Any response when contacting LS USA?

   / Any response when contacting LS USA? #11  
I think you have verified what the dealer has told me (about container prices) except he also raised the prices on what he had in the lot. From what I was told it didn't matter that I had a tractor on order, but when it is delivered. It was my option to back out of the deal since they felt they wouldn't have any problem selling it. Price went up 10% which seems like a lot to me for nothing gained. I could have afforded it, I just didn't feel like it was a good deal anymore. Still have a different brand that is on the table. Then again, might just wait until next year or not at all. It was a like to have not a need to have purchase. Thanks for the info.
Now that would be unacceptable to me as well. If you actually ordered the tractor and a sales order was generated with the final price that you signed then I think you have a legal document that they would have to honor. When price increases from a manufacturer happens in my business they always honor the prices for items on order. It goes in effect the next order.
   / Any response when contacting LS USA? #12  
Speaking with the local JD dealer, he said there's going to be a 7% increase on their tractors as well.

From the WSJ:

The average price world-wide to ship a 40-foot container has more than quadrupled from a year ago, to $8,399 as of July 1, according to a global pricing index by London-based Drewry Shipping Consultants Ltd. The measure has surged 53.5% since the first week of May.

Listed prices to ship from China to major ports in Europe and the U.S. West Coast are closer to $12,000 a container, by Drewry’s measure, and some companies say they are being charged $20,000 for last-minute agreements to get goods onto outbound vessels
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   / Any response when contacting LS USA? #13  
LS corporate won’t talk to you, especially about pricing. They may let you know who is the area rep for your area.
Ask any local dealer who the LS area rep is. Leave that person a message and he should return your call and you can express your displeasure with a certain dealer.
   / Any response when contacting LS USA? #14  
I don't want to sound rude or anything like that but I don't get why people really expect a direct contact with a manufacturer to happen. If you buy a pick up or any other vehicle, are you going to contact the manufacturer as well? No, it won't happen. No even for warranty purposes.

The dealers are there to handle the communication between the manufacturer and the costumers.
   / Any response when contacting LS USA?
  • Thread Starter

I don't have a FB account so this may work for someone else. I'm over it. I'm going with a different dealer. Dealers can charge what they want (try to buy a new car) since they are in the business for their own best interest which gives us a location to buy things. At least I could see and try out the tractor rather than buy blindly from the internet. I've been told these extra charges (container fees) are "temporary" but who knows what that means. They seem to vary from brand to brand.
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   / Any response when contacting LS USA? #16  
I don't want to sound rude or anything like that but I don't get why people really expect a direct contact with a manufacturer to happen. If you buy a pick up or any other vehicle, are you going to contact the manufacturer as well? No, it won't happen. No even for warranty purposes.

The dealers are there to handle the communication between the manufacturer and the costumers.
Funny thing about that is I hear Lemmon Law cases and the first thing the manufacturer says is Let Us Attempt to Resolve.

Manufacturers do become involved at a certain level…

As a side note a well written letter sent certified will get much more attention than a call or casual email.

State Consumer Affairs may take action if the practice is deemed deceptive or false…

More than one occasion I have helped individuals quickly resolve an impasse this way…

Reach Out one more time and in person with notebook in hand and be professional.

In the meeting state to avoid any misunderstanding ask the business to state its position and take names, etc.

This quickly gets the attention of everyone and will get you quickly to the highest level of management.

A couple of years back a struggling single mom was having trouble with an expensive auto repair… she was in tears not getting anywhere.

I went to the shop and on her behalf and to cut to the chase was told if she wasn’t happy sue because they were done talking…

I said I was trying to avoid this but under the circumstances reached into my coat pocket and said you have been served..,

By the end of the day she was refunded the entire amount paid…

The look on the owners face was priceless…

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