When starting off with box blade, set the box leval for 1st run on a driveway as with compacted material the less you disturb the better, this way you only scrape high spots. If you need 2 cut deeper shorten top link a little at a time as you only want 2 move sufficient material 2 fill hollows. When I ordered my tractor I had a hydraulic cylinder fitted to near side linkage, this saves a lot of climbing in and out of seat to alter the angle by manual adjustment on other link. In a lot of instances it will be quicker to top dress existing drive sufficiently to fill ruts, compact and then finish with box blade.
Water is the biggest problem to effect any road or driveway therefore compaction and crowning to minimise absorbsion is critical and a vibrating roller hired for a day will considerably extend the road life,
A stick rake is ideal for mixing a few bags of concrete into loose surface prior to rolling and help with water resistance