Cannon Gun Safe Door

   / Cannon Gun Safe Door #1  


Epic Contributor
May 26, 2003
Tyler, Texas
Several, all used and abused.
When my brother passed away, he had a Cannon Gun Safe that he had bought from Tractor Supply in 2017. It's the big one that's rated for 100 guns. His neighbors all told me that it was packed full of guns, and knowing my brother, I believed them. I never figured out the combination for the safe, so I cut a big hole in the back of it. The metal is pretty thin, and then there was 3 layers of 5/8's Firestop Sheetrock. That was pretty easy to get through.

Sadly, it wasn't anywhere near full of guns like everyone had said. There are a few nice ones in there, but also a lot of older, rusted out ones that probably have no value like a Browning A5 shotgun that's been to the duck marsh a few times too many. I'm going to have to come up with a list of what's in there, so I can figure out the value of them when I go to sell them. I don't have any interest in collecting firearms or having any more then I actually use for hunting and personal defense.

Now that I have everything out of the safe, I'm trying to get the door open. Then I need to figure out how to reprogram the electric lock or replace it. My long-term goal is to weld the metal back on, replace the sheetrock and use the safe to store the few firearms that I want to keep. I'm not sure what else to put into it since I have serious doubts on how secure it is, and especially it's ability to protect anything from a fire. But it's better than nothing.

This is what the lock looks like on the inside. From what I saw on YouTube, you just push the thing holding the metal in place, and the wheel will turn. That isn't happening. It won't move. I even tried prying it with a metal bar to get more leverage, but it's staying in place.

Does anybody have any experience with something like this? Any suggestions?

   / Cannon Gun Safe Door
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I did that. You'd be surprised to learn that they do not provide any advice on how to break into their safes. My guess is that they have heard the "my brother passed away" story a few times and decided that it might not be true.

Something else that surprised me is that it's very hard to find a locksmith that will come to your house to open a safe. Nobody wanted to do it, and I talked to three different companies. Then I talked to friends who told me that they knew somebody, but for whatever reason, they either never returned my calls, or said that it's not something that they do.
   / Cannon Gun Safe Door #4  
Not a clue and I also have a gun safe I NEVER lock simply because all my forearms are insured against theft, we have no children in the home (all grown) and I use it for storage only and I was gifted it long ago, anyway. I would contact the manufacturer for assistance if I were you.

In my view a gun safe is mostly about a person's level of comfort in keeping their firearms safe, but in reality, I could defeat any 'gun safe' in a couple minutes (with the right tools) and clean it out if I was of that mind which I'm not.

The best deterrent to keeping your firearms safe is to not broadcast to the general public what you have and where you reside. Why, though I belong to some select gun forums, I never post pictures of what I own, nor do I ever post and recommendations on any publicly viewed forum, any load data or anything pertaining to handloading, which is all I do. Posting pictures of firearms on a public viewed forum is an open invitation for theft and again, I never allude to what or how I handload simply because of the inherent liability concerning it. I would never want anyone to handload something I posted and have that blow up in their face or worse and there are a ton of people out there who lack the knowledge when it comes to handloading that can and will injure or kill them anyway. Don't want to be a party to that so I don't.
   / Cannon Gun Safe Door #5  
I did that. You'd be surprised to learn that they do not provide any advice on how to break into their safes. My guess is that they have heard the "my brother passed away" story a few times and decided that it might not be true.
I would think that if you had provided factual information to them like pictures of the gun safe in a notarized letter (a notary stamp on a letter with actual pictures and documentation means you have sworn under oath) that you are, indeed the owner of the safe would have produced a different result. Calling them without proper documentation results in nothing because they don't know you or your motives. You always need to provide written documentation with pictures in a Notarized statement which limits their liability.

Once you elevate it from just a phone call, things happen. I did exactly that with the safe I was gifted and the manufacturer complied and provided me with the combination to open it because the entity that gifted me the safe, obtained it from an estate sale and it was locked and the owner was deceased and no one knew what the combination was.

You could also contact a professional locksmith and pay them to open it and provide you the combination, but again, you would have to sign a sworn and notarized statement for them to do that.
   / Cannon Gun Safe Door #7  
Again, any competent, licensed locksmith will require notarized documentation to defeat ad open the safe and provide you with the combination. When it comes to defeating a locked safe, cheaping out don't work.

I'd bet over 150 bucks an hour today.
   / Cannon Gun Safe Door #8  
A good locksmith will have it open in minutes. I went this route a few years ago, less than $100 for a house call, (probably $150 today....).
Or toss it in your truck and bring it to the locksmith...
   / Cannon Gun Safe Door #9  
Or toss it in your truck and bring it to the locksmith...
Unless it's small, that is basically an impossibility because of the weight and the bulk. On mine, it would take at least 2 stout men and a heavy duty hand truck / dolly to get mine in a truck bed at all and then the additional effort to get it inside or upright again for a locksmith to access it.
   / Cannon Gun Safe Door #10  
Did you try '123456#' ? Also, the handle needs to be in a certain position, otherwise, No Joy....

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