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  1. M

    Best posts/Why we all come here in the first place

    This post really got my attention this morning. Very well said!
  2. M

    Power Plant Damage by burning car

    A man being described as committing a terrorist act, shuts down the MEGA Solar project that was supplying power to MGM in Las Vegas. Will take two years to replace Transformer and other...
  3. M

    Cougar habits-experience with cougars?

    This morning I went outside to see what was bothering our (feral) domestic cats, it is usually Racoons and once they see you outside they run off. But this morning when I went out it was a Cougar, it force me to go back inside the house. I had to walk backwards up 3 steps and find the door...
  4. M

    Real Tractor Time_John Deere used to keep time for music!

    A little over a minute long (one minute and 48 seconds), tractor winds down and stop running when the music ends.
  5. M

    Flail Mower - Aluminum Gearbox Threads

    Today, ( 4/24/2022) I went to grease and check the gearbox oil on my new flail mower to get it ready for its first use. Recieved it last month and it is still in the shipping crate. When I started loosening the plug on the aluminum gearbox to check the oil it came out in an oblong motion...