50 State Winter Misery Index

   / 50 State Winter Misery Index #31  
Good morning. Where I'm at in humble Nevis, MN, it is again colder than all of Canada, Alaska, the Arctic Circle, and the North Pole.

Welcome to northern Minnesota!



That is pretty amazing... is Ice Fishing really a popular pastime?
   / 50 State Winter Misery Index #33  
What a great find.
   / 50 State Winter Misery Index #34  
That is pretty amazing... is Ice Fishing really a popular pastime?

Here is an internet photo of hauling the fishing shack out onto Moosehed Lake in northern Maine. Very popular - every lake when the ice is solid enough. Like a highway- the road onto the lake - pickups, snow sleds, 4 wheelers. Special ice augers, or by hand - you set the flag, have a beer, zip around on your sled. Throw fish out for the eagle!

Every year this happens!1235082798_ce3d-1024x768.jpg

   / 50 State Winter Misery Index #35  
The Misery Index is a little miss leading;average for the state.My example New York City is 400 miles South.We are right on the Canadian border along the St.Lawrence River.Checked the average for our area;lows 6degrees in January with a record low of minus 42F.Average for February is +8 degrees,last year was +2 for the month.Another plus(?)for us we get a fair amount of snow.
Just closed the shipping on the St.Lawrence River,if we get a normal winter it will freeze over.It flows 3.5 million cubic ft.per minute.
   / 50 State Winter Misery Index #36  
I'm always amused at the knocks against downstate Illinois ... as if anyone would prefer to live in Chicago. If they do, well, more power to them. They can have it. We're perfectly content being Not-Chicago. Winters in Southern Illinois are generally pretty mild. However, it appears that once again the nastiness of Chicagoland earns the whole state a much higher ranking than it probably should have.
   / 50 State Winter Misery Index #37  
Growing up we had a lot of friends from Peoria that came to San Leandro to work at the Caterpillar plant... still remember tagging along to the train station to welcome relatives.
   / 50 State Winter Misery Index #39  
Never heard of it until the movie "Grumpy Old Men" if that is the right title.

Led a sheltered life I guess.
   / 50 State Winter Misery Index #40  

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