231S CAV pump seal replacement

   / 231S CAV pump seal replacement #1  


Platinum Member
Jan 1, 2017
woods and mountains of Alabama
M-F 231S
I have noticed the oil level on the engine dipstick has risen a barely perceptible amount over the winter. This indicates that diesel fuel may be leaking into the engine sump from the front seal on the injection pump.

Question is with proper tools and some engine repair skills, should I replace this seal myself? Also, while I'm there, are there any other repairs I should undertake while I have the pump off the Perkins 3 cylinder engine?

The engine runs well, the governor tracks engine load changes well and the engine starts quickly regardless of the mid-Alabama temperatures. I have seen the Thermostart operate only once during a cold start in low temperatures.

If I do undertake the repair myself, are there any details I should know regarding the timing of the pump when reinstalling?

I'll be interested in your comments.

Thank you in advance.
   / 231S CAV pump seal replacement #2  
I'm no expert, I'm sure others will know more, but I "rebuilt" ie replaced the seals in my CAV on a 79 backhoe with a fairly inexpensive kit and Bundy Bears on youtubes video. It wasn't terribly bad. The worst part in this case was getting all the lines back on without them leaking. Theyve got crushable washers that can be aggravating. About to have to do the same on a 135 orchard I just bought.

I'd highly recommend his video because if nothing else, he goes through it all so in advance you know what to expect.
   / 231S CAV pump seal replacement
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I'm no expert, I'm sure others will know more, but I "rebuilt" ie replaced the seals in my CAV on a 79 backhoe with a fairly inexpensive kit and Bundy Bears on youtubes video. It wasn't terribly bad. The worst part in this case was getting all the lines back on without them leaking. Theyve got crushable washers that can be aggravating. About to have to do the same on a 135 orchard I just bought.

I'd highly recommend his video because if nothing else, he goes through it all so in advance you know what to expect.

Thanks for your reply. I too have watched the video you mention. My pump is a bit different in that it has a solenoid shut off rather than a mechanical, cable operated shutoff. Also the BB pump was a 4 cylinder model. Mine is 3 cylinders.
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   / 231S CAV pump seal replacement #4  
I know this string is a few years old. I have to do the same with my 231S - did you end up doing it yourself?
   / 231S CAV pump seal replacement #5  
i would be absolutely sure your assessment is correct before digging into a possible expensive pump repair. maybe have your engine oil analyzed for diesel contamination 1st. one step at a time. good luck
   / 231S CAV pump seal replacement #6  
Thanks for the reply Big Bubba. I don't detect any diesel in the oil and the level hasn't changed, but I have not had it analyzed. Fuel was leaking out of the weep hole on the bottom of the pump, a pretty good drip rate. The tractor sat for a month and when I started it this past weekend, it wasn't leaking for the first hour or so of light use. After about an hour I could start to see diesel fuel on the pump, but it isn't dripping like it was.

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