Are You Ready To Eat Cricket Flour?

   / Are You Ready To Eat Cricket Flour? #1  


Super Star Member
Apr 17, 2009
nowhere, md
I've seen a couple of references to cricket flour being added to prepared foods lately. Except for whatever makes into my peanut butter and cereal, I've never eaten insects and don't think I want to either. :) I just picture the yellow-white goo of a stepped on cricket. :eek:

Startups Pitch Cricket Flour As The Best Protein You Could Eat : The Salt : NPR

Insects Are Food Recipes

Preparation of crickets for any recipe:
It is important to note that crickets should only be purchased from reliable sources. Crickets should be treated much in the same manner as any other raw food, in particular seafood. In other words it is best to keep crickets fresh as possible.

Prior to preparing your crickets for a meal place them inside a plastic container or storage bag and keep them in the refrigerator at least for an hour or until you are ready to use them. This will not kill the crickets, but rather slow down their metabolism, inducing a state of hypothermia, in other words, prohibiting their movement when removed from container. If you prefer however, as many people do, feel free to place them inside the freezer for an hour or two as this will definitely kill them, guaranteeing their immobility.

After removing from refrigerator or freezer, place them in a pot of boiling water sized to hold the specific amount of crickets youæ±*e using. Add a few pinches of salt. Boil for about two minutes. This ensures cleanliness. Once boiled, remove from water and let cool. Crickets at this time can be placed in storage bags and kept in the freezer or used right away for any number of recipes. All crickets should be prepared in this manner prior to eating.
   / Are You Ready To Eat Cricket Flour? #2  
I've seen a couple of references to cricket flour being added to prepared foods lately. Except for whatever makes into my peanut butter and cereal, I've never eaten insects and don't think I want to either. :) I just picture the yellow-white goo of a stepped on cricket. :eek:

Startups Pitch Cricket Flour As The Best Protein You Could Eat : The Salt : NPR

Insects Are Food Recipes

Preparation of crickets for any recipe:
It is important to note that crickets should only be purchased from reliable sources. Crickets should be treated much in the same manner as any other raw food, in particular seafood. In other words it is best to keep crickets fresh as possible.

Prior to preparing your crickets for a meal place them inside a plastic container or storage bag and keep them in the refrigerator at least for an hour or until you are ready to use them. This will not kill the crickets, but rather slow down their metabolism, inducing a state of hypothermia, in other words, prohibiting their movement when removed from container. If you prefer however, as many people do, feel free to place them inside the freezer for an hour or two as this will definitely kill them, guaranteeing their immobility.

After removing from refrigerator or freezer, place them in a pot of boiling water sized to hold the specific amount of crickets youæ±*e using. Add a few pinches of salt. Boil for about two minutes. This ensures cleanliness. Once boiled, remove from water and let cool. Crickets at this time can be placed in storage bags and kept in the freezer or used right away for any number of recipes. All crickets should be prepared in this manner prior to eating.
Do you suppose that either of those methods would work on lobsters? It might appease PETA for a bit
Interesting read, anyhow. I guess that I'll pass on samplimg... ;-)
   / Are You Ready To Eat Cricket Flour? #3  
If you ever looked in a combine hopper full of harvested corn you may be surprised at the bugs that you may be eating.
   / Are You Ready To Eat Cricket Flour? #4  
If you ever looked in a combine hopper full of harvested corn you may be surprised at the bugs that you may be eating.

yep, there is a certain amount of bugs in our flour right now..course you don't have to go out of your way and actually add them to your diet.!
   / Are You Ready To Eat Cricket Flour? #5  
yep, there is a certain amount of bugs in our flour right now..course you don't have to go out of your way and actually add them to your diet.!

Bugs are organic. Bug spray is not. Pick your poison.
   / Are You Ready To Eat Cricket Flour? #6  
If I had to eat a bug, a cricket would be it. After all 5 billion perch can't all be wrong!:D
   / Are You Ready To Eat Cricket Flour? #9  
Are fried cricket diped in chocolate considered a delicy by some.

Note: those flour products may also contain rodent droppings??
   / Are You Ready To Eat Cricket Flour? #10  
Are fried cricket diped in chocolate considered a delicy by some.

Note: those flour products may also contain rodent droppings??

Aw, now.. we are just getting nasty here!:yuck:

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