I've bought salvage vehicles, and hauled some odd loads.
I always spend some time checking that there is nothing loose on a trailer. If a hood is loose, a strap goes over the hood.
Look for loose parts like a seat cushion on a tractor that ordinarily would be held in place with gravity.
I try to get at least 2 straps onto everything in case one fails. And, 2 straps in any direction to hold vehicles.
By the time I leave, it often looks like Spiderman has made a visit.
In a pickup bed, light stuff on the bottom, heavy stuff on top. Be careful of anything that is above the bed sides.
Most trailers I use have a wood deck, and for rolling loads, I have the emergency brake on. In gear if possible, and front and back ties. Yet this is a good reminder of also considering side to side movement of a load with metal to metal interface.
For the most part I'm not having major side to side G-forces on my loads.