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  1. Shenandoah MF1760

    What Happened to being able to get small parts?

    I've had a rash of these things happening to me lately. The picture shows a hydraulic diverter valve on the tractor, I was clearing some brush and the plastic screw cap came off that keeps the solenoid on the bottom coil from falling off. Not a major issue, I popped the solenoid back on and...
  2. Shenandoah MF1760

    What to fill this in with?

    I have this set of concrete strips that used to support a doublewide. I've considered having cement poured between the strips, but that seems like it would cost too much and be too much work for what I'd gain. I intend to put my 5th-wheel RV trailer on the left two strips where the septic...
  3. Shenandoah MF1760

    Dealerships Changing/Adding Brands

    I had to go into town near my place in the woods to get to the dealership on a non-tractor-related issue (they also carry Kawasaki UTV's). As I passed through town I noticed that the local Kubota dealer was now owned by Lansdowne-Moody a company with 11 locations spread around the area. While...
  4. Shenandoah MF1760

    Bent Bucket Tilt Cylinder - Massey 1760M FEL 2814

    Looking back on some issues I've had getting attachments on and off the FEL in the past few months I believe I slightly bent the left (port side) bucket tilt cylinder some time ago. My FEL has SSQA's. Something I did this weekend finally bent it to the point where putting an attachment (the...
  5. Shenandoah MF1760

    Does anyone make a good 12V auto/tractor battery charger anymore?

    The last couple of battery chargers I've had seem to be sub-standard. They charge to maybe 12V and then drop out. Most cars batteries are normally at around 13.5V and my pickup charges it's 2 batteries at 14.1V. What I'm looking for a something that will bring my 5th wheel RV AGM batteries back...