An Old Goat Ranch in Texas

   / An Old Goat Ranch in Texas
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I don't....although there are hot pools just up the road but they might get upset if I turn up there with my soap and shampoo. This place never had a bath when I bought it but it does have 3 showers. Bit of an overkill as I live on my own and can only use one at a time. :thumbsup:

AH! A Kiwi...! That explains it... Well, there is a shortage of volcanoes and hot springs in my part of Texas, so you'll have to give me a pass on not snapping to that one... I've lived in a few houses without a bathtub as well... in fact, the one I'm building is designed from the ground up that way... tho this year's wet season is an exception, water can get scarce in Central Texas... and a tub is a luxury I can't justify... but a Hot Spring... I may not bring shampoo but we Texans know what to do with a body of water... all I have to do is figure out how to keep the Esky from melting and keeping the beer cold...

Carry ON, Sir...

   / An Old Goat Ranch in Texas #612  
Good to hear from you and know you're still kicking. Yes, this is the best(?) Mud Season that I can remember in quite a while. The ground her in East Texas is so saturated that even a little lite rain brings puddles and Standing Water, and Standing Water brings Mosquitoes. But I'll take too much water vs. no water every time.

   / An Old Goat Ranch in Texas #613  
I've been away of number of months and come back looking for some entertainment in the form of updates but......

Or maybe something else I'm not aware of and in the know about?
   / An Old Goat Ranch in Texas #614  
I've been away of number of months and come back looking for some entertainment in the form of updates but......

Or maybe something else I'm not aware of and in the know about?
   / An Old Goat Ranch in Texas #615  
Yes, responses are few and far between.
   / An Old Goat Ranch in Texas #616  
Terry, Good morning..... Hope all is well at your place... Dave
   / An Old Goat Ranch in Texas #617  

What's up at the Goat Ranch??
   / An Old Goat Ranch in Texas #618  
Wow.............nothing since April 2015. Guess something happened to him.
I do miss his input here.
hugs, Brandi
   / An Old Goat Ranch in Texas #619  
Sure hope you are doing well,sure miss your posts.
   / An Old Goat Ranch in Texas #620  
This was posted on the Texas Monthly website back in 2019

Just read your piece regarding what qualifies as a native Texan [The Texanist, June 2019], and it really rang true. I am one of those “brown belt” Texans who, once noting the horrible mistake in birthplace, got to Texas with all dispatch, never looking back. I threw my lot into my adopted state completely, marrying a native Texan, raising two proper native Texans, and spending untold thousands of volunteer hours serving my fellow Texans in various ways, as a Red Cross disaster specialist, paramedic, and firefighter, as I plied those trades across the world, always returning to my beloved Texas. Now retired, my Texan wife and I are building a small, defensible redoubt in the Middle of Nowhere, Texas, where we can spend a few years sipping sweet tea on our porch as we watch the dogs watch the goats make more goats and plan that, upon my demise, my ashes are to be scattered into the welcoming arms of the Brazos River from the Waco Suspension Bridge so I might, over the next few million years, wander my way through the best part of the planet, on my way to the sea. After a lifetime devoted to my adopted state, I believe I can claim the title “naturalized Texan,” and as you are a respected arbiter of all things Texan, seek your approval. Or at least formal recognition of my brown belt.
Terry Dinerman, Middle of Nowhere, TX

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