6 volt coil question

   / 6 volt coil question #21  
12V test light will work, will just be dimmer. I use mine on all of my tractors 6V & 12V both.
   / 6 volt coil question #22  
I use automotive coils interchangeably. A good one is good for decades. All that matters seems to be the voltage. Polarity doesn't matter to any coil I've used. My JD is 12 volt positive ground, so any 12 volt coil works. To test it I just lay a spark plug on the engine block, hook up the wires, and interrupt the low voltage points wire.
I have found that the spark plug cable is often a culprit in weak spark. Now I use copper stranded core spark plug cable -Belden brand wire with neopreme plug & coil ends that I got at a vintage auto show.

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