bad boy zt60 will not start, help please ?

   / bad boy zt60 will not start, help please ? #1  


New member
May 25, 2011
bad boy zt60
this is what i have, my bad boy mower will not start.... the relay clicks when you turn the key and has power to the relay, the same " white wire " goes to the selinoid, to power on the starter, white wire has NO POWER ! i have checked all the switches, replaced the selinoid, ignition, and have looked at all the wires and connections for breaks or bad connections, nothing.... i also have a new battery, and can get the mower to turn over when i jump the leads on the selinoid it just dont fire up. the pto switch i assume works because when i engage the switch the relay wont even click untill it is disengauged. can any one think of somthing i may be missing ? or has had the same problems, the mower is an 2008, only 442 hrs. on it. any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
   / bad boy zt60 will not start, help please ? #2  
You did not mention the seat switch, have you checked it? (Seems like most equipment of that vintage clutch and seat switches, if not clutch then a brake switch).
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   / bad boy zt60 will not start, help please ? #3  
Does your carb have a solenoid on the fuel bowl? If so, it has to have 12v and the ground for the magneto should be open. The ign switch normally does all this.

On a Kohler, I believe the white wire is the ground to shut off the engine.
   / bad boy zt60 will not start, help please ? #4  
Hello jtzx12, I'm not good at electrics and mine is a different model but I had a similar problem because the mechanics of the switch on the left hand joy stick (for the want of a better word) that tells it if its in neutral or not needed tweaking.
regards vince smith.
   / bad boy zt60 will not start, help please ? #5  
You'll get lots of guesses as to what the problem might be, but the best way to go about getting the issue sorted would be to break out a multimeter. There will be a schematic in the original manual. Start in either place....the battery or the starter, and follow the circuit from one end to the other. Keep in mind you'll need to trace B+ and B- paths. Often times safety circuit relays are supplied B+ power constantly, and the relay's coil is grounded when a safety switch is satisfied to allow the starter to engage and/or engine to run.

You will spend less time and money troubleshooting in this manner than you will by asking for opinions and/or replacing parts in an effort to stumble upon what's causing the problem. Probably 75% or more of electrical parts sold never required replacing, it was just "the next thing to try". Switches and relays can be easily tested, and often times electronic modules can too. But circuit boards and modules require more than a basic understanding of circuitry in many cases.

Just about every manufacturer these days has owners/operators manuals available for download on their websites if you don't have the original.

If you have a test light, that will work in a pinch too. I repair stuff daily and haven't used a test light myself in years though. There's only so much they're good for, and an adequate homeowner multimeter can be obtained for $20 or so.

   / bad boy zt60 will not start, help please ? #7  
The fastest and easiest way to fix is to run a new wire where the white wire goes to the starter to the first fuse. Its the first fuse to the left as you are looking at it. We have had a couple get a short along the white wire, and the best way to fix is to run a new one. If you need more instruction just ask, your local hardware store should have a new plug to put the wire into the fuse right....
   / bad boy zt60 will not start, help please ? #8  
this is what i have, my bad boy mower will not start.... the relay clicks when you turn the key and has power to the relay, the same " white wire " goes to the selinoid, to power on the starter, white wire has NO POWER ! i have checked all the switches, replaced the selinoid, ignition, and have looked at all the wires and connections for breaks or bad connections, nothing.... i also have a new battery, and can get the mower to turn over when i jump the leads on the selinoid it just dont fire up. the pto switch i assume works because when i engage the switch the relay wont even click untill it is disengauged. can any one think of somthing i may be missing ? or has had the same problems, the mower is an 2008, only 442 hrs. on it. any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

On the white wires going to the the handles on the mower. If your sitting on it, the left handle yellow wire will be hot when its in neutral it powers the white wire which jumps over to the other handle. Check and see if its hot, if not you have a break in the white wire.
   / bad boy zt60 will not start, help please ? #9  
That was it! Thank you.
   / bad boy zt60 will not start, help please ? #10  
wish there was a video on what check and how to due it with a meter, was working great then go out all it does is crank no nothing, i by passed seat switch to see if that was it, and i will say this after 2011 Badboy zt was great , then i got a 2018 ZT it by far is worthless compared to the 2011 ZT its made cheaper all around i guess they sourced them out to China to get made is the only thing i can think off

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