Case 580CK Engine seized?

   / Case 580CK Engine seized? #1  


New member
Dec 7, 2014
Brisbane, Queensland
Case 580CK, TE20 Ferguson
I recently tried to start my Case 580CK after it had sat for a while and the starter would't turn it over. I'd had a similar problem with my TE20 Ferguson once and removed it's starter and levered the flywheel around which freed up the engine and after replacing the start all was well. When I pulled the starter off the 580CK water poured out of the starter motor. After pulling it down to refurbish I discovered too many issues and decided to buy an aftermarket starter. Installed the starter but it too wouldn't turn the engine over. I pulled the starter motor off and tried levering flywheel. I got it to move a bit but then it refused to budge. A friend suggested I'd need to remove the injectors as it may be vapour locked(?). I've removed the exhaust manifold but the injectors look too complex to dive straight in and start fiddling around.

Any suggestion on why the engine is not turning and/or removing the injectors? Any help much appreciated.
   / Case 580CK Engine seized? #2  
There is a condition called hydrostatic lock where liquid (coolant or fuel) has leaked into the space above a piston. If that space is full of fluid then the engine won't be able to turn over.


Removing the injectors would give the fluid a path to escape when spinning the engine over with the starter or by hand.

Usual culprits for hydrostatic lock are injectors not closing properly or a blown head gasket.

Hydrolock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
   / Case 580CK Engine seized?
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Thanks Katahdin. I did some research on removing the injectors. The appear to be the pencil type 1960's type. It looks as though they can be levered out gently by prying up but being careful not to bend them. Any hints from anyone?
   / Case 580CK Engine seized? #4  
If you have a pto it ids easier to turn the engine over with a wrench on the pto shaft than it is to pry the flywheel.
   / Case 580CK Engine seized?
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Well after some time to think about the issue (nearly a year) I removed the injectors and put some WD40 down the holes to soak through. I've gutted my old starter motor, mounted it and tried to turn the engine over using a pipe wrench on the shaft of the starter motor. Even with a extension bar I cannot get any movement out of the engine. I'm going to pour some diesel down the injector holes and let it soak. Any other ideas? Should I release the pressure on the hydraulics? Would that be preventing the engine from turning over in any way? I've dragged the backhoe around with my ute and with the backhoe in neutral and in 4th gear but it made no difference. It didn't expect it would as it didn't think there's any direct mechanical connection between the wheels and the engine but I'll try anything once ;-)
   / Case 580CK Engine seized? #6  
PB Blaster is MUCH better than WD40 or diesel in breaking an engine free...and that's where I'd start...

   / Case 580CK Engine seized? #7  
Loosen the belt in case one of your accessories is froze, and disconnect the stinger pump if you have one.

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