Tires 4310, 4410, front tires

   / 4310, 4410, front tires #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
I'm was looking at the 4310 and 4410 tractors at my local JD dealer. I like what I see except the front tires look to narrow.
Is there a R4 tire out that is wider but the same hight, and will fit on the same rim? I need more flotation.

Dave /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
   / 4310, 4410, front tires #2  
Deere offers larger R4's, but I think you would have to use them in a matched set (both fronts and rears). My dealer wouldn't swap them, you actually had to order them with the tractor. I agree with you that the fronts are a little on the small side, but I've only noticed a problem with a LOT of weight in the loader bucket in muddy conditions.
   / 4310, 4410, front tires #3  
Wider fronts would certainly be sweet as long as they didn't interfere with the MMM (in my case). My rears are loaded with beet juice and the fronts still out sink the rear tires on soft turf. The rears sink in maybe 3/4" - 1", the fronts will sink until you bottom on the axle.
   / 4310, 4410, front tires
  • Thread Starter
I have been looking around and found that Titan makes a 27x10.50-15 tire, but it needs a 8.5" wheel. I wonder who makes the wheels for John Deere. The wider tire would really help distribute the weight. Maybe I can find someone that can make them at a good price.

Dave /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
   / 4310, 4410, front tires #5  
Don't forget that the front to rear ratios must be right. You might also look at the Michelin high flotation radials. ( /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gifMchalkey Michelins R1W's /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif) There have been a number of threads on them....
   / 4310, 4410, front tires #6  
My 4310 has the oversized R-1s on it. It came that way from the dealer. Don't recall the exact sizes, but they are the largest ones shown in the owners' manual, as fitting the tractor.
Real nice tires, heavy duty, 6 ply Titans, but - The rears are so tall that there is no clearance between the top of the tires and the underside of the fenders, so, no rear chains will fit. The front are so tall that I can not reverse them to widen the wheel base, cause they hit the loader arms when turning, plus, it raises the entire tractor up off the ground relative to the low limit for the front loader, which means back dragging with the bucket is less effective. Also, the rear three point is higher off the ground, so I don't get as much down contact as I would like.
All things to consider if you decide to go with larger tires. I wish mine were the smaller R-4s, but as I bought the tractor used, I didn't get to pick.

   / 4310, 4410, front tires #7  
FWIW we had another poster (JimmyD) who recently took delivery with the same setup. He had issues as well, but was able to trade up to the 430 loader, which resolved the front problems, but the 3 point issues are another story. If the loader were OK, are they that bad in themselves?

Do you have any feel as to the flotation on the front?

If you decide to go to the other tires, there should be no problem selling yours around here, I know, I would like a set of the larger tires....
   / 4310, 4410, front tires #8  
I have the 420 loader on mine, the 430 loader might work better with these tires as far as backdragging and angle of contact with the ground, because of it's longer reach. I still think that these tires would contact the loader arms if set to the wide stance. Because they are taller, when you move them out relative to the pivot point, they are farther forward when turned in all the way, and with the angle that the loader arms have when all the way down, the inside of the tire, hits the arm. This might even be worse with the 430, don't know.
I asked about upgrading the the 430 loader, but the dealer wanted $1,200.00 to do it, and now, with mine all beat up from use, it would cost me even more.
I really can't tell you how good the floatation is on these front tires, I haven't ever had it in any deep mud yet. But these tires do have great traction and exceptional dig. Even on hard ground, digging into a bank, they will dig holes fast if you get them spinning.
I pulled my 26' enclosed car trailer up an 8% muddy, snowy hill, around the back of my house last month, and made it all the way to the crown of the hill before I couldn't pull any more. Had to use the front loader to crab my way a couple of feet, then was over the top, and away I went. Then had to go back and fill in the holes/ruts, after the ground dried up.
I would sure be interested in a trade for some R-4s if any one is interested. These are great tires, just have some issues with them. I have a 120 hours on them so far, still in real good shape.
Let me know if you'd like to trade, we could maybe meet halfway?

   / 4310, 4410, front tires #9  
I went from the R-4 tires to the R-1's,for my application nothing else will do. The R-1's made my tractor seem like I moved up a size,in the woods/mud and rutted out roads I love the clearance they give me.
   / 4310, 4410, front tires #10  
Too bad we do not live closer,I have a set of R-4's on all 4 rims in the barn gathering dust.

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