I will post another update once i get more detail. I did get advice from dealer…..ran tests. Got a better uderstanding of how this charge pump work. Took off transaxle again…removed hydrostat. Broke down completey and cleaned. Reassembled and same issue.
To clarify function…..
the hydrostatic has 2 spinning piston pumps inside. One for drive and one to drive charge pump. Both dive and suck directly into thick plate with channels. I found port for that pump pressure test ….and the one for the pto Right next to selenoid. Charge should be 100 and pto 300. Mine is 30 and 100. So engages but weak. All of the flow occurs within channels in that one inch thick plate and only one small hole at top That seems to vent oil Into a channel which I assume goes to pto. The return is a line into top of case (not the plate). So i’m lost as to where the pressure is going. Everything works on drive, and separate pump Powers theimplements and steering. Other than weak charge pressure (that keeps oil flowing and driving pto clutch). I can only think the charge pump pressure release is weak, and venting? there is a small valve on side. Removed. Spring is fine. Dealer says that type of issue would be very rare.
So…..I have taken to dealer to see if they can diagnose. He thinks he can In hour or two. But not sure how without full tear own and random parts replacement.?