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  1. Undercover

    Pics of work done this spring

    The cub cadets are a 3235 1882 super and 1872 super.
  2. Undercover

    here is my repainted 1872

    1989 super gt 1872
  3. Undercover

    pictures of 1882 super

    New paint,seat,side panels,hood,grille,and other stuff $$$$$ :confused::thumbsup:
  4. Undercover

    cub cadet paint help

    I could use a little advise from anyone who has painted with it.Right now i'm painting a CC 1872 and i have the Cub Cadet yellow 759-3263.Just wondering what people use for reducer and hardener and what ratio.I have been told by a guy that the paint is pre mixed and he just uses hardener.Have...
  5. Undercover

    Lenght for 1882 tran dip stick?

    I bought a 1882 3 weeks ago. when i changed the tran oil i got about 8 quarts out of it.The specs call for 7quarts so i added 7 quarts.But when i check the oil it barely shows up on the dip stick so i am thinking it may have the wrong dip stick.The dip stick blade that is in it is 13 1/2 inches...
  6. Undercover

    What hydo fluid for SGT 1882 ??????????

    Just got a 1882 today just wondering what hydo fluid. Case ih hytran or the CC oil thank you __________ 3235 1882 1872 782
  7. Undercover

    Sea Foam????

    Just wondering what you all think about it? I plan on putting it in my gas. Good or bad idea to add to oil before i change it? Thanks
  8. Undercover

    J-B Weld to fix IH emblem?

    Has anyone tried to fix the IH emblem on the grill screen with J-B Weld? My posts on my 782 have been broke off.I had it hanging on with a small piece of wire. It has stayed on but i still didn't like it.
  9. Undercover

    1872 and the 60"deck

    I just got the 1872 in late Dec.It has a 60"deck,the deck is very heavy duty i am impressed with how well built it is.Just wondering how well it works and how does the M18 kohler handle this big of deck? Thanks ----------------------------- 04 CC 3235 60"deck IH Cub 782 SGT 1872...
  10. Undercover

    Good or Bad deal

    I think it is a super gt? cub cadet 1872 / snowblower
  11. Undercover

    Best cub ih to pull plow?

    i went to my 1st plow day this last fall and would like to get into it. I bought a 782 also this fall(before i thought of plowing).It is in great shape doesn't smoke even on start up.But it is the later model i believe. it is red but the tran area is black it has the K17 without oil filter.These...
  12. Undercover

    best old Cub to look for

    i have been looking for a older cub cadet gt for a couple years now and have kinda put it off alittle bit (economy)But that said it don't hurt to look. Besides the obvious oil leaks ect.What models have held up over time and are easier to fix for less$$$$$$.I would like to find a Cub IH but the...
  13. Undercover

    122 Cub good deal?

    Been looking for a Cub IH. Is this one worth the money?I called and he won't back down on the price.He also has a 1250 for $400 but is still set on that$$$$.IT is a hour + drive if i would take a look.
  14. Undercover

    3235 PTO Trouble

    04 3235 85 hours Last week the pto did not want to shut down i had to hit the pto button a couple times for it to shut down.This week it was working normal for about 20min or so than it just shut off on its own.I tried to restart it a few times and it would only ingage a sec or two.So i drove it...
  15. Undercover

    3235 question

    I'm finely getting the 3235 today about 4pm.I will not have the owners manual. It is on order not sure when i will get it.My question for now is about the throttle.On my GT1554 i have to keep it at full throttle and shout it down wide open.Do i have to do this with the 3235?I'm thinking i could...
  16. Undercover

    Great News? 3235

    as i stated in a diff thread i was looking for a used cub gt or a new 2544.I called a dealer 50miles away just for fun.Much to my surprse he has a 2004 GT 3235 with 49 hours.He said he wanted $2100 for it.I asked about the hrs so he had to run out and check, when he came back he said he...
  17. Undercover

    What would you do?

    I plan on getting a new-order a new Cub as soon as the 08 prices come out.I like to have 2 mowers because i'm gone all week(job) and if it brakes down and i can't fix or get parts(this has happend) it's maybe 2 weeks before i can mow.I mow around 2 acres +or-.It is mostly flat except the...
  18. Undercover

    08 2500's hoods fixed ?

    Hi all this is my first post but i have been coming to tractorbynet for the last year or so great place. I'm planning to order the GT2544 in jan.I have looked up old messages on the heat and the melting hoods on the 2500 series.From what i make of it they put a heat shield and different hood...