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Results 1 to 200 of 319
  1. dodge man

    Colorado truck problem.

    A long shot posting this but I know someone who has a 2010 Chevy Colorado with a 4 cylinder engine, manual transmission, very low options. It has a starting issue. It has 40,000 miles on it. I’ve load tested the battery and it and the charging system check good. About 1 out of 5 starts it...
  2. dodge man

    Tire plug question.

    My son was over for dinner yesterday and had a flat tire when he went to leave. I was pretty sure I had a tire plug kit I bought years ago and finally found it. I’ve never used one before. It was very difficult to get the plug in, not impossible but almost. We ran the reamer in and out...
  3. dodge man

    Underbody washer.

    I got a Christmas present this year that has come in handy. It’s a underbody washer for a power washer. It comes with a series of wands that quick attach together and the last one has a bend in it so you don’t have to bend over. My good power washer needs a pump so I used my old one which...
  4. dodge man

    Door opener problem

    I have a Chamberlain garage door opener, about 15 years old. The problem is getting it to go down with a remote. I have one remote and one car both programmed for it. It always goes up and down with the button in the garage. It always goes up with the remotes. It will sometimes go down with...
  5. dodge man

    Winterize your sprayer.

    I about forget to do this every year. I have a 26 gallon sprayer and if it freezes up it can crack the pump. I pumped some rv antifreeze in it today.
  6. dodge man

    Pressure washer pump rebuildable?

    I have a Simpson pressure washer and a couple of months ago I changed the oil in the pump and it had water contamination. I used it a couple of times changed it again and milky again. I used it a couple of more times and it looked OK through the sight glass. Two days ago I was using it and I...
  7. dodge man

    Used a zero turn today.

    It seems like common advice, buy a zero turn for mowing the lawn, mid mount mowers are awful, use the tractor for tractor stuff. My JD 2025r is under the bellcrank recall and mine is cracked so it’s a no go. I normally mow with it, a 60” mid mount. I borrowed a friends zero turn Scag, a...
  8. dodge man

    Unknown tool?

    My daughter found this under the seat of her car along with a 1/4 drive ratchet with a 7mm deep well on it. The best way to describe it is like a small Phillips screw driver in size but hollow on the end with a notch in it. It’s not mine. It could have fallen out of an old boyfriend’s pocket...
  9. dodge man

    Load test the battery.

    I see it over and over, a person has a starting issue. It just clicks, turns over slow or other weird electrical issues. They say “the battery is good”. The first thing to do is load test the battery. These also give you the voltage of the battery but that alone isn’t enough. The picture...
  10. dodge man

    Power washer pump oil change.

    I thought to look at the sight glass on my pressure washer pump and it had enough but looked milky. Sure enough it was. It’s probably about 15 years old and I’m guessing I’ve changed it once at the most. The manual says every so many hours or every 3 months. I’m not going to change it every...
  11. dodge man

    Customer service??

    I stopped and bought a six pack from a grocery store yesterday. It’s owned by a grocery store and attached to it but sort of separate. I thought no one was at the cash register but there was a young guy about 21 years old sitting down behind the register on his cell phone. He made me wait...
  12. dodge man

    Project Farm, counterfeit batteries.

    Project Farm has a YouTube out on counterfeit batteries for Dewalt, Milwaukee and Makita. It seems lije it’s very difficult to tell the difference other than price. He actually tests them and compares them to real factory batteries and even cracks them open to compare the insides. Pretty...
  13. dodge man

    Hard water car wash solution?

    So this is a problem I’ve had washing my car at home. We have three vehicles one of which is a Dodge Challenger that is black. It’s the car that wants to spot from hard water. I recently bought a foam cannon and use a wash and then a rinse product that helps, then immediately pull it in my...
  14. dodge man


    We have been on a trip in Ireland the last couple days. From today is a picture of Kylemorre Abbey. It was a rich Englishmen’s house finished in 1871 and is now a part of the Catholic Church. The second is Parkes Castle and last is an Irish Pub that’s been in the same family for 5 generations...
  15. dodge man

    Lawn Boy problem

    Ive got a Lawn Boy two stroke that doesn’t start well. It’s a little over 20 years old. I installed a new carburetor last year and put a new primer bulb on it several years ago. I suspect something is wrong with the priming system. If I shoot a little low pressure air in the hole in the...
  16. dodge man

    Vented non fuel jugs.

    So I bought a vented non fuel jug today. As best I can tell it can be used for fuel other than the fact it has the old style vent cap you can loosen to let air in. Any reason to not use these for diesel? The one I bought is like the picture below except it’s yellow. I of course wouldn’t use...
  17. dodge man

    Touch screen repair.

    My son’s 2017 Chrysler 300 had the touch screen delaminate. It’s got 90,000 miles on it and has spent a lot of time parked outside. The problem with the touch screen going bad is it controls everything so it was randomly changing things rapidly and constantly like the heat and ac. They make a...
  18. dodge man

    Thinking outside the box.

    I’ve had two things happen recently that made me evaluate my thought process. Like a lot of people you have a plan and instead of think about it differently you just plow ahead. Examples are always the best way to describe this. My wife’s car has two slightly bent rims. They are OK but have...
  19. dodge man

    What to do with old anti freeze?

    Oil and such is never a problem. Anti freeze on the other hand is. I could dig a hole and dump it in and cover it up, dump it in the creek and cover it up, sneak a little in the trash now and then. I don’t want to do that. I did ask Google and Illinois does have a program where the have an...
  20. dodge man

    Rimguard cleanup.

    I checked the air in my rear tires today and of course made a mess. I tried to cleanup things with mineral spirits, it didn’t touch it. I discovered Purple Power cleans it right up. I also discovered my tire gauge meant for this was gummed up and I added to much air. After it was coated with...
  21. dodge man

    What’s an acceptable range?

    I see range a vehicle has being tossed around a lot in another thread. In my mind 400 miles is the minimum a vehicle should be able to go before it needs refueling or recharging. My truck has a range of 630 to 700 miles on the highway and my wife’s car around 500 miles. What’s a reasonable...
  22. dodge man

    Are people lazy, don’t know how to help or scared of liability.

    I often have a hard time expressing the right words to ask a question, so examples seem best. A couple of years ago we had a tree fall across the road in front of my house. The township road superintendent had his pickup with a chainsaw and he had a lot of it cleaned up but a lot of little...
  23. dodge man

    Finally found a box blade.

    I finally found a box blade at a cheap enough price for me. I paid $350 for a 48“ box blade and found it on Tractorhouse. The stuff on Marketplace was all over the place on price and quality and when I did occasionally find one it was too far away. It’s had light use and was a little heavier...
  24. dodge man

    Summer tuning?

    So I have a Stihl MS261, pretty new, maybe 10 hours of use or less. I used it last week some to clean up storm damage, temp in the 80’s and humid, and it ran fine. Yesterday I used it again and it didn’t want to come off idle when it was warmed up. Temp in the 90’s and humid. I got by with...
  25. dodge man

    Anybody remember these babies?

    A Plymouth Scamp. A pickup truck based on the Charger/Omni platform front wheel drive. I went to a cruise night last night and this was there, freshly painted and nice inside and out. Not something you see restored very often. I wonder what the payload is? A six pack of Bud Light and a...
  26. dodge man

    Driveshafts not stocked?

    So yesterday I split the driveshaft on my fertilizer spreader. I thought I live in the middle of farm country, an easy find, it wasn’t. The local farm store didn’t carry them, the Kubota and John Deere dealer didn‘t either. The Kubota dealer at least said they could order one. Of course I...
  27. dodge man

    Demon 170

    So Chrysler has been hyping the “Last Call” on the Challengers, Chargers and 300C cars because it’s the last year. Most of them are just a appearance package but yesterday the announced the Demon 170. It’s designed to run on 93 octane pump gas or E85, hence the 170 name. E85 is 170 proof. It...
  28. dodge man

    Amazon real time price changing?

    So I was shopping for a stand for my bench grinder stand on Amazon, we are prime members. Found one I liked and the wife said search other places. Generally the prices were about the same except Home Depot had the same unit for about $35 less. This entire time I had the Amazon page open...
  29. dodge man

    Door jamb repair.

    So my daughters fiancée locked himself out of their house when it was below zero outside when walking the dog. With the title of the thread you can guess what happened. The bottom half of the door frame broke away from the door handle down. The dead bolt wasn’t thrown luckily. They make...
  30. dodge man

    Anybody recognize this helicopters load?

    My first reaction was China spy copter but I don’t think that’s it. It was flying fairly slow, maybe 60 mph. Kind of looked like piping but am not sure. It didn’t look like a real heavy lift helicopter but I’m not sure. This flew over our house yesterday. Any ideas? Not the best picture.
  31. dodge man

    How much is that going to cost?

    Through my work as a land surveyor I worked for a civil engineering firm. We often had people come in with a project in mind with no understanding of the scope or cost. The one that comes to mind was the chief of police who wanted to expand his gun range. He wanted hundreds of feet of berms...
  32. dodge man

    Back button not working

    I’m using an IPad running Safari and when I hit the back button it locks up. This has been an ongoing issue for me for a few weeks but has been just an occasional problem, maybe a once a day occurrence. Today it happens almost every time. It starts to look like it’s going to go back but then...
  33. dodge man

    Log splitter problem.

    Kind of a minor issue with the auto return on my splitter. In the horizontal position the auto return works fine. In the vertical position it doesn’t. It might return a few inches or most the way but hardly ever all the way. It goes into the detent but then pops out. I think it’s because...
  34. dodge man

    Carpenter ants in trees

    I’m cutting up a red oak that blew over late last winter. It looked almost like the roots were dying and that’s why it uprooted. I cut it up into log length and an now cutting it into rounds. As I split it I’ve discovered 3 or 4 different areas of the tree that had a large group of black ants...
  35. dodge man

    Is this an Oak tree?

    This tree got topped out when I much larger tree fell on it. I’ll cut it down and split it for firewood if it’s a decent tree for it. I think it’s some kind of oak but am not sure.
  36. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    This thread is for those silly little things you see someone doing and say, why didn’t I think of that. It could be a tool, technique, a homeowner thing, thread drift is expected. My tip of the day. Dry erase board. I have one in my garage. It mostly contains oil change info for my...
  37. dodge man

    Blend door actuators.

    I replaced two of the blend door actuators on my 2010 Challenger today. Car has 22,000 miles on it. I drove it to town yesterday and no heat. I think only one was bad but I did both while I was in there. You have to stand on your head to change one of them. Apparently they sharpen...
  38. dodge man

    Trailer brakes, is this normal?

    So I’m having new trailer tires mounted and while I had the wheels off I thought it would be a good idea to check to make sure the brakes and lights worked. I just spun the hub by hand to see if the brakes worked. I hooked it up the 2017 F150 which has a built in brake controller. If my wife...
  39. dodge man

    What is this on power poles?

    Another what is this thread? It looks like a strip of heavy roofing paper but maybe feels more plastic or rubber. It’s wrapped around the power poles in my area about 5 to 6 feet off the ground.
  40. dodge man

    Help with roundup mixing.

    So I use roundup on a gravel area I have and on things like poison ivy and honeysuckle. I buy the Roundup brand name and make about 4 gallons in a backpack sprayer. The first time I followed the directions plus added a little extra, the results were disappointing. The next time I doubled the...
  41. dodge man

    Hanging out at my shop.

    This little one was just outside the walk in door to my shop. Scared me when I left my shop flopping around in the bushes. It hung out about an hour before it left.
  42. dodge man

    Stihl blower spark arrestor.

    I have a Stihl leaf blower BG 86 that is 8 years old, maybe 100 to 200 hours on it. Today it wouldn’t start. It seemed like a sudden problem, it ran fine last time, although when you go back and look at the past maybe it wasn’t running quite right. I bought a new spark plug, in tank fuel...
  43. dodge man

    What were they farming?

    I wish I had got a picture but didn’t. I thought the field was winter wheat but I don’t think it was, but looked similar. They had already cut it and windrowed it but it wasn’t the usual hay. When I went by they were picking up the rows in something that looked like a combine, but slightly...
  44. dodge man

    Pats. Why bent washers?

    So I’ve had Pats on my tractor for a while. There are bent washers you use between the pin and Pats. Why are these washers bent?
  45. dodge man

    Dewalt 20 volt to 18 volt adapter.

    Anybody use these? How do they work. I have a drill and grease gun that are both 18 volt. You can still get the 18 volt batteries but I see the writing on the wall. The drill is getting some age on it but the grease gun is is just a few years old.
  46. dodge man

    How tight should your chain be?

    I’ve read the manual but want opinions. I always looked in the middle of the bar, pulled up on the chain, and want to almost see light under the chain and above the bar. I was cutting wood with a buddy and he was wanting to tighten a lot tighter than that.
  47. dodge man

    Seafoam for real?

    I’m one those skeptics when it come to additives. I’m not a fan of adding stuff to my fuels or oils unless it’s for a specific reason. For example I use Stabil in my gas that will sit around for more than a few weeks and I add anti gel additive to my diesel in the winter. Seafoam seems to be...
  48. dodge man

    Watch out for bicycles too.

    I recently got into biking again in my retirement. I’ve ridden a little over a 1000 miles in the last 4 months. Most of this has been on rural paved roads near my house. It seems like once a week someone does something stupid around me, usually passing where they shouldn’t be. Someone went...
  49. dodge man

    Problem sharpening a new chain

    I use this type of file guide for hand sharpening my chains although mine is Stihl brand. I don’t really want to buy a new system as this normally works fine. The problem is on a new chain something on the guide hangs up and doesn’t allow me to sharpen the chain with the guide install. Not...
  50. dodge man

    Don’t forget those spark plugs.

    You always see that, my engine isn’t running right or it won’t start. Everyone asks did you try a new spark plug? Problem is it’s almost never a spark plug problem, except when it is. I’ve had it happen exactly twice now. Once on a Stihl MS250 and today on a Lawn Boy 2 stroke push mower. The...
  51. dodge man

    Polaris Razor 1000, add that to my list.

    I’ll add it to the list of things I want but will never buy. We are spending 2 weeks in Steamboat Springs where my son spends most of his time working. We rented one of these yesterday for four hours in Kremling Colorado. They have miles of trails north of town with a lot of nice views that...
  52. dodge man

    E bike recommendations?

    Any e bike owners have any recommendations? We rented some for 4 hours yesterday while on vacation. I think the were made by Bulls and were running a Bosc electric system. I wasn’t expecting to think they were that great but really enjoyed them. I have a Trek bike and so does my wife but as...
  53. dodge man

    This was my first rodeo.

    I went to a rodeo while we’re visiting my son in Colorado. It was in Steamboat Springs. I already knew it but bull riding isn’t for sissies. There was about 6 bull riders and only one made it to 8 seconds. This guy was testing the flavor of the dirt after about a 2 second ride. In barrel...
  54. dodge man

    F150 on Moab Jeep trails?

    Any point in thinking of taking my F150 on the Jeep trails of Moab? Any easy ones and is it worth the effort? We are renting a house for a month and thought it might be fun. It a 2017 F150, 4x4, supercab, 6.5’ bed, locker in back. Stock height, good tires but not a pure off-road tire.
  55. dodge man

    Starting after hydro lock?

    No rollover here, just curious. I always see pull the injectors or the glow plugs. On my tractor it’s indirect injection so I don’t see that helping. Do the glow plugs screw directly into the head normally?
  56. dodge man

    Anything better than wire nuts?

    My skills at electrical work are a little lacking. I was replacing an outside double flood light today. I’ve never had good luck with wire nuts. I was trying to get the wire nuts to stay connected, get the wires stuffed back in the box, and get the fixture screwed back into the box while...
  57. dodge man

    Don’t forget those wheel chocks.

    So I was power washing my trailer on the driveway near my shop, not connected to anything. I stepped up on the rear of the trailer to clean it off with a leaf blower. My weight was enough to make the front skid come off the block it was setting on and the trailer started to roll and was...
  58. dodge man

    Tire won’t take air.

    I’ve got a tubeless tire on a hand truck, the kind you strap a fridge to to move it out of the house, that won’t take air. Both were totally flat, I hadn’t used it in years. One side took air, the other side the air just leaks out around the edges, no tube. Is there some trick to get it to...
  59. dodge man

    Bicycle inner tubes.

    So I have a Trek bicycle that is about 15 years old. The rear tire went bad but still held air. I got a new tire, put it on, but the old tube leaked. Took it to a bike shop and had a new tire put on the front and a new tube in the rear. The both leaked. Long story short the rear wheel had a...
  60. dodge man

    Metal roofing over firewood.

    I’m not sure how much firewood I have cut and split, maybe 2 cords. It is stored on a concrete pad in stacks, which was an old dog kennel. I have some old chicken coops that are falling down, I never used them. Would taking the metal roofing off them and laying them on top of the wood help a...
  61. dodge man

    New sprayer.

    Got this put together today and mounted up today. I’ve got it setup on one of those racks that’s suppose to mount on the hitch of your truck to carry extra stuff. It’s got a couple of broadcast nozzles and a spot sprayer wand. It’s from Amazon but sold by Northern tool, made in China of...
  62. dodge man

    My retaining wall project.

    Under the “Tractors and Wood” thread I posted how I helped a buddy load some power poles that were cedar and he had them milled into lumber. He gave me a few boards and I used them to build a retaining wall. This area had a shed on it and was a pretty fancy kennel that had deteriorated over...
  63. dodge man

    Air ratchet repair.

    I have a Chicago Pneumatics that is probably about 30 years old. Today it stopped working when it is under a load. It sounds like it’s working but won’t turn. This is the case tightening or loosening. If it’s not under load it spins fine. Can these be fixed or rebuilt.
  64. dodge man

    Poison Ivy

    I consider myself an expert at poison ivy, mainly because I’ve had it so many times, maybe as much as 30 times. I was cutting firewood and there was a vine on the tree, the kind about as big around as a finger and I knew this was poison ivy. So I worked on two trees like this at two different...
  65. dodge man

    Ethanol free gas?

    I know, not another thread on ethanol gas. I am aware of the issues and that’s not my problem. The issue is I had a source for 91 octane ethanol free. I used this on small engines, chainsaws etc. This station stopped carrying it. I can get ethanol free 87 octane. Most likely not a problem...
  66. dodge man

    Small engine trouble.

    It’s a Briggs 5 hp on an old Troy Built tiller. It was given to a friend and hadn’t run since 1982. We cleaned and coated the fuel tank, took the carb apart and got a new diagram and gasket. I think the carb is called a pulse jet. It starts easy enough and runs ok without a load. Turn the...
  67. dodge man

    Ski goggles?

    So I wear glasses and when working outside they will fog up some times. So when it痴 really cold, about 0 degrees here now, I wear a hat/face mask setup. I have to leave it off my mouth and nose or my glasses fog up. I can technically drive without my glasses but like to leave them on. The...
  68. dodge man

    Impulse tube?

    This comes under the heading I do not need to know, just curious. What is the impulse tube for on a Stihl chainsaw. Does it pull fuel into the area under the piston to lube the crank? Does it help get fuel into the cylinder? The truth is I do not know how these engines work. Years ago I...
  69. dodge man

    Yokohama Geolander AT tires.

    Just put a set of these on my F150. The factory tires were Goodyear Fortitudes. One of those tires from the factory that is not good at anything. I had a hole in one so I needed one new tire at the least, the spare was a full sized tire but a Pirelli. Why it was not another Goodyear I do not...
  70. dodge man

    Sharpening wrong

    So I did some noodling that last couple of days. Larger rounds that are a little too much for me to lift on my splitter. Yesterday it was cutting O.K. but a mix of sawdust and chips, no nice big noodles but it was cutting decent. I had just sharpened the chain to. So I checked the rakers and...
  71. dodge man

    I don稚 need to know but?

    I have recently retired and have volunteered on occasion to help out township road superintendent. Yesterday we put a new cutting edge on the big plow and the rubber flaps on top of the plow on their pick up plow. The plow is a Western plow. The superintendent was out working on the roads...
  72. dodge man

    Common sense and GPS?

    I live on a rural township road and a couple of weeks ago a semi truck hauling a load got stuck trying to make a corner that was to tight. Last night I learned the guy was following his gps and he was about the third guy to do it in the last few years. This road woukd probably be the shortest...
  73. dodge man

    Inquiries ignored.

    So I have been looking for a box blade for a couple of years. I do not need one badly, more of a want, so I am looking cheap. I see 5 foot wide at the local farm store for a little more than $600 brand new, so that is what I am basing my price on. Probably not the best unit but good enough...
  74. dodge man

    Stihl MS250 rebuild.

    So I have a scored piston on my MS250. I posted about this several months ago and the consensus was it was shot. I bought a MS261 to replace it. I would like to fix the MS250 as a backup. It looks like you can buy and entire short block for about $40 on Amazon. Is this fairly easy to take...
  75. dodge man

    Box blade for this project?

    I have a couple areas of my yard that are very rough for mowing. Probably around 1/3 of an acre total in two areas. I have fair soil, often described as timber soil in my area. Not clay but not prime top soil either. I have a JD 2025r, FEL, and a 72 rear blade now. Both areas are rough...
  76. dodge man

    Well problem. Worth $2300?

    We have been on a rural water system for about 8 years now. Our well is hooked up to one outside faucet that we use for watering landscaping. The well quit on us and we had someone come out to diagnose it. Probably the pump but they need to pull it to find out. The pump is probably at least...
  77. dodge man

    Mice a trailer wiring.

    So I have had problems with mice building nests in the boxes that hold my trailer tail lights. I believe it was someone on this forum who said pack them with steel wool. I did this a few years ago and can say it works. A separate question. My trailer has bearing buddies. I thought one of my...
  78. dodge man

    Motorcraft oil filters?

    Changed the oil in my daughters car a few days ago and the motorcraft oil filter had some gasket material inside coming loose. It was bright orange and round like and o ring and it was loose where the filter spins on. I would think this happened when it was removed. For reference this is the...
  79. dodge man

    Cutting a large log in half.

    I am not a big wood cutter, I would just guess a cord of split wood lasts me two to three years., but I am always trying to learn. I have an 18 bar on my saw and do not want to go bigger. So say you are cutting a larger log in half that is laying on the ground. So I will cut it into fire wood...
  80. dodge man

    Governor for speed?

    So I am working on a construction project as a surveyor and they are lending us a Polaris diesel UTV that has a front and back seat. I do not know the model number. Somebody dumped one on its side a couple of months ago a hurt his shoulder. They limited the speed and/or the throttle setting...
  81. dodge man

    Stihl MS250 mixture screws?

    I have a Stihl MS250 that is about 15 years old. I would call it occasional usage but over the years it has accumulated some hours. Newer spark plug and air filter. Problem has been going on for a couple years. It will idle badly but keep running if you goose the throttle a little. It will...
  82. dodge man

    First 3 months with my JD2025R

    Thought I'd write a short review of my JD 2025R. I got it about 3 months ago and traded in a 10 year old Kubota BX 2350. I'll make comparisons but its not a fair comparison since the 2025R is more like a 25hp Kubota B series tractor. The JD came with an end loader, auto connect deck, forks...
  83. dodge man

    My cost per hour.

    I recently traded in my BX 2350. I owned it about 10 years and had 760 hours on it. I had a rear blade, midmount mower and rear blade on it. Without going through the math but considering the residual value, fuel, and maintance on it I put my hourly cost at between $13 and $15 per hour.
  84. dodge man

    Might be going green.

    I'm going to look at a JD 2025R in a few minutes. Was going to look at a used one but they are giving a pretty good discount for a new one. End loader and 62" auto connect mower deck. I called a Kubota dealer on a used 30hp B model that didn't have an end loader but did have a 60" mowing...
  85. dodge man

    2025 Question

    I've owned a Kubota BX for about 10 years and would like to step up a tractor size if I can do it for the right money. There is a JD 2025R not to far away at a JD dealer. I have a couple of questions. I thought I had read somewhere that when using the loader you can curl the bucket, or lift...
  86. dodge man

    Would I be happier with a B series?

    So I've owned a BX2350 for a little over 10 years and have 760 hours on it. It does what I want but I often wish when I'm doing end loader work that it had a bigger bucket. I also feel the front tires are too small at times. I mow with it about half the time and have some side hills that push...
  87. dodge man

    Best gas engine oil.

    I know, another what is the best oil thread.:mad: I will explain. I have been on the Amsoil tread mill for about 10 years now and am going to get off it. I am convinced it is a high quality oil but am not sure I need it any more. We have three vehicles and my kids have two plus my tractor...
  88. dodge man

    Tires hanging in the air.

    I'm not trying to start another pallet thread, but I drove by something today that I can't wrap my mind around. There were about 50 tires hanging in the air. They spanned a very small creek or drainage way. Just guessing on the size here since my mind only took so much in, but they are...
  89. dodge man

    Filling up modern cars from a fuel can.

    So I keep 5 gallons of gas on hand for my generator. I store the generator dry and only splash a little fuel in it once in a while just to run it now and then. I had been giving the 5 gallons of fuel to my son every few months just to get fresh fuel. The problem now is he got a new car and...
  90. dodge man

    F150 Recall

    Looks like Ford is recalling over 2 million F150's. There is some kind of device that fires off if you get in an accident to tension the seat belt. This can start a fire in the B-pillar area and burn the truck to the ground. Sounds like it affects regular cab and crew cab trucks built from...
  91. dodge man

    Thoughts of a Land Surveyor.

    It seems like nothing gets the post count up like a good old boundary dispute. I thought I would just put some of my thoughts down in regards to these matters. Keep in mind this advice is worth what you are paying for it, in other words nothing. First off I'm licensed in two states...
  92. dodge man

    Mower bolt problem

    In another thread I talked about my blade style problem but I encountered another one when I put new blades on yesterday. It is a 60 deck on a BX2350. One blade bolt was badly damaged when I swapped blades. It came out really hard. Probably took 3 minutes with an impact. About just the last...
  93. dodge man

    Mower blade problem

    Got some new mower blades for the 60 deck on my BX. They aren稚 Gator blades but a copy I got on Amazon. They cut great but blow grass and dust every where. My deck has had the Kubota mulch kit since I first got it. When I mowed today I had to clean out the screen 4 times and blow the...
  94. dodge man

    Jeep Cherokee. Ford Fusion?

    Any comments on the newer Cherokee and/or the Ford Fusions? Looking at getting them for the kids. They are both needing new vehicles. I am looking at used ones, they both seem reasonably priced used. Looking for both good and the bad comments.
  95. dodge man

    Not again!

    On my way home I saw where someone had dumped a washing machine in the ditch. Not even a deep ravine or anything, just a mile or two outside of town. Since we have lived in the country, about 20 years, I've had a recliner and sofa thrown along side the rode on my property and other places seen...
  96. dodge man

    Ballast  New weight box

    I see it all the time. People talking about proper ballast. I have the rear tires on my BX loaded and thought that was good enough even though I have read different. A couple of weeks a half assed added some weights to a draw bar. It helped but I ordered a weight box. Do not know the total...
  97. dodge man

    My rear weights.

    Here is the weights I added to the back of my BX. Kind of a redneck setup but it probably adds about 120 lbs to the back. I already have loaded tires but that isn't quite enough.
  98. dodge man

    Mark up on new vehcile.

    I used to figure the markup on a new vehicle was about 10%. Now it seems to be about 6%. I don't have any real hard data to back this up. I know you can get the data on line on what sticker price is vs. dealer invoice but I'm just looking for a rough average.
  99. dodge man

    Electric power steering

    With traditional power steering you weren稚 suppose to hold the wheel against lock for more than a couple of seconds. It would make the pump go into relief like a pump on a tractor will. Does the same rule hold true for electric power steering?
  100. dodge man

    Firewood and tarps and bugs

    I burn around a cord of wood a year and usually have a chord drying. I store it on a large concrete area that used to be a kennel. Is it a good idea to tarp it? I can see where that would help keep the rain off but also keep the sun off and hold moisture in. I get bugs in the wood...
  101. dodge man

    Chain oil

    Can you use motor oil for bar and chain oil? I have got some leftover oil sae 30 and 10w-30 that is new oil but has been sitting around a few years. Ok or a bad idea?
  102. dodge man

    Seat kill switch adjustment?

    I have a BX2350 that is about 10 years old. It seems like I amhaving more and more problems with the seat switch trying to kill the tractor. It looks to me like it is on the right rear seat spring. I do notreally see a good way to adjust it. Maybe mount some kind of shim on the bottom of the...
  103. dodge man

    New front panels for BX?

    I have a post a few days ago about repairing the plastic on the front side panels of my BX 2350. I have given up on that idea, I damage it even more today. Any idea on cost of this? There was a thread a year or two ago about using the metal pieces from a newer BX but I do not know if anybody...
  104. dodge man

    Fixing plastic on a BX.

    My BX 2350 needs some repair to the plastic side panels. Some of the damage is my fault, most of the problem is the fact the plastic tabs that hold it on are broken. I was using large washers to hold it but one side the tab is almost gone. I am thinking of taking metal straps and running it...
  105. dodge man

    1st month with new F150

    I have had my F150 about a month now and thought I would share my thoughts. Its an XLT 5.0 V8, GVW of 7050 lbs. Tow rating of 9000 lbs. 3.55 gears with the E locker. 4x4 It rides great and is very quiet. Not as good as ride as a car but close. Its as quiet or quieter than most cars. Good...
  106. dodge man

    Rust again, aluminum Ford the answer?

    I've had a 2011 Chevy extended cab for about a year and a half now. Yesterday I notice rust just starting to bubble out above the rear wheel on on side. Truck has 55,000 miles on it. Im really disappointed. I'm not going down the road of trying to fix it, been there done that. We've had a...
  107. dodge man

    How bad did you get screwed over?

    How about some stories about how you got screwed over buying a vehicle? I''ve got one, it happened almost 30 years ago but it still stings. I was looking at getting a classic muscle car. Guy in a town about 2 hours away had a junk yard but he also did so-so restoration on classis Mopars. I...
  108. dodge man

    Getting fuel out of a modern vehicle.

    Saw in another thread about generators and being prepared with fuel. One person said they always have plenty of fuel because they have plenty in their vehicles. We have three vehicles and if they were all full it would be about 75 gallons. Question is, how do you get the fuel out? It's been...
  109. dodge man

    Grease points 2011 Chevy 2500?

    Does anybody know how many grease points there is on a 2011 Chevy 2500? It's a 6.0 gas if that matters. There is some conflicting info when I did a search, either 9 or 11. I found nine on my truck. I think 2010's and earier had 11 but I'm just not sure.
  110. dodge man

    Blade sharping.

    I've always had a hard time getting my BX in the air high enough to take the blades off and sharpen them. I have a set of ramps and they get high enough, but not enough I can get an impact on the blade bolts. I can use a breaker bar but there is still barely enough room to get to the middle...
  111. dodge man

    New trucks at work.

    We got two new trucks at work. Dodge Ram 1/2 tons, very lightly optioned, 4x4, V6, 8 speed auto, air, windows and locks. They are on a 3 year lease. My opinion, meh. They are O.K. Part of the problem is they are more plain than our previous Fords. The Fords had a 5.0 and some more options...
  112. dodge man

    AR15 Sling Advice

    I bought a Mossber AR15 a few months ago and am looking for sling advice. This had the M-lock fore end on it but I think I just want a 1 point sling. I also wonder how you hook this up. A lot of the pics seem to show a bracket installed between the buffer tube and the receiver that has a hole...
  113. dodge man

    Greasing your end loader?

    Might sound like a dumb question but how much grease do you put in the pins on your end loader? I put in enough grease until I see a little ooze out the joint. Often it seems like the grease comes out one side easier than the other. No matter how much you pump in, it still just comes out one...
  114. dodge man

    Steering cylinder repair on my BX

    I've bought the kit to repair the steering cylinder on my BX. I've got to do something, the steering goes dead at times unless I really spin the steering wheel hard. I've seen the the tip on drilling a hole to remove the retaining ring. Any other tips?
  115. dodge man

    Seat belt problem.

    I've got a 2011 Chevy 2500 extended cab. Sounds like a silly problem but I'm not sure how to fix it. The drivers seat belt seems to have a half twist in it. I've had this on other vehicles and have been able to force the twist through the belt buckle and fix it. There doesn't seem to be...
  116. dodge man

    Keeping batteries charged

    How to people keep rarely used batteries charged? In my case I'm talking the breakaway battery for my trailer and I also have one for a portable generator. These are smaller batteries and they often go several months without being used. Both of these batteries lasted a very short time. The...
  117. dodge man

    One way to help prevent rust on a Chevy.

    I recently got a 2011 Chevy and I had a part time co-worker show me a way to wash the truck. As anybody who has had a fight with the rust bunnies knows the area above the wheels in back is a prime place for rust to start. It starts between the inner and outer panel and eats its way to the...
  118. dodge man

    Am I no longer Dodge Man??

    I may have to change my name, I traded in my 2004 Dodge Ram with a Cummins today on a Chevy. It almost hurts to type that but its true. It was the right truck at the right time. We got a good price and a good trade in amount. Its an extended cab (the kind where the rear doors open...
  119. dodge man

    LED lights?

    Are the modern LED lights easy to hook up? I've added some lights to my BX so they are wired already with a fuse and switch. I saw some LED lights at the Kubota dealer and he said just wire it up and your good. Do they draw a lot of power? If I bought one of Amazon would it be any harder to...
  120. dodge man

    weed eater advice.

    I have a Stihl FS 50 CE model (I think) weed eater. It generally works well but I've had problems with the head. Its the style where you don't have to take the head apart to load the string. You line up a couple of arrows, jam in about 6 1/2 feet of string, and wind it up to get the string to...
  121. dodge man

    New Ford F150

    Co-worker just drove into work today in a brand new F150, its a 2015 I think. 6.5 bed, crew cab, 5.0, 4x4. A couple of neat features I liked. It has built in ramps for a 4 wheeler. They have a quick release setup and are mounted up higher in the bed sides. They have cable locks that use the...
  122. dodge man

    Diamond Pilot, is this your fault???

    This thing in Indiana, is this your doing? Gas rose $0.50 a gallon and I figure you had something to do with it. Its the same old story, something goes wrong somewhere in the supply line, and its an excuse to raise prices. It must not have affected diesel prices since diesel is now about...
  123. dodge man

    3/4 ton and 1/2 ton truck beds the same?

    Found a truck bed for sale, the details are a little sketchy, as in none other than a couple of pics. Its off a 2005 Dodge is all I know and it looks like its the same color as mine. I don't know if the length is the same or if its off a 3/4 ton or 1/2 ton. My truck is a 2004 3/4 ton Dodge...
  124. dodge man

    Impression of a Razor 900

    We recently took a trip to the Estes Park area, Colorado. There was an outfitter in Estes Park the rents out UTV's and we rented three of them for three hours. The younger ones had Razor 600's I think and they gave me the 900. The told me I was the only one allowed to drive it, not the...
  125. dodge man


    We just returned from a trip to Estes Park Colorado. We made the mistake of taking Amtrack. We left from Burlington Iowa and got off in Denver. The train was suppose to be about a 12 hour ride. Going to Denver it was four hour late. Coming home it was over 8 hours late. Needless to say we...
  126. dodge man

    Why are you brand loyal?

    Ok it's time to confess. This thread isn't suppose to start a brand war but to explain why you might be brand loyal. My story. When I was about 25, about 1985, I wanted to buy an older car to restore. There were lots of Chevys and Fords around but I wanted something different. A coworker...
  127. dodge man

    Toyota Tundra Problem?

    While I was working yesterday in a parking lot, I noticed a Toyota Tundra, don't know the exact age, maybe 5 years old or less. It looked very nice on the outside then I looked in the bed. I noticed severe rust. It looked like it was rusting where the cross members hit the bed. It wasn't...
  128. dodge man

    My recent law enforcement experience.

    I was reading another thread and read some negative comments about LEO and thought I would share my recent experience with them. Long story short my daughter left a small coin purse behind at a local restaurant. A lady picked it up and took my daughters debit card and cleaned out her bank...
  129. dodge man

    Chevy Suburban as rental?

    Looks like we are going to rent a house near Estes Park for a family vacation this year. There are four of us but we are going to pay the way for my son and daughter to bring along a friend each this year. That makes six of us. We are going to take a train to Denver and then rent a vehicle...
  130. dodge man

    Co-worker with 6.4 Ford Power Stroke problems.

    I have a co-worker whose husband owns a 6.4 Ford Power Stroke that is a problem child. They got the extended warranty, thank god. They have had the truck about 4 months but have only been able to drive it about a couple of weeks the time they have owned it. Its had turbos, injectors, egr...
  131. dodge man


    I have a set of goggles but probably a cheaper set and they fog up badly. I think a lot of the problem is if it's so cold I'm wearing goggles I've also have a face mask on that seems to steam them up quicker. Do better goggles actually not steam up? Is there some kind of magic spray you can...
  132. dodge man

    France getting rid of diesel cars.

    Leave it up to the French, they are trying to get rid of all their diesel cars, which appears to be some where around 80% of them. Diesel is cheaper in France but they say the pollution it the problem. Sounds like a knee jerk reaction to me. I read about it on Fox news.
  133. dodge man

    BX bucket expander.

    Anybody buy the BX bucket expander for their BX tractor just for snow removal? My driveway is long, about 600 feet. Most of the time I use a rear blade and the capacity of the bucket doesn't matter, but when we get a lot of snow, the only way is with the FEL. Then the capacity become...
  134. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    Tow mirrors. Everyone knows that Dodge heavy duty trucks have cool tow mirrors right? You grab the inside corner of the mirror and it will tilt up and out for when you have a trailer hooked up. I'm a member of a Cummins Forum and there was an amazing number of members that didn't know that...
  135. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    When changing your oil do you get tired of holding the bottle upside down waiting for that last bit of oil to run out? What I do is find places to stand the bottle upside down inside the engine compartment. Then when I've dumped in the last bottle I go back to the first one and empty the last...
  136. dodge man

    Time to trade in the Cummins?

    I have a 2004 Dodge Ram 3/4 ton, automatic, 4x4, Quad Cab, 130,000 miles with the 5.9 Cummins. I have had a couple of minor issues with the truck recently, a vibration problem, which I may or may not have fixed, and an electrical problem, which I may or may not have fixed. My wife has always...
  137. dodge man

    Tip of they day.

    I will try and post one of these every day but can not promise I will make it every day. I did a similar thing on a surveyors forum I'm a member of and it got a lot of good ideas going. The best thing about these threads is to let them wander because many other people will also have good...
  138. dodge man

    Bst way to fertilize a yard?

    What is the cheapest way to fertilize my yard? I have about 1.5 acres that is a country kind of yard. I don't want it perfect but it seems like if I don't fertilize it, it looks like crap by the end of the year between the weeds and dead spots. I have a tow behind broad cast spreader now...
  139. dodge man

    A pillar repair with a few photos.

    If anybody followed my previous thread about a blind bolt problem I was able to fix it using a toggle bolt. Here is a link to that thread. I was able to fix it with a toggle bolt. Its a lot smaller than...
  140. dodge man

    Blind bolt options?

    I will try and describe my problem as best I can. My 2004 Ram had a grab handle mounted to the A pillar. It plastic and I ripped it off hauling my butt up in the truck. I put a washer behind it which lasted about a week. There is a company called Geno's garage that sell metal inserts that go...
  141. dodge man

    Time for a new furnace. What kind?

    We have been having AC problems all summer. I got someone to come look at the system today and the evaporator is leaking. He says it can be fixed but our furnace and AC unit is 25 years old. Its probably just going to start having more problems. Its LP, 90% efficient. I've been pretty...
  142. dodge man

    Only Ram adopting the new tow ratings.

    It appears all of the big three were originally going to adopt the new SAE tow ratings but only Ram is going to do it. It appears Rams tow rating will stay the same or increase. I can only speculate that Ford and GM passed because it would hurt their tow ratings and maybe Ram has been pretty...
  143. dodge man

    A little cold water did the trick.

    I took my end loader off a couple of weeks ago in the morning and by afternoon the sun had heated up the hydraulics enough that I could not connect the hoses back up. I waited a couple of hours for the sun to start to go down and still couldn't hook them up. I took a hose and ran cold water...
  144. dodge man

    Impressions of new Ford F150.

    We just got in 3 new F150's where I work. We do three year leases so they get turned over on a regular basis. The trucks are extended cab(back doors open like suicide doors), 4x4 XLT, 5.0 V8, 3.55 gears, convenience package and trailer tow package. Cloth seats, no leather. My first...
  145. dodge man

    Sticky rear brake ideas.

    I own a 2004 Dodge Ram 4x4 with the Cummins. Its a 3/4 ton so single rear wheel. About 14 months ago I redid the rear brakes with all new parts. Dodge uses a rear drum brake inside the disc brake hub for emergency brakes. I replaced everything, new rotors, calipers, e-brake parts and new...
  146. dodge man

    Breakaway battery install.

    I have a car hauler trailer that didn't have a breakaway on it. I installed it yesterday. It is suppose to charge the battery when its hooked up. I hooked it up to the black wire on the trailer. I am curious if the battery is actually being charged. My only idea on how to check it is to...
  147. dodge man

    Did Chrysler beat GM to the punch?

    This is in regards to the recent recall. GM got a black eye on the recent ignition switch problem. It appears if something is hanging from your keys it would make the key turn the ignition off which can cause problems depending on traffic and road conditions. It looks like a simple fix was to...
  148. dodge man

    What kind of hand pump?

    I have a hand pump I have used for adding fluids to things such as a differential on a truck. The fill hole is usually high and you can't get the bottle up there to dump it in. The hand pump I have was fairly inexpensive and worked well. It had a hose you put in the bottle and another you...
  149. dodge man

    My new Racor install

    Here are a couple of pics of my Racor fuel filter install on my BX2350. Others have posted much nicer installs. I'm not ashamed of my install but its just not as clean and nice as others. I simply bolted the Racor to a piece of flat steel I had that came pre drilled with all the holes you...
  150. dodge man

    Ramps for your ramps?

    I have a 16 foot with a 2 foot dove tail car trailer. It has the ramps that slide into the back of the trailer. I'm pretty sure if I have to haul a car on it depending on how low it is to the ground, the nose of the car may hit the ramp before the wheels start up the ramp. I've seen where...
  151. dodge man

    Another BX plugged fuel filter.

    I was removing snow this last Saturday and my BX started to lose power. I already pretty much knew what the problem was. A plugged fuel filter. This is the third or fourth time this has happened to me, always in the winter. I don't think its a gelling issue, the minute the filter is removed...
  152. dodge man

    Ford 450 vs Ram 3500

    I just read an article in Diesel Power mag where they compared these two trucks. Its kind of unfair since the Ford is a 450 and the Dodge only a 350. They liked the Ram better, it pulled the Eisenhower Grade better than the Ford and also had much better exhaust braking. Pickups Truck mag did...
  153. dodge man

    Rant of the day, turn on your headlights.

    We have had some pretty foggy weather the last two days in my area. It always amazes me that about 10% of the people refuse to turn on their headlights. Is it the automatic headlight thing and people aren't smart enough to over ride it? Are these people just dense? Do they think since they...
  154. dodge man

    Bad Batteries-resulting symptoms.

    I just replaced the batteries in my 2004 Dodge with a 5.9 Cummins. They were the original batteries. About 2 months ago I noticed the trucks was surging while at highway speeds with the cruise on. Then lately it was getting worse, even if the cruise was off. It started fine and ran fine...
  155. dodge man

    Wear test article.

    Here is a link behind a wear test article. Its long but seems to have been done well. The results are at the end. MOTOR OIL
  156. dodge man

    BX2350 broken seat belt.

    The seat belt on my BX broke a couple of weeks ago. It broke on the buckle side, not the side with the reel on it. It looks like it just fatigued to me, but also looks like where the part number was stamped in the steel might be what started it. It broke about 2 inches up where it bolts to...
  157. dodge man

    A hotshotters Cummins stats

    I am also a member of a Cummins forum and there is a poster that is a hotshotter. His truck is a 2007 dually with a 5.9 Cummins in it. He just recently had to put in a rebuilt engine at little over 900,0000 miles. He was on his third set of injectors, he got something like 406,000 miles out...
  158. dodge man

    Underhood temps of my BX

    I've been mowing with my BX 2350 a lot lately and as usual, the temp gauge doesn't hit the red, but it does get close. I know this subject has been talked about a lot but I bought one of those point and shoot thermometers last year and tried it out on the BX. I shot the water neck where the...
  159. dodge man

    Gas shocks getting old.

    I just replaced the front shocks on my truck, it made the ride much better, and I'm sure when I replace the rear ones, it will help more. When shocks were hydraulic, it seems like when they got old, the truck got softer and bounced more. With gas shocks, it seems like when they get old, they...
  160. dodge man

    Return Pedal on BX2350

    I've never really been happy with the way the HST pedal returns on my BX2350 since it was new. It just doesn't retrun to the neutral position in a timely manner, and its gotten worse over the last couple of months. Most of the time I just lift it to nuetral with my toe, but today I was...
  161. dodge man

    Tire pressure

    I got my Kubota BX stuck a couple of days ago in the snow. It just didn't seem like I was getting any traction with the front tires. I then remembered at the end of the summer I was doing some heavy end loader work. The factory tire pressure is something like 15 psi for the front, and when...
  162. dodge man

    Plugged fuel filter again.

    My tractor started losing power today while moving snow. It was the fuel filter again. I could tell it was bad when I took the fuel line off on the engine side of the filter, hardly anything came out. I cut the filter open and it wasn't gelled up, just discolored. This is the third time it's...
  163. dodge man

    Here comes Rocky!

    It looks like Rocky is headed our way. It sounds like Texas is getting hammered today really bad. They are talking up to 12" of snow and winds in the 20 to 30 mph range in my neck of the woods. It's suppose to start early tommorow morning and go all day. Time to make sure the tractor has...
  164. dodge man

    Soft brake pedal

    I just did a major rehab on my rear brakes. Its a 2004 Dodge Ram, 2500, 4x4 with the Cummins. I replaced the rotors, pads, calibers, and all the e-brake hardware and linings. After I got everything together, I bled the brakes, starting at the right rear, then the left rear. I didn't count...
  165. dodge man

    New diesels and emissions. A bad thing?

    I see a lot of complaining on this forum about the diesel emissions requirements on new trucks and machinery. I have mixed emotions about this subject. I am by no means a tree hugger, but I read an article in Diesel Power magazine about this subject a few months ago. He said have you ever...
  166. dodge man

    What I bought my daughter

    I've posted a couple of times on vehicles I was thinking about buying my daughter. She is 15 and it will be her first car. We at first were looking at Linclon LS's, and then a Jeep Grand Cherokee. We ended up with a Chevy Impala LT, a 2008, a 3.5 V6, 95,000 miles. Its red, has some kind of...
  167. dodge man

    2006 DMAX COOLER?

    I have a co-worker with a 2006 Dmax that is a 3/4 ton. We noticed a cooler a little bit forward of the rear wheel well just inside the drivers frame rail. What is this cooler for?
  168. dodge man

    Input on Lincoln LS

    I'm still looking for a vehicle for my daughter and I've focused on a couple Lincoln LS's. One is a 2002 with 97000 miles on it. I haven't seen it yet, they are asking $7200. The other one is owned by a co-worker and is a 2004 and has 85000 miles on it. I drove it today, it drives good, but...
  169. dodge man

    2001 Grand Cherokee

    I just looked at a used 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 155,000 miles on it. Its got a 4.0l (I think) in line 6. The body and the interior are what I would say is excellent condition for the number of miles. It looks like everything on it leaks, but they are what I would call minor leaks. It...
  170. dodge man

    Recent fuel problem?

    I had a problem with my pressure washer a couple of weeks ago and I'm looking for ideas as to why. It was low on fuel so I filled the tank with fresh fuel. It wouldn't start, but it would start with starting fluid, but not stay running. If I kept spraying starting fluid in the carb, it would...
  171. dodge man

    Fender flare problem

    I have fender flares on my 2004 Ram. I wish they weren't on the truck, but they have roughed up the paint in a couple of spots underneath, so I can't really take them off. They have developed a gap at the top, and it seems like a good way to create problems if they let a bunch of crap...
  172. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    Loose hammer handle. Do you have a hammer, axe, maul, sledge hammer with a loose handle? Just soak the thing in water for a couple of days. This just happened at my work. We had a 3 lb hammer with a good handle, just really loose where the head attach's and we dropped it in a water tank for...
  173. dodge man

    Free fuel.

    I picked up a load of wood lath (used for surveying) from our supplier today. We started talking about diesel pickups and I noticed he had a real nice 2001 Ford with a 7.3 in it. He actually had a couple of them, one of which was an F450. Then he started talking about how he makes his own...
  174. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    In regards to people counting on technology. My wife works for a telephone co-op. You know the kind of phone that used to be on the kitchen wall and went "ring ring" instead of playing some kind of ring tone. As many of you know, and probably many of you already have done, people are getting...
  175. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    Been busy at work and haven't had time to post much lately. Todays tip is for people that have a pump and have problems with the pump getting clogged up with debris. I have a electric pump that I use for various tasks. One problem with is it plugs up really easy. Its not really a trash pump...
  176. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    Internet research. Its amazing what you can find on the internet for usefull info. Even though I use it a lot, both at work and for personal stuff, I often forget to do a little research on line when tackling a project. For example, about a year ago my sons 99 Aurora started having problems...
  177. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    Power washing. When you power wash, don't get to close to whatever it is your cleaning. Some power washers will strip paint. I was at a body shop and the body man was repainting a hood on a car he had just painted. The guy got to close to it with a power washer and stripped some of the paint...
  178. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    Cutting oil. For years, I just burned up metal saw blades, drill bits and such when I drilled into metal. At times I would spray a little WD40, but that stuff is pretty flammable. I then tried a can of cutting oil. It sprays out like WD40, but is a little thicker. I don't know what is in...
  179. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    Saving old bolts, nuts and screws. Years ago when I bought a car that needed restoring, the guy threw all the loose nuts, bolts and screws in this huge coffe can. Half of the stuff didn't go on the car, but were from something else. I'm amazed at how often I need some kind of bolt or other...
  180. dodge man

    Tip of the day

    Fertilizer on new grass seed. This was a lesson I learned the hard way. Its probably pretty obvious, especially anyone with a farm background. Several years ago I seeded down a couple of areas in my yard and I had some left over fertilizer and used it on the freshly seeded areas. Nothing...
  181. dodge man

    Tip of the day

    Cargo bar. I recently bought a cargo bar for my truck. It extends to just about any length and then ratches in to place to tighten. When I first got it, its seemed a little flimsy but it seems to be holding up well. If you get tired of putting 5 gallon cans, propane tanks for your grill, or...
  182. dodge man

    Tip of the day

    Large channel lock pliers. This seems to be a rarely needed tool for me, but is also often the most important tool in my garage. I originally got this large set of channel locks for removing stubborn oil filters. They work really well for this as long as you can get to the side of the oil...
  183. dodge man

    Tip of the day

    Your wifes makeup. Does your wife/girl friend/daughter use one of those compacts that have the little mirror on it? When the makeup is all gone, rip the thing in half and save the little mirror. Its handy for seeing in places you can't get your head on a tractor or vehicle. For those of you...
  184. dodge man

    Tip of the day

    Moving a car or tractor with a floor jack. You can actually slide a vehicle or tractor on a concrete floor using a floor jack. First off, you have to be careful and the concrete has to be pretty smooth. I once rented a place that had a garage that was almost a two car, but it only had one...
  185. dodge man

    Tip of the day

    Do you hate change? I hate having a pocketfull of change. I'm also not a big fan of letting it pile up in some jar of jug. When I get fuel, I just look at the change in my pocket and when the pump shuts off, I'll just add a touch more fuel to some amount that will get rid of some or all of...
  186. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    Helicoil. I've always been a big fan of helicoils. For those of you that haven't heard of them, they work well for striped out threads or bolts that are broken off and can't be removed. They come as a kit, with a tap, drill bit, and several helicoils. A helicoil looks like a compressed...
  187. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    Save your old 5 gallon hydraulic fluid buckets. I never really had a good way to get rid of used oil. I have a co-worker who farms part time, so I snagged one of his empty 5 gallon buckets. The ones that have a spout that pops up are the best. They seal up well with a cap and a funnel sits...
  188. dodge man

    Tip of the day

    Blade balancer. If you sharpen your lawn mower blades off the deck, these are very simple devices to help you get the blades in balance. They are cheap and are kind of a stepped cone shaped device. There is nothing worse than a deck with mis-balanced blades.
  189. dodge man

    Tip of the day

    Keep a Sharpie around. For those that don't know, its a felt tip pen with a fairly narrow point that has permanent ink in it. I have a shop with OSB on the walls painted white and I'm not afraid to write on them. I will write some things on the walls such as what size wrench it takes to get...
  190. dodge man

    Tip of the day

    6 point socket. You ever get a bolt that is rounded off? Most sockets are 12 points sockets and will just make the rounded off bolt worse. Try a 6 point socket, it grabs the flats of a bolt and will usually get the bolt lose. Impact sockets are almost always 6 point sockets if you can't find...
  191. dodge man

    Tip of the day

    Getting a bolt or screw started in a hard to reach area. If you are like me, you have a lot of different size hose around the shop. Vacum line, windshield washer line, heater hose, etc. If you have ever tried to get a bolt or a screw in a hard to reach area, sometimes you can jam the bolt in...
  192. dodge man

    Tip of the day.

    When you change your oil, I always try to get all the oil out of the bottles. What I do is try to find a place in the engine compartment to stand them upside down for a minute or two and them let them drain. I can usually find a place to stand 4 or 5 quart bottles upside down, like next to the...
  193. dodge man


    Several years ago, on a land surveyors forum, I did a series of threads similar to what I want to start here. Everyday I would post some kind of silly tip, usually very simple. Most of these tips are things people have already thought of or might already do, but sometimes these tips might be...
  194. dodge man

    My oil analysis

    I recently had an oil sample pulled on my 2004 Cummins in my Dodge truck. It has 110,000 miles on it and the oil was Amsoil 5W-40 with about 4500 miles on it. I mainly had it pulled to check for water or fuel in the oil. The truck runs great, but I just wanted to make sure. I'm not 100% sure...
  195. dodge man

    BX won't pull a hill-PROBLEM SOLVED!

    If anybody has followed my other thread, I figured out why my BX is having problems going up a hill. This is my other thread, but I thought I'd start a new one. In the other thread, someone suggested I...
  196. dodge man

    BX won't pull a hill.

    I have a Kubota BX2350 that had devoloped a problem. It won't pull up a hill. I was mowing with it today, and everything seemed fine. I went up and down some hills, no problem. I have a fairly steep hill that I was trying to climb when the problem showed up. It acts like the rear wheels...
  197. dodge man

    Plastic front end fix.

    I had this post several weeks ago. I bought the parts several weeks ago and just now got around to installing them. The plastic screen on my BX2350 fit like crap, it bowed out on the edges and fit...
  198. dodge man

    Weighed my truck today.

    I decided to see how much my truck weighed and ran it across a scales. Its a 2004 Dodge Quad Cab short bed, 3/4 ton, 5.9 Cummins. It had about 3/4 tank of fuel, I figured a full tank would have added about 80 pounds. I also have a tool box in the bed, and I would estimate it is about 100...
  199. dodge man

    Beating your bounds.

    It seems like I see some good threads on surveying matters every few weeks on TBN. I am a land surveyor and I thought I would share my take on what a land owners responsibility is in maintaining your boundaries. I titled this thread, "beating your bounds" and its my understanding this dates...
  200. dodge man

    Bright headlight bulbs.

    I've installed a set of the brighter headlight bulbs in both my Dodge Truck and my sons Old Aurora. I can't remember what I installed, but Silverstar is one of the brand names. Both the Aurora and the Ram had mediocre headlights. The Aurora was the worst. The bulbs made a big impact, more so...