A flat tire and Rim Guard

   / A flat tire and Rim Guard #1  


Super Member
Nov 25, 2009
Bobcat CT 235
I got home over the weekend after a week long trip to the Dallas area, and did not notice anything as I put my truck in the barn Sat.
When I went to leave for Sunday Breakfast I noticed a distinct odor in the barn.
I went over to the side of the barn my tractor was sitting on and I noticed a very dark fluid across the floor under the tractor.

I started to think that the hydro lost a seal and drained itself.

I walked to the other side of the tractor and noticed the bottom of the tire had a bulge.
That is when it came to me, Rim Guard.......

I talked to the Rim Guard dealer yesterday and set up an appointment for today

Last night I moved the tractor out of the barn and cleaned the floor.

Basically a good hosing with fresh water and it was clean.

The tire guy is out on the tractor now.

I will advise what happened as soon as I know
   / A flat tire and Rim Guard #2  
That's not fun. I dislike dealing with tires so much I just foam them now.
   / A flat tire and Rim Guard
  • Thread Starter
No leak was found, added about 12 gallons of Rim Guard
I just drove it up and down thje drive way and still no leak

Only thing we can attribute it to is lack of maintenance on my part.
It has been several years since I checked tire pressure
Last week before I left on my trip I unloaded a pallet load of sad, and it was all the tractor could do to handle it

I assume I may have broke the bead then due to low air pressure
That is a mistake I will not make again

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