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  1. BillC72

    Mahindra 72" MMM

    I bought my tractor new with a 72" MMM. I mowed with it perhaps 4 times before we bought our first Bad Boy. It has sat in machine row since 2015. I put it on once a season just to keep it turning. Does anyone have an idea of value if I was to sell it? I know it fits 3016, and 3616 for sure. May...
  2. BillC72

    3616 hst start sequence issue

    Got on the tractor today, 3616 hst, push in clutch and it starts cranking. The key isn't even on yet. Ok,let off clutch,turn key on for glow plug cycle, push in clutch, and it starts cranking. So then I turned the key and it started. The starter is getting the order to crank whenever the clutch...
  3. BillC72

    Mahindra 3616 pto not working

    My 3616 pto has stopped working. One day was time I go to use it...just barley rotates. With the tractor off, turns freely disengaged, and when engaged I can feel the gears turning. Also affects the mid pto. The 3616 HST is a mechanical pto with no solenoid to be the culprit. Any...
  4. BillC72

    3616 mods

    Some of my add ins that are very helpful.
  5. BillC72

    TC33d hydraulic issue

    I'm working on my neighbors TC33D. Its a 2001 or so. The hydraulics at the FEL have gradually gotten weaker. Now its blowing the hoses at the cooler unit by the radiator. Put on new hoses from NH dealer (OEM) and blew them in an hour. These lines should have pretty good flow, but not a lot of...