Check your gun often.

   / Check your gun often. #1  


Super Star Member
Sep 6, 2003
Power-Trac 1445, KUBOTA B-9200HST
Surprise, surprise.

He must have stuck the barrel in the ground at some time.

When I was a kid, I loaded a shell in the shotgun and as I closed the bolt, the shell blew up, and blew the bolt in pieces, and busted the stock. There were 3 or 4 people in the back of the truck, and I am glad no one was hurt. The gun was pointed up at the time.
   / Check your gun often. #2  
Peeled it like a banana!

I thought mythbusters tried this and couldnt replicate that? Oh well glad no one was hurt (besides someones underwear)
   / Check your gun often. #3  
Nice, at least the elk got away...
   / Check your gun often. #4  
What are the odds this happens (accidentally) while someone is videotaping?
   / Check your gun often. #5  
I have a 12 ga wallhanger made by Iver Johnson Bicycle and Gun works that had snow stuck in the barrel. The barrel had about 6" hacksawed off where it peeled back when it blew. The video is bad enough I'd just as soon not be around when one did that.
   / Check your gun often. #6  
What are the odds this happens (accidentally) while someone is videotaping?

I had the same thought, this has to be a farce, personally I would have dropped the camera to see to my buddy!

Tom in Vermont
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   / Check your gun often. #7  
I had the same thought, this has to be a farce, personally I would have dropped the camera to see to my body!

Tom in Vermont

Like i posted earlier, mythbusters tried to replicate this and failed. All they got was a buldge and maybe a small split in the barrel. Id be curious to find out if this was real as well.
   / Check your gun often. #8  
Like i posted earlier, mythbusters tried to replicate this and failed. All they got was a buldge and maybe a small split in the barrel. Id be curious to find out if this was real as well.

I saw that show, while I like to watch the mythbusters don't always agree with their findings. As I said if this was real I would have dropped the camera to aid the shooter(while staining my boxers:D

Tom in Vermont

ps as my name is Thomas I can be a doubter;)
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   / Check your gun often. #9  
I actually had a buddy this happened to. We were deer hunting 25 years ago, all high schoolers or young colege aged kids. Adam shot at a deer, hit it, and started to run after it. He slipped fell in mud. When he stood up, he saw the deer struggling from the effects of the first shot. He worked the bolt of an old Mossberg bolt action shotgun, and took another shot. The barrel peeled back, and the forearm splintered.

His father cut the barrel back, repaired the stock, and hung it on his basement wall, where it still is today.

   / Check your gun often. #10  
It happened to a friend of mine years ago as well...same senario...took a shot deer and the barrel split. I can't remember the caliber but it was a bolt action deer rifle.

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