BH for those little jobs

   / BH for those little jobs #2  
Interesting? Not sure what else I can say about that rig....... other than it wouldn't be quite as 'effective' here in NH soil.
   / BH for those little jobs #3  
J-J, Thanks for sharing.

Neat toy. No worry's about transporting across a lawn. Easy to transport as well.

The ultimate kids sand box toy!!
   / BH for those little jobs #4  
I wonder why the battery vs. a gas powered engine. I can't imagine the batteries and motor being much cheaper that a simple gas engine.
   / BH for those little jobs #6  
be great to have to dig up a water or sewer line in a basement or in a building,
   / BH for those little jobs #7 feeling the bones etc. will take beating tho.
   / BH for those little jobs #8  
Good for digging out cellar no exhaust fumes.
   / BH for those little jobs #9  
JJ terrific post!!!!!!! I watched the video twice. I really really like electric if for no other reason, no gas to go bad, no fumes and can use anywhere anytime. I purchased an electric log splitter for those very reasons. I love not having another motor to worry about gas going bad, or gas tank rusting, or mouse eating ignition components. I really like that I can store it anywhere, no gas.

That backhoe looked really really well built, even the bucket looked professionally done. I wonder who welded up?

Thanks again, goes to show you there are a number of ways to spin a hydraulic pump.

   / BH for those little jobs #10  
I wonder if they make a 110v adapter for it as well? Looks like just the thing for planting potatoes or rose bushes...

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