Ballast 2000 lbs ballast box

   / 2000 lbs ballast box #1  


Elite Member
Sep 15, 2006
Frederick maryland
Kubota M7040, MF 203 industrial, ZD331, RTV 1100 , Kubota Minix excavator, Unimog 404
Have been looking for a ballast box for a while and the available boxes were too small and costly for my taste. So this weekend I used some two by lumber laying around and a chainsaw and a framing nailer to fabricate a large box filled with crushed rocks. Purchased a carry all from TSC and now have a perfect ballast box for 120 dollars. Made a rail around the top of the box so I can carry supplies as well. Will post a picture later. Size is 5 by 3 ft by 2.5 ft high.
   / 2000 lbs ballast box #2  
How well does the carry all hold 2000 lbs?

I got mine at TSC (it's yellow) and I believe the limit is 1000 lbs. (use it for moving pallets of firewood with 7610....1060 lbs lift cap 24" from link ends) So I'm not too worried about mine breaking, but 2000 lbs sounds like a lot.
   / 2000 lbs ballast box #3  
Good idea. We've had a carry all for years. Real handy. A three sided box is our favorite design. I like the thought of having extra storage above the ballast.
   / 2000 lbs ballast box #4  
When I had my 5030 I made a similar one from the TSC carryall but I framed it in 3/32" steel plate sides and bottom. I then filled it with ready mix. Probably weighs around 1500 pounds. Worked nice for round bales as the loader on the 5030 could lift the rears off the ground.

With my M9000 I have no need. I have the cast center rears so the loader is fine with one round (4x5) on the front. If I pickup 2, I put on the rear spear for a counterweight.

If anyone lives around me (SE Michigan, come pick it up. It's free. The fellow down the road just bought a new M7040 and brought it by last week. Nice tractor. I was surprised how much bigger in stature the M9 is compared to the 7040. I like the low mount ac but my air ride seat is more comfortable and I have more floor room. I carry a cooler in the summer in the field. I don't think it would fit in the new cabin.
   / 2000 lbs ballast box
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the TSC carry all is rated for 1000 lbs I think but with a box that distributes the load over the lenght of the load arms makes it more forgiven. I dont see any concern with lifting the box with the carry all. No flexing at all
   / 2000 lbs ballast box #6  
m7040 said:
the TSC carry all is rated for 1000 lbs I think but with a box that distributes the load over the lenght of the load arms makes it more forgiven. I dont see any concern with lifting the box with the carry all. No flexing at all

I added side struts to triangulate the load on the carryall. It won't flex, but the problem you'll encounter is that it will eventually bend the top mount, bowing the angle iron inward unless you reinforce it. It's fine in a static situation but when moving, the box tends to bounce on the 3 point putting all the stress on the top mount and bending it. It's not the load on the arms, it's the load on the mounting points. Been there and done that.:)
   / 2000 lbs ballast box
  • Thread Starter
It bent at the lift points to the 3 pt. Overloaded it with a big pallet of firewood. So now looking at adapting the pallet forks to the rear 3 pt. What I need is a cat 2 3 point mounting plate that will have quick attach system so I can hook up the pallet forks. Where can I buy that?

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