BX2763 Snow Plow Stuck Pivot Pins

   / BX2763 Snow Plow Stuck Pivot Pins #1  


New member
Jan 9, 2017
BX 2370
I am trying to remove the pivot pin for the angle hydraulic cylinder and the center pivot pin that the blade swivels on. Both are rusted. I have tried heat and can't budge them.
These pins don't go all the way through. They are inserted from the top only so I tried drilling a hole in the bottom and using PB blaster but still will not budge.

Any ideas on how to get these pins out.

The blade is a BX2763 with hydraulic lift and angle.


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   / BX2763 Snow Plow Stuck Pivot Pins #2  
I can’t imaging much moving without the blade hanging in the air to take the load off it. I’d also suggest cracking the hoses and or plumbing them into each other so the rams move freely. Lastly I’d loosen and undo the trip springs.
Hard to imagine a scenario where the pins are rusted in there- from the pic I see several ways the pins may be bound up though.
Drill a bigger hole and use A BFH and drift/punch to drive them out. If you are worried about rust about any penetrating oil/spray should help....although I don’t believe that’s the issue.
   / BX2763 Snow Plow Stuck Pivot Pins #3  
Just the plow end of the angle cylinders, or the frame side too? I don't know if pulling the retaining bolt on the angle pins will get you any better penetration. Maybe drill out that retaining bolt if it won't behave, what would they cost to replace, $0.25? $0.50?

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Might be time to just give up on the pins and start chain drilling them across until you have "cut" them enough to move (or drill larger and larger until you have a hole big enough for a sawzall blade). If you are good with a torch, torch them out (I don't have one, which is why I hesitate to recommend that, but have seen others do it). Sometimes writing off the one of the parts in the quickest way allows you to save the rest with less heartache...
   / BX2763 Snow Plow Stuck Pivot Pins #4  
Worst case: Torch out the whole mess, weld in a new bushing and make a new pin.
   / BX2763 Snow Plow Stuck Pivot Pins #5  
Sometimes repeated heating and cooling will break the rust bond. Even a propane torch will work. Then add PB Blaster and let sit for a while. May need to repeat a few times.
   / BX2763 Snow Plow Stuck Pivot Pins
  • Thread Starter
RNeumann and GLyford, Thanks for the reply. I did remove the front quick hitch frame and spring trip plate. The main frame which still has the angle hydraulic ram is the only thing connected to the blade.
The through pin for the main frame to blade connection is stuck also. I am going to try and cut it between the gap between the main frame and ribs on the back of the blade.
I am using a small torch with map gas. Do you think I need a larger torch to get the pins red hot? My cutoff wheel can't reach the pins do those pins bottom out? I drilled a .25 hole in the bottom about .75" deep. can't tell if I reach the pin.
   / BX2763 Snow Plow Stuck Pivot Pins #7  
I’d take the rear pin out of the ram and then try and tackle the front ram pin once I knew I’d was moving freely.
With that out of the way the frame and blade should swing side to side freely. Next I’d take the thing and tip it so the blade was face down on the ground- now the pin is horizontal. If it won’t come out with no weight on it drill that hole to 3/8” or so (assuming the pin is 3/4”....I think mine is like 7/8”). With little weight or binding it should move much free-er.

A MAP gas torch on a pin that size is pissing in the wind. Move to brute force. Last resort is to start in on it with a cutting torch- I don’t think you will need to go there though......I’m still thinking it’s bound up more than rusted.
   / BX2763 Snow Plow Stuck Pivot Pins #8  
You need alot more heat than a mapp gas torch. You want that top bushing area red hot. Gaining acess to the bottom of the bottom bushing to push out the pin will be needed also.

It may help to weld a nut ontop of the pin and put an impact on it. You may also have to heat it while you turn it. Cross bolts like that to keep pins in are terrible for making things seeze up. Not allowing the pin to turn can make rust up in no time on plow equipment.
   / BX2763 Snow Plow Stuck Pivot Pins #9  
Remove one end of the angle cylinders (bolt/pin), hook it up to the tractor, carefully push (or pull) one end of the plow against a tree.

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