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  1. P

    PowerTrac Specific Modifications

    Hopefully Pic of machine - the swing system of a cat 2 3pt Twose hoe was fitted - bringing the swing post 20'' forward. This means the rear wheels barely stay on ground - I have the original underfloor swing cyls & chain. Also the driver no longer swings behind the hoe as a 'living...
  2. P

    Magnatrac Crawler Engine Specs - Kohler

    Hi, I have been looking at the Struck hydro crawlers for a job on slopes, at different times they have used Kohler Command pro, B&S Vanguard, & now Honda GX 680. I have checked the max angles the engines can work at, B&S 15 deg constant, up to 30 deg intermittent (however B&S will not define...