Anyone else have an unusually large number of hummingbirds this year?

   / Anyone else have an unusually large number of hummingbirds this year? #1  


Super Star Member
Dec 8, 2007
Kubota M7040, Kubota MX5100, Deere 790 TLB, Farmall Super C
We usually get a few or more a day in an average year. This year we typically had 30 to 50 or more a day at or feeders. Is this normal and has anyone else had numbers increase? Think they're coming back next year?
   / Anyone else have an unusually large number of hummingbirds this year? #3  
I think the numbers were pretty normal here. At the max - probably eight pair. Its quieted down now - two pair remain.

50 or more - - shades of Alfred Hitchcock - the Birds.
   / Anyone else have an unusually large number of hummingbirds this year?
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I think the numbers were pretty normal here. At the max - probably eight pair. Its quieted down now - two pair remain.

50 or more - - shades of Alfred Hitchcock - the Birds.

Yeah, it was. They were bombarding each other and tying to scare the others away. It turned into a feeding frenzy as the summer wound down.
   / Anyone else have an unusually large number of hummingbirds this year? #5  
This year had to be a record...up until a week or so ago after a cool front I was having to fill two feeders at least twice a day...they each hold two cups of nectar...

it was on the verge of being obnoxious just being around the feeders they were so times there were birds at each of the eight "flower" ports and a bunch more hovering or sitting in close by tree branches...
There were so many birds they were not fighting each other off like they have in the past there is some chasing but it seems like the need to feed was stronger than the typical rivalry's...
   / Anyone else have an unusually large number of hummingbirds this year? #6  
I have normal numbers, somewhere less than 10 a day trading places between trees, perches and feeders, watching each other.

I wonder if all the rain up east is driving them into OH for some reason? Could this be a sign of early season change?
   / Anyone else have an unusually large number of hummingbirds this year?
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I have normal numbers, somewhere less than 10 a day trading places between trees, perches and feeders, watching each other.

I wonder if all the rain up east is driving them into OH for some reason? Could this be a sign of early season change?

I wonder about that. Wife had six feeders up that were half full and they were almost emptying them every two or three days. And the birds have already started to migrate. It just seems different this year. Wonder if there's any weather superstitions with hummingbirds?
   / Anyone else have an unusually large number of hummingbirds this year? #8  
I would say a slightly down year here.......more fighting at the feeder over the last couple of days so may be getting some migrating ones coming thru that the locals don't like sharing
   / Anyone else have an unusually large number of hummingbirds this year? #9  
Down year here. Down last year as well. I only have one feeder so maybe I don't feed enough to suit them.
   / Anyone else have an unusually large number of hummingbirds this year? #10  
Much higher here this year but I've read that it takes several years for them to put you on their map. We've only been feeding since 2011 or so. I don't read anything into it.

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