Tried jumping it from my running car battery this AM and still the same symptoms...
There's no need to crawl under your tractor to trace that wire.first i only get the 1 click and not click click click click.
2nd - i put a new battery in this AM> same thing hapens. truns over and immediately 1 click and nothing.
i am crippled and had many serious operations last 3 years so tough to bend and kneeling is painful and had total knee replacement plus open heart surgery and a few more cuttings.
rained last 2 days r so and more today and tomorrow and where it is parked just mud.
i see where the ground goes down through the frame but after that i cannot locate where it grounds to on the body. any diagrams or info. the frame of the tractor etc (bucket) is covering up my view.
thank you - will try to crawl under there this weekend when we get some drying.
the mechanic 50 miles away said to swap out battery though it was 3 months old that he put in -so i did and nothing. their phones have been down most of 2 days so i cannot get a hold of him.
trailering will be close to $400 to get it there and back.
Yes, he could. He has already tried jumping the tractor battery from a running car battery with no help..but, of course if the "frame end" of his negative battery cable is the problem, then jumping from a car battery directly to his tractor battery would not have could also take a jumper cable and attach one end to the battery ground post and other end to good, clean, paint free bolt or frame section. see if it starts then