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  1. T

    Largest tractor with a belly mower.

    Because I don’t want to buy a zero turn and a tractor! But I know that’s the right move. I’ll probably end up with only a zero turn
  2. T

    Largest tractor with a belly mower.

    This is the size I’d be interested in.
  3. T

    Largest tractor with a belly mower.

    I had an old flail mower once. Never again! Thing was broken more than it ever mowed
  4. T

    Largest tractor with a belly mower.

    We bought an old farmhouse and 45 acres. About 30 is hay field which I plan to lease to the farmer neighbor indefinitely. But we have about 13 acres of mature woods and about 2 acres of lawn. I’d love something big enough to haul and lift brush and logs. And mow my lawn. The problem with a...
  5. T

    Largest tractor with a belly mower.

    Darned. Those would be too small for me. I was hoping with for one with about 30 horse at the pto
  6. T

    Largest tractor with a belly mower.

    What’s the largest TYM OR Brandon tractor that will take a belly mower? Something with a loader and 3 point hitch too.
  7. T


    They must not make that model anymore?
  8. T

    CLANGING in the front diff of brand new T494....what the heck

    Well what about DEF or particulate filters and all that crud
  9. T

    474 v 494

    So between the Branson 20r and the 494, would either be able to handle an extremely heavy duty, like beefier than you’ve ever seen, 7’ box blade? Or would you really need the 5835r for something that massive? —- I’d really prefer the hydrostat. Easier for my wife to drive and, easier on my...
  10. T


    Which Branson model do you have that was 7100#?
  11. T

    Clamp on bucket spade or forks quick spades

    That’s exactly the big spade I need. I’ll probably use it on forks but, Wouldn’t it be better to mount on one side of the bucket? Stronger near the side and easier to see??
  12. T

    CLANGING in the front diff of brand new T494....what the heck

    What’s the emissions on kioti like?
  13. T

    Clamp on bucket spade or forks quick spades

    How big are your loaders? Like their pound rating
  14. T

    474 v 494

    Looking at Bransons website again, I’m wondering if the 5835r is really more similar to the 494?? I’d prefer a hydrostat but the power shuttle is cool too.
  15. T

    CLANGING in the front diff of brand new T494....what the heck

    LS might be a good compromise. They make some of the masseys and new hollands and case machines as I understand it. We have a huge new holland/case dealer, I should call and see if they service LS lol
  16. T

    474 v 494

    Yea that’s true, I’m more concerned with parts availability and service I guess
  17. T

    CLANGING in the front diff of brand new T494....what the heck

    Thanks. I don’t think there’s a big Massey dealer but, I looked at some of their models and it was 50k plus. We are fairly good friends with the owners of the few Kubota dealerships here in town. I’m sure they’d treat us right but again the prices have gotten so high on the name brand...
  18. T

    474 v 494

    After reading about the CLANGING issue in the other thread on the forum, I am getting a bit scared of TYM entirely. I stopped by a local small dealer, who only had two 2815s in stock , nothing to really look at. He said they never had problems with parts but, he’s been a Branson dealer for...
  19. T

    2020 MX5400 Kubota PRICING

    What FB group I were these ads posted in?
  20. T

    CLANGING in the front diff of brand new T494....what the heck

    Dang, reading this whole thread has turned me off Tym. I wanted the 494 but not with those axle issues. The Branson stuff I looked at but, with those parts issues no thanks! Maybe I’ll check out LS, we have a huge new holland dealer right in town that could do the service at least.
  21. T

    474 v 494

    Ahh ok, I didn’t realize the 4820 was size wise more like the 474. It’s hard to find a dealer with all the models in stock to compare them
  22. T

    474 v 494

    What are the issues with the front axle? It’s something that would be fixed in future models no? Looking at the Brandon models - they are about the same weight, so how much heftier could they be really? I haven’t seen them in person but aren’t they more bare-bones than the tyms?
  23. T

    Subsoiler with pipelayer

    That looks nice but, what do you think about the pins? I always like the double sided enclosed connections. Those open ones always bend
  24. T

    Subsoiler with pipelayer

    So this water line will be for my house. It will have to be below my frost line, I’m hoping about 24” to be safely below it.
  25. T

    Subsoiler with pipelayer

    Hmmm I’m not seeing any with a shear bolt on that page??
  26. T

    474 v 494

    Truck is weight for 11000 or so. I am never sure because my manual is in French! With the trailer, the. tractor/loader/ballasted tires you are around 10,000# before any implements.
  27. T

    Subsoiler with pipelayer

    Anyone have a good brand for a heavy duty subsoiler, and a place to buy it?? I’d like to find one with a shear pin, as I may be hitting some rocks (or bedrock) as I pull. King Kutter has one for 650$ but there’s no shear pin. I’ll also need a pipe layer attachment that can be added on.
  28. T

    474 v 494

    I figured the 494 would be best, obviously. But I am still hoping to skimp by on the smaller one. Save some money, lighter to tow (I only have an f150) and I imagine there’s a better resale market at size.
  29. T

    Clamp on bucket spade or forks quick spades

    Who has these digging attachments and how well do they work? For digging holes to plant trees, or deck footers (I have 12” frost line) they seem like a great addition and cheaper than a stump bucket. What are the pros and cons?
  30. T

    474 v 494

    Hello all. I’ve basically decided to buy a TYM with the kukje engine. But I’m trying to decide whether I should go to the bigger machine or would be alright with the smaller frame size. I should be closing on a 32 acre property soon. This will be our homestead and we plan to build a house...
  31. T

    TYM 494 or Branson 4820

    Can someone further explain the benefits of the kukje engine emissions equipment? Same engine in the Branson and tym it seems.
  32. T

    Branson brand to be discontinued?

    A few of the tractors across brands seem to be nearly the same. The Brandon 4820 and the tym 494 use the same engine, almost the exact same dimensions/weight/lift capacities. I assume with the same engine the tym also has few electronics and no dEF
  33. T

    Quicke loader lost down pressure

    I was digging dirt in my garden when the joystick and cables broke, so down pressure only gave out after the new joystick and cables. How would fluid bypass the cylinder?
  34. T

    Quicke loader lost down pressure

    Is there a way for the spool settings to be alreatered? Like it used to not direct flow untill after it would dog with down pressure. Now it gives before lifting the tires off the ground. It does take "some" pressure off the tires.
  35. T

    Quicke loader lost down pressure

    I'm fairly certain they travel as much as they should. The fact that I can go past the down pressure point on the joystick and get it to "float" means it has full range doesn't it? What else could be causing it?
  36. T

    Quicke loader lost down pressure

    It curls and lifts just fine. If I fully curl yes I hear the engine bog slightly and also the whine of the hydraulics. I hear the same whine and engine grunt when I try to lift the front axle, but get no lift. Now if I lower the arms fully, then uncurl the bucket, it simply lifts the...
  37. T

    Quicke loader lost down pressure

    So my quicke loader, one of the control cables broke and then the joystick. I replaced both and didn't even touch the hydraulics. But now I've lost down pressure. Not all down pressure, it will push down slightly (not float) but the bucket will no longer lift the front axle or dig into the...
  38. T

    Old rotary cutter turned post hole digger?

    Yes it should be easy to dangle with the existing metal. Good idea with turning the gearbox around. Although I'm not sure how to re-mount it without looking at it.....
  39. T

    Old rotary cutter turned post hole digger?

    I recently destroyed the deck on my old beat up rotary cutter. The gearbox and 3 point linkage is still all good. Let me run my idea past y'all. it looks like I could fold the legs of the tail wheel and parts of the 3 point frame and make cradle for the gearbox, that would hang plumb from one...
  40. T

    Euro/global/quickie tool carrier for loader

    I have a quickie brand 710 loader. It's on a 55 hp Kubota. From my understanding, there's a few different sizes of the euro global attachment system; my manuel shows a few different mounting styles. The tool carrier for the bucket I have is very clearly what the manual calls "Euro (8)" . I...
  41. T

    Slip clutch, smooth bore to 6 spline....

    I'm looking for a slip clutch to fit on a rotary mower. The gearbox is a smooth bore and uses a shear pin. I'd like to get a slip clutch for it, but one that converts to the 6 spline style connection. That way, I can use a much nice PTO shaft I have from another implement. I've come up...
  42. T

    Front tires caused axle failure...?

    I bought a used Kubota m5400 earlier this year. The previous owner had put some 15x19.5 loader wheels and tires in the front. Replacing the original 9.5x22s. it was really nice to have such a wide front tire, for loader work and wet ground. I double checked online, and the rolling...
  43. T

    Front axle oil (4x4)

    So my manual states "Kubota Super UDT oil or SAE80.SAE 90 gear oil" should be used in the front axle. I have half a bucket of Travelers UTF in the barn that meets Kubota UDT (Not Super UDT) spec and Kubota transhydraulic specs. I also have a jug of "All Mineral SAE 90 Ford Tractor transmission...
  44. T

    Range lever sticking on m5400

    I have a 1998(?) M5400. It's a 4 speed trans with a high/low/reverse range shifter on the left side. You do have to press the clutch to shift it, so I don't believe they call that the shuttle shift, but maybe I'm worng. Either way, it's sticking and hard to shift between ranges. Getting...
  45. T

    Pin diameter for ROPS and 3 pt sway bars.

    Anyone know the pin diameter for the foldable ROPS and 3 pt stabilizer bars? The ROPS on my m5400 is really close to 3/4". the holes may be out of alignment, causing them to be really tight. But I assume it's metric(?) And maybe I'm just a hair too big? I haven't looked closely on the...
  46. T

    Kubota Super UDT and filters.

    I'm going to change all the fluids on a used M5400 I just bought. I'm starting with the tranny/hydraulic fluid as it's currently low. My manual specs Kubota Super UDT. Local dealer quoted me $118 for five gallons! And I need 10.5 gallons!!! Is there a comparable product people use Luke UTF...
  47. T

    Anyone own an M5400?

    I'm looking at a used M5400 this week. It's a 1998, 3300 hrs. What's the good/bad/ugly on these units? I was hoping to find something newer in hopes that I'd have less maintenance problems, but most newer machines are out of my price point. I did look the model up online, and these...
  48. T

    Used Branson, but no dealers nearby

    So I'm looking at a used 5220r. It's online and a good deal. But there's no Branson dealers anywhere near me. Like not in my state or a neighboring state. I tend to do all my own repairs anyway, but by no means am I a mechanic. There are some TYM dealers around, now that they are owner...
  49. T

    How many hours is a lot of hours...?

    On these newer tractors, say 2000 or newer, how many hours is a lot? I'm shopping around and not sure what a good rule of thumb is.
  50. T

    Just how good is 4 wheel drive

    I've never had the luxury of owning a 4x4 tractor, but I assume it must be the cat's meow. My truck is a totally different beast when the 4x4 is engaged. It's gotta make a huge difference on a tractor too, I'd imagine. With 2 wheel drive and a loader, it's nearly impossible for me to reverse...
  51. T

    Spring loaded pins on PTO shaft repair

    I have two PTO shafts that need work on the locking pin assembly that holds the shaft on the spline of the tractor. One one, it's rusted and siezed up. On the other it's missing completely. I'm not even sure what it's called but someone must sell repair kits for these right?
  52. T

    Mismatched tires front and rear. Turf/R1

    Came across this Massey. I've never seen turf tires mixed with R1s?? Plus if I was guessing, it looks like both are mounted on the wheels that would have been r 4 from the factory?. nyone know if...
  53. T

    What's with these tires!?!?!

    Came across this 461. I've never seen turf tires mixed with R1s?? Plus if I was guessing, it looks like both are mounted on the wheels that would have been r 4 from the factory?. Anyone know if...
  54. T

    Back blade won't dig

    I've tried twice now to cut a Swale on my property. My back blade doesn't seem to dig and cut into the ground. I believe the problem is the sod. It digs fine in dirt but not where the grass is growing. Any tips? Should I get a middle busted or something to lossen it up first???
  55. T

    Tire Selection  Calculating ground contact and PSI

    I'm trying to calculate out the PSI of pressure on the ground. So by taking the tire width, and multiple it by the length of the tire that actually hits the ground. What should I use for that dimension? Like a 14.9-24 rear would be 14.9" wide x ??? = Or a 6-16 from would be 6" wide x ??? =
  56. T

    Do new tractors have 3 point down pressure??

    Is it common for new tractors to have down pressure on the 3 point? Just curious as I watch some videos of people back blading...their blades never lift. Mind always hit rocks and bounce, or even thick sod will push them up. Just curious!!
  57. T

    How much horsepower for different mowing situations

    I'm in the market again for a new [used] tractor. I have about 12 hilly acres of grass to maintain as lawn and pasture. I'd like to run an 8 foot finish mower and 6 foot or larger brush hog. The bush hog would be knee deep grasses, little to no Woody stuff. The finish mower would be lawn, but...
  58. T

    Stuck in the mud

    I have a new to me Massey Ferguson 150, which is a mid 1960s, 45 horse diesel machine. 2 wheel drive. I'm afraid to admit that its just too heavy for my wet ground. With a front loader and loaded tires it's just much too heavy. I get stuck almost every time I drive it. My old to-20 never got...
  59. T

    3 point lift height control and setting.

    So I've had trouble searching the forums and I believe it's because I don't know what this is called...... Both tractors I own are older tractors. The 3 point hitch on both, the lift arms are either up or moving up upward, or down or moving downward. There is no way to set the lift arms...