80" of snow this week.

   / 80" of snow this week. #1  


Platinum Member
Aug 1, 2015
Lee Center NY
2016 Mahindra 2538, 2016 Mahindra 2655, 2017 CaseIH 75C, 2021 CaseIH 110c., 2020 Kubota svl 65-2, 2022 Kubota svl 75-2, Kubota svl75-3, Kubota M6
I expect most have heard of the snow storm in Upstate NY. I am in the place you read about. My house got 80" in a few days. It was pretty intense. I run a Kubota M6-111 hooked to a Cyclone 92" inverted blower. I hear everyone saying the inverted is no good in deep snow. Maybe it is not the inverted so much as the tractor it is hooked to. The inverted held it's own all the way through. We had a 10 hour span that produced 24 inches. Tractor and blower had no issues. I am running Nokian tires all the way around. R1 are far too slippery on the road as my route is over 25 miles doing 65 driveways. I have been opening up driveways the last couple of days where the plow trucks could not get through. I did one that had a drift that was over the front of my tractor. I just backed into it like pac man. Drift was gone quickly. The inverted blower can back up to stuck cars and pull away from them without leaving a hard pile there.Folks do not want to pay and then have to shovel that. It can back up to the garage door. If you have an inverted blower and having issues check your tires. A back up blower will probably work with any tires but the inverted will require more traction. That does not make it a bad blower just different. It can eat the snow.
   / 80" of snow this week. #2  
It sounds like you have a great setup to handle these storms! Definitely the setup with tires and size of machine makes a big difference.

The only snow we got similar to that was 115" in three weeks of back-to-back storms in February 2015. Bought a 60" blower that summer, and since then no snow - so I sold it.

Post some pictures of your work and machines too!
   / 80" of snow this week.
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I really did not get any good pics as I work alone and things were moving quickly. Sleep is not over rated. May get some videos this weekend end. Snow has settle to probably 3'5' I would guess and dense.


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   / 80" of snow this week. #5  
You have the proper tires so that makes a big difference.
These are the blowers I like. Can be used in both directions.

   / 80" of snow this week. #6  
I've been lucky so far. The winds have been blowing it away from me off Lake Superior so far.
   / 80" of snow this week. #7  
Wow! Good luck to you guys up north. I don't miss the North Coast snow belt one bit. I can remember snow piles over 20' in the shopping centers. It was June before it all melted. It even snowed in July once. Watch frost bite. It can sneak up on you really quick in wind and blowing snow.
   / 80" of snow this week. #8  
You're farther inland from Lake Ontario than I would expect for that amount of snow. Would have thought Mexico, NY or Tug Hill would get that kind of snow...

Good luck with the blowing! 65 drives is pretty substantial!
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   / 80" of snow this week.
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You're farther inland from Lake Ontario than I would expect for that amount of snow. Would have thought Mexico, NY or Tug Hill would get that kind of snow...

Good luck with the blowing! 65 drives is pretty substantial!
I am only about 20 miles from the south side of tug hill. This time they got very little. It happens time to time.
   / 80" of snow this week. #10  
I’ll be driving thru that to get to our in-laws ne of Watertown in a few weeks. Hopefully, it’s all cleaned up by then. I gave my father in law my old 3/4 ton Silverado to use as plow truck a few years ago. He just uses that for backup now, with a big v-plow on his open station 50 ish hp Kubota CUT with chains on all (4) R4 tires as his primary snow clearer now. Fortunately, he’s a bit north of the main Lake Ontario snow belt.

I’m north of the main Lake Erie one, out here in WNY. We were blessed with a 6” snowfall this morning, our first since Christmas Eve. Perfect for my 10 hp Farmall Cub.

I love plowing snow but I can’t stand blowing it. That’s why I got the smallest tractor that money can buy, so that I can have more “fun time” by stretching out the job a little.
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