AGM Battery for Old Kubota?

   / AGM Battery for Old Kubota? #1  

Suburban Plowboy

Platinum Member
Jul 31, 2018
Kubota L3710
A tester says my Kubota L3710's 2019 Autocraft Gold non-AGM battery is reaching the end of the line. Is there any point in getting an AGM battery for an old tractor? I don't know whether an AGM battery will like the Kubota's charging system.
   / AGM Battery for Old Kubota? #2  
AGM will cost you more but likely have a longer life. The original battery on my L3240 lasted 14 years. It was still working but definately weaker in cold weather when I replaced it.
   / AGM Battery for Old Kubota? #3  
agm doesn't really gain you anything, unless you need to mount it weird, or have other issues. if the original lasted 14 years get another normal one.
   / AGM Battery for Old Kubota? #4  
I like the AGM batteries for a couple of reasons, the biggest is no outgassing so no corrosion on the terminals and cables. And in the same vein as no outgassing they are much more tolerant of steep hills with no leakage.
   / AGM Battery for Old Kubota? #5  
Don't AGM batteries need to be at 12.8 volts to be fully charged?
As opposed to 12.6 volts for a flooded lead acid battery?
Not sure if the regular charging voltage will be sufficient?
   / AGM Battery for Old Kubota? #6  
Don't AGM batteries need to be at 12.8 volts to be fully charged?
As opposed to 12.6 volts for a flooded lead acid battery?
Not sure if the regular charging voltage will be sufficient?
You can buy an alternator to match the output to get the charging voltage needed for an AGM.
The AGM carbon type batteries I use need to be charged to 13.2 volts for a full charge, but are fine at 12.6 to 12.8 volts to start my trucks.
Carbon AGM's have a very low discharge rate even in cold weather and they can sit for 6 to 8 months and still have enough capacity to start a vehicle.
A lead acid would need to be charged a couple times in this timeframe especially if below freezing temps are involved.
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   / AGM Battery for Old Kubota? #7  
The charging algorithms are similar enough between AGM and standard batteries. The advantages of AGM are a lower self discharge rate, no off-gassing, and vibration resistance. They supposedly last longer, but I haven't noticed that when both battery types are well maintained.
My preference (even though they are more expensive) is AGM batteries.
   / AGM Battery for Old Kubota? #8  
After I had standard lead-acid batteries leak and destroy the front of two tractors, I switched to AGM or sealed batteries. I went to AGM whenever they first came out and have them in everything from the truck on down to an old tractor.

They're a few dollars more but that's cheap money. No more ruining the front metalwork on my equipment. Modern smart batteries like Genius chargers have a setting for AGM. I charge batteries just before winter and sometimes during winter and have several AGM and older sealed batteries well over 10 years old.
   / AGM Battery for Old Kubota? #9  
I like the AGM batteries for a couple of reasons, the biggest is no outgassing so no corrosion on the terminals and cables. And in the same vein as no outgassing they are much more tolerant of steep hills with no leakage.
Looks like you got a lot of "likes" with that reply. I'm one. It sure is nice not to have to deal with terminal and cable corrosion.

To the OP, you can replace the original non-AGM battery with any AGM type that physically fits the space. It will charge and work just the same as the original. Well, actually that isn't completely true; the difference is that "full charge" will be very slightly reduced. But it is so slight that it is difficult to measure. Neither you nor the tractor will know the difference in how the battery works.

The original wet cell on our 60 hp Kubota lasted a long time during which it corroded one cable set and several terminal clamps. I replaced it with an Interstate Group 24 AGM battery that was slightly more expensive than the old flooded cell type. It has worked well for us.
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   / AGM Battery for Old Kubota?
  • Thread Starter
I read this thing might not be happy with the Kubota's charging system, so I went with Walmart's second-tier battery. Thanks.

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