Chains chains on an M7040

   / chains on an M7040 #1  


Elite Member
Sep 15, 2006
Frederick maryland
Kubota M7040, MF 203 industrial, ZD331, RTV 1100 , Kubota Minix excavator, Unimog 404
wondering if I have enough clearance for chains since looks like with the ag tires very little clearance is left between the tires and fenders? Has someone looked into this?
   / chains on an M7040 #2  
Not sure if this helps, but I run double ring chains with chain tensioners on my M9540 without any problems. Granted your rear tire size is 16.9-30 and mine is 18.4-30, though the fender spacing looks similar.

   / chains on an M7040 #3  
I wondered about the clearance issue with my L4400, but there is plenty of clearance even with the chains I have with boron caulks about an inch long. Also there would be more clearance if I moved the tires out to their furtherest position, but in the winter I have better room in tight quarters when plowing. Here are some pics :
Not sure what will happen when the chains pick up a big hunk of frozen mud and carry it around the wheel well, or when a branch getws picked up by the chain.

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