Epic Contributor
OK, so this morning I made an early morning motorcycle run down south thru the wheat country(Palouse). Able to find and check three graveyards(not cemeteries). One was a private family situation and the other two were serving two different small towns.
The private graveyard had a definite N/S orientation. The other two had no distinct orientation at all. Their location/layout and design appeared to be dictated by topography and road access. As a side note - I know that many graveyards in most of these small towns, here in the wheat country, came about because some family donated a plot of land to the town for that purpose. With that in mind, they had to do the best they could with the layout, access, maintenance, etc,etc.
The private graveyard had a definite N/S orientation. The other two had no distinct orientation at all. Their location/layout and design appeared to be dictated by topography and road access. As a side note - I know that many graveyards in most of these small towns, here in the wheat country, came about because some family donated a plot of land to the town for that purpose. With that in mind, they had to do the best they could with the layout, access, maintenance, etc,etc.