2305 diverter valve slop

   / 2305 diverter valve slop #1  


Bronze Member
Sep 14, 2008
Rochester, NY
I've had a diverter valve hooked up on my 2305 since fall. When I use it now, in mower independent lift position, the deck goes up and down but the bucket curls slightly as well. I don't remember this from last fall, maybe I hooked something up wrong this spring, or maybe that valve is getting sloppy. Anyone see this? Thanks!
   / 2305 diverter valve slop
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In case anyone else has this problem and is looking for info, here's a thread I found through google where two others are reporting exactly the same behavior of that valve. I liked the diverter valve at first, but wouldn't buy it again based upon the way it's behaving now. Maybe I'll try to take apart the valve body and see if I can figure out anything inside there.

   / 2305 diverter valve slop #3  
You know, I have had the diverter valve for I think 2 seasons on my 2305. (I got it so I can leave my Woods BH6000 backhoe on when mowing, although I rarely do that).

Just the last time I mowed my deck kept doing that but I attributed it to having my guide wheels too low for the height I was mowing - I figured when I turned and hit them it pushed the deck up slightly.

I'll have to watch it next time. It is quite possible that I didn't have the valve seated all the way. Also my curl circuit always moves slightly when I'm putting the deck up/down with the diverter on.
   / 2305 diverter valve slop #4  
My Diverter Valve does the same thing, only not just slightly, it's very noticeable. When I have it set for using the mower deck, the bucket still curls/dumps. When I have it set to the loader, the mower deck still raises/lowers. Also, if I use the quick dump position on the stick, the deck jumps up and down.

I brought it into the dealer to have them look at it while it was still under warranty and they shrugged it off and gave me a bill for wasting their time. Nice, eh?

Awesome (not).
   / 2305 diverter valve slop
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That just makes me want to take that valve body apart even more. If it's going to be that sloppy, I won't bother even reinstalling it.
   / 2305 diverter valve slop #6  
What diverter valve do you guys have? Any id or specs on it?
   / 2305 diverter valve slop #7  
I don't have the part #'s handy but it goes on the right fender and it diverts the Curl
Circuit of the Dual SCV to the hydraulic Cylinder on the mower lift (Or I suppose anything else you wanted). I only got it so I could mow with my backhoe installed. Prior to having it (The 2305 is a 2005) I was perfectly happy with the mechanical 3pt deck lift. I remove the arms when I mount the BH so that isn't an option with the BH.
   / 2305 diverter valve slop #8  
Can someone post a picture please? Is there a linkage to the diverter valve?
   / 2305 diverter valve slop
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If you click the link to that thread on another forum, up a few posts, there's a PDF in there that contains drawings of the whole assembly.
   / 2305 diverter valve slop #10  
Found it on the jdparts under alphabetic listing "diverter valve" too.


  • JD_2305_divertervalve.JPG
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