Hey guys what's up glad to be part of your site, So I just bought a 250AMP Solar arc welder No.2250 MODLE 110-088 from a friend for $50 bucks and he told it worked and I trust him enough to believe it worked. When I got home my brother hooked up a 220 outlet and plugged it in and it didn't work so he straight wired it to the double pull breaker and it still didn't work. I assumed there would be a reset or fuse in the back so I took it apart, no reset or fuses. I don't see anything that looks burnt up, I did find a wire that wasn't hooked up. It's one of the twofan wires. There is a red and a blue wire coming from fan motor. The blue wire qasnt hooked to anything. The red wire is hooked to a black 3 wire box/splitter. The 2 black power wires coming from the back of the on/off power switch go into the top in slots 1 and 3 and 3 wires come out of the bottom, the red fan wire was in the bottom of this black splitter in slot 1 (or 3 depending on how you look at it as it's not really numbered, there just 3 slots) and I don't know where to hook the blue wire? I can't find anything so far. I'm sure the blue should be a ground and the fan should be 110V so if the black splitter is for power the blue would not go to either on or the other 2 spots, can anyone help please?