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  1. GetALoadOfThat

    BX25 Cab

    So with 400 hrs and several winters on my BX25 I figure it's time to do a DIY cab. I've been on here for some time reading and looking at what others have done and while I do like to work with metal I don't currently have a welder so decided to follow another member (RAECOREP and his $300 Cab)...
  2. GetALoadOfThat

    BX25 vs GR2020, GR2120

    I purchased a 2010 BX25 to do my heavy lifting work on a new property, it now has 300 hrs on it. Now that I have a paved driveway and grass on the lawn I can't seem to justify keeping the $23k machine to just push snow and mow the lawn. If I look at this for just the ca$h it's clear so if you...
  3. GetALoadOfThat

    BX25 Slight Vibration

    About 3 months ago I lent my BX25 to a friend to move some rocks. I found out a few days later that a stick had gotten stuck into the HST Fans Fins and broken some of them off. My friend quickly turned off the machine and replaced the broken fan with one from the local Kubota shop. He tells...
  4. GetALoadOfThat

    BX25 Is Here

    Just a few shots of the new toy.. aww I mean horse!! Seat time is seat time however you do it I say!!
  5. GetALoadOfThat

    Comparison  New Holland T1110 vs Kubota BX25

    Considering these two tractors. The Kubota BX25 is of course a complete unit and the 2010 version priced at $19,995 42 mths 0% The NH T1110 is at least 2 years old but only has 2hrs on it, it has the 210TL Loader and a backhoe (not sure of the brand, perhaps a woods) that I will assume to be...
  6. GetALoadOfThat

    Newbie - First Post

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the site so I hope I don't break any rules. 1st Question I've driven lots of tractors in my day, worked on vegie and dairy farms as a kid so I've been around tractors but never owned one. Just recently built a new house with an acre of land and now I need a tractor to...