Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2

   / Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2 #101  
Around here, the binders go around the logs, but do not attach to the trailer.

The logs don't just fall off. However, about 50 years ago I saw the results of a log truck slamming into a solid embankment. It wasn't pretty. The headache rack doesn't help much when the truck stops and 50 tons of logs are still moving.

I cant comment on this for out here I am not sure... and no that's for sure...
   / Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2 #102  
I followed a big rig / car hauler full of junked wrecked vehicles on Interstate 80 a few years ago. Various parts were falling off the wrecked vehicles and then skidding down the freeway in trail. I had to dodge several parts.

After one large chunk of sheet metal flew off the truck I called the Highway Patrol and reported it. At that time the truck was nearing the inspection station entering Nevada.
I've bought salvage vehicles, and hauled some odd loads.

I always spend some time checking that there is nothing loose on a trailer. If a hood is loose, a strap goes over the hood.

Look for loose parts like a seat cushion on a tractor that ordinarily would be held in place with gravity.

I try to get at least 2 straps onto everything in case one fails. And, 2 straps in any direction to hold vehicles.

By the time I leave, it often looks like Spiderman has made a visit.

In a pickup bed, light stuff on the bottom, heavy stuff on top. Be careful of anything that is above the bed sides.

Steel tracks on a steel deck are like ice. You might get by without securing rubber track machines but moving a steel track rig without proper chains is a terrible idea.

Most trailers I use have a wood deck, and for rolling loads, I have the emergency brake on. In gear if possible, and front and back ties. Yet this is a good reminder of also considering side to side movement of a load with metal to metal interface.

For the most part I'm not having major side to side G-forces on my loads.
   / Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2 #103  
Also, when they have two cables holding 50k lbs of logs, those cables are usually loose after a mile or so. There is that one loose log that wiggles it's way out and into your lane.
I never seen this... For us driver don't tie up their logs until they get to the pavement, many miles has been driven in the bush road before they get there, I also never seen them loosing a log in a bush road. Many steel cable is being used once they tie it down, still it wouldn't hold in the event of a crash.
   / Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2 #104  
I cant comment on this for out here I am not sure... and no that's for sure..



Attaching one's chains to the stinger or reach would be really bad as everything moves when going around corners.

I'm not quite sure how the bunks deal with going over hills or valleys. Perhaps the only thing that is really not moving with respect to the load is the bottom part of the bunk, and even that may need some qualification of not moving much.
   / Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2 #105  
View attachment 2410474


Attaching one's chains to the stinger or reach would be really bad as everything moves when going around corners.

I'm not quite sure how the bunks deal with going over hills or valleys. Perhaps the only thing that is really not moving with respect to the load is the bottom part of the bunk, and even that may need some qualification of not moving much.
ha I see... we don't have these type of trailer... out west yes but not in Ontario
   / Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2 #106  
I never seen this... For us driver don't tie up their logs until they get to the pavement, many miles has been driven in the bush road before they get there, I also never seen them loosing a log in a bush road. Many steel cable is being used once they tie it down, still it wouldn't hold in the event of a crash.

I don't know about the current practice here. But, I am sure my grandfather had chains on the logs at the landing where they were loaded, or not driving more than 100 yards/meters before the chains went on. At that time there were scaling stations (different from weigh stations), and I presume the binders were all checked at the scaling station.

It wasn't uncommon to put long logs on the bottom of the load and short logs on top, so the short logs would need to be secured.
   / Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2 #107  
I've bought salvage vehicles, and hauled some odd loads.

I always spend some time checking that there is nothing loose on a trailer. If a hood is loose, a strap goes over the hood.

Look for loose parts like a seat cushion on a tractor that ordinarily would be held in place with gravity.

I try to get at least 2 straps onto everything in case one fails. And, 2 straps in any direction to hold vehicles.

By the time I leave, it often looks like Spiderman has made a visit.

In a pickup bed, light stuff on the bottom, heavy stuff on top. Be careful of anything that is above the bed sides.

Most trailers I use have a wood deck, and for rolling loads, I have the emergency brake on. In gear if possible, and front and back ties. Yet this is a good reminder of also considering side to side movement of a load with metal to metal interface.

For the most part I'm not having major side to side G-forces on my loads.
I once got complemented on a large load of metal roofing at the scrap yard. Guy said was one of the best loaded loads he had seen.

Found a hood once in my driveway from local guy that strips cars then hauls to scrap yard. Always see him going by with crap waving in the wind.
   / Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2 #108  
Does not say if it was even secured to trailer
Still some folks only use some 2 ton straps on a 20k bulldozer.

In Germany highway police is very strict nowadays, enforcing new load securing regulations. The rated load of all lines, chains or straps should exceed the weight of the load. They prescribe direction of the lines in detail.
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   / Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2 #109  
One other thing most don't consider is how many heavy loads may be held on the trailer by nothing more than the thin plywood and aluminum skin of a trailer wall. Out of sight, out of mind?
   / Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2 #110  
I've posted about this before but I think it repeating is is a good idea. Years ago I needed to move a lathe that weighed about 5000 pounds. The flatbed truck I rented had a bed about 4 feet above the ground. The guy I bought the lathe from placed it on the truck and I chained it down. I drove a few miles and checked it. Then, after I was on the freeway and had traveled a few more miles I pulled over in a safe place and checked to make sure all the chains were still tight and that the load had not shifted. This was the biggest and heaviest load I had ever moved. Anyway, a Washington State Patrol Officer pulled in behind me as I was checking the binders and chains and asked why I was parked. I explained to him that I was checking to make sure the load was properly secured. He helped me check and found nothing amiss and then thanked me for making sure the load was secured. I was happy to have a second opinion. Just the thought of having that lathe coming off and hurting or killing someone is terrible. I wish more people would make sure that their actions aren't gonna hurt someone,, especially when it only takes maybe 10minutes to make sure.
I do the same when hauling tractor out on jobs.
The bounce from the tires for some reason the chains do get slack in them.
I snug them back down.
It's always on my mind, as people pass me on double yellow lines cause I set CC on 60-65-ish.
If there's a place to scoot over I will give them at least half a lane to pass.
I don't have enough business to carry a million dollar umbrella insurance policy.
This year, I turn 74 and may just call it quits. Spending my time prepping 6 acres or so for a better hay field this year.
Peace of mind over comes loss of small income and tax write-offs.

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