I am sure either way if it's a fail or success.
  154. L


    I know it's pretty big diameter and I assume it's pretty tall also.
  155. L


    I was standing at the ready with a queen clip. My plan was to clip her, put her in the hive-still in the clip, quit smoking and leave her and the hive for a day or two to get as many stragglers as I could.
  156. L


    Well, the first evening was a bust. I put a single deep hive together and attached it to the tree with the entrance about the same height as where the bulk of the bees were coming and going from the opening in the tree. I loaded it up with partially drawn frames and a couple squirts of swarm...
  157. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    LOL There will be signs! I, however, did not win the lottery. That's 60 sheets of 1/2" flame treated.
  158. L


    Yeah I'm hoping I can get the queen. But the tree is the priority.
  159. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    I have decided on building out some 8' tall "walls" inside the main structure of the shop. I want to be able to put some small shelves and hang things on the walls. I waffled back and forth and I think this will work best. I'm just going to frame normal walls with studs on 24" centers. The walls...
  160. L


    I went and looked at it at lunch. My wife and I will start on it later today.
  161. L


    Yes. It's a gigantic old oak. Based on the activity I saw I think it's a big established hive inside the tree. Although it was just noticed this week, so maybe it's not got a lot of comb in it yet? There is every possibility that it has been there all spring also. I think I'm going to assemble...
  162. L


    I just got a call from my church. There is a hive that has made its home in a hollow tree in the playground area. I've got to go check it out. The goal is to save the bees and the tree.
  163. L

    Anyone mow hay yet?

    How is the added rear cutter working out for you? I assume it's not twice as fast since there would probably be more work missing obstacles and maybe some added turn around time, but is it meeting your expectations?
  164. L

    Two questions for anybody who lays underground cable?

    I've used something like below several times by the 5 gal bucket on long runs of big wire. I try to size my conduit where I don't need lube most of the time. On a short run that needs something I have used dish soap many times. It works fine.
  165. L

    Need help turning an old field into a pretty yard

    Yours looks much better than mine.
  166. L

    Need help turning an old field into a pretty yard

    I know timing is not right for this year. But over the course of the next few years I would like to turn my property from junky thin weedy grass to a nice looking lawn. Maybe the hay guys can help? Bermuda is the only grass I really have any experience with and I like it pretty well. I finished...
  167. L

    Barndominium/Shop or "real" House?

    I did the same on my shop pad.
  168. L

    Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Story

    Around here you have have at minimum what the vehicle came standard with. If it didn't come with belts, no belts needed - just lap belts, etc. If it came with blinkers you gotta have them, if it didn't come with them they are not needed.
  169. L

    Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Story

    Another reason why I am glad we don't have inspections. What in the world does it matter if the lens has a crack?
  170. L

    Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Story

    There are lots more cars out that way so it would make sense that you would see more. I get around quite a bit. I stand by my argument that I would not feel safer with mandatory inspections. I have never been involved in, nor known anyone else, that had a wreck that could have been avoided by an...
  171. L

    Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Story

    Well, I guess if it's being driven the brakes are good enough to stop it, the suspension works well enough, and the steering is tight enough to have gotten it that far. Ball joints can't be that bad if someone has to go physically check them. <--- That's mostly jest, but my personal experience...
  172. L

    Measuring for box blade

    If you haven't bought yet, I have an Atlas brand and have been happy with it.
  173. L

    Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Story

    Around here it is very rare to see one that is in bad dis-repair. I would argue to do away with inspections everywhere. If there are some that are that obvious, a traffic stop should suffice.
  174. L

    Need a new(er) truck.... Maybe?

    So it "fits" in the garage... Just maybe not as well as it does in the shop....
  175. L

    Do any of y'all seal, wax or ceramic coat your tractor??

    Someone asked about if there was something to make it easier to get clay off. I have used this with great results. Spray this on a clean machine and any mud you get on it will mostly just hose off pretty easily. It's not unlike WD40 or lemon pledge I guess. I mostly used it on my mudding 4...
  176. L

    Ego zero steer mower review

    I too am a fellow "full sticks" mower. My dumb Spartan doesn't play along unless it's perfect grass. But, when I had my lawn service I had a John Deere 737 and I almost never mowed less than full stick. That thing properly maintained on good lawns would fly and leave the grass looking like carpet.
  177. L

    Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Story

    This makes me feel lucky. I've never had an inspection. Arkansas quit that before I started driving. I can remember going with my dad for inspections when I was a kid though.
  178. L


    I'm sure that's why. Around here our fall honey is mostly Goldenrod. It smells like wet dog wearing dirty socks... I'm sure it tastes ok, but I'm leaving it for them. I also had some from around a bunch of chicken farms. It smelled and tasted like how a big chicken farm smells. It was BAD.
  179. L

    Ego zero steer mower review

    I tend to think batteries have gotten better. I've got Milwaukee M18 stuff including a weedeater and blower. I only had one battery go bad on me in the last 6 or so years. That particular battery model was known to have issues where the cells would become imbalanced, and Milwaukee replaced it...
  180. L


    It is.
  181. L

    Anyone mow hay yet?

    We have had an insane amount of rain this spring. All the fields around me are starting to go down hill but there have literally not been 3 days of no rain to stitch together since it started growing. You can see the tractors staged up and ready, but there is water standing in all the fields.
  182. L

    2022 Bronco sport review

    It seems like only 1 key makes it with a used vehicle more often than not. I got lucky and my last one came with 2 but even the dealer I got it from was surprised.
  183. L

    Need a new(er) truck.... Maybe?

    Another one this weekend. Atlanta has terrible traffic. 1,200 miles give or take.
  184. L

    Need a new(er) truck.... Maybe?

    Nice! I like it! I was looking for a gas one but happened on this one for a really good deal. It pulled that 1 ton like butter. Got a little over 12 mpg over 600 miles. Half with just the 2800# trailer and half with the truck also.
  185. L

    Need a new(er) truck.... Maybe?

    Yeah it looks funny!
  186. L

    Need a new(er) truck.... Maybe?

    It wasn't as bad as the picture made it look. But.... you are right. Also the truck I was hauling did not have reverse, I would have liked to pull it back another foot or so and it would have been better.
  187. L

    Need a new(er) truck.... Maybe?

    Another hauling job. I'll clear around $1/mile on this one. Not a huge amount of money but it's easy.
  188. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    Yeah the ladder was about 2 rungs too short to reach the top, so I backed the truck in and it's tall enough from the bed :). I'm more afraid of heights than I realized. Apparently as you get older that happens? It bounces, is it too vertical, is it going to fall backwards, does it have too much...
  189. L

    Hawaii Vacation Ideas

    Great... I was getting some good info here now we got bots..
  190. L

    Help Me Design/ Build a Shop

    So... apparently I'm cheap... Or it's the principle at this point... I'm going to do the stupid lights with what I have I guess...
  191. L

    New garage - looking for ideas, need to make some design decisions

    My shop is 50' on the gable end and 4/12 pitch. 12' side walls gave me 20' at the peak. The bottom of my free span trusses give me a little less than 11' of clear headroom along the walls. Theoretically you could go to 16' side walls that would get you to max height. I'm not sure what your roof...
  192. L

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    The regulator was set correctly. It was the individual burner orifices that were incorrect. Apparently there was basically a grab bag of options in the propane conversion kit like 10-15 for only 5 burners. The stove has colored paint marks in each burner and the card with the orifices had a few...
  193. L

    Ego zero steer mower review

    Diagonal is fine. It's good to mow in a different pattern as often as possible so you don't compact and rut by driving in the same tracks every time.
  194. L

    2022 Bronco sport review

    Used to you could just get a key blank cut at a hardware store and you would be good. I've only ever gotten a couple of keys made since keys started having chips back in the early 2000's. My experience was that you have to take ALL the keys to the dealership and have all of them programed/...
  195. L

    Plowing in conduit/pipe/duct pictures.

    I drove almost 600 miles one way to get a walk behind mower one time... I wish I had that day back. It wasn't even that great of a mower...