CK2620 with KL4030 or KL4030c

   / CK2620 with KL4030 or KL4030c #1  


Silver Member
Jan 10, 2009
western n.y.
Kubota L2501
Looking at buying a new CK2620 and see that some come with the KL4030 and some have the KL4030c, is see small differences but is one built better than the other? Thanks
   / CK2620 with KL4030 or KL4030c #2  
My understanding is they are built by two separate suppliers. I have the KL4030 and it works fine for my needs. Not sure if the 100lb difference in capacity is a deal breaker as it wasn't in my case.
   / CK2620 with KL4030 or KL4030c
  • Thread Starter
Thanks, I am more concerned about build quality than the weight differences, The "c" model seems to have thicker mounts but I do not know if one is better than the other? Looks like some reach differences too
   / CK2620 with KL4030 or KL4030c #4  
Due to the popularity of the CK10 and CK20 Series tractors, it was necessary for KIOTI to source 2 suppliers for the CK Series Front Loaders. Dealers for the most part do not have a choice on which loader is packaged with the tractor. It is based on warehouse availability at the time of shipment.

We have sold both with no differences in customer results from either loader. Both perform well.
Thanks, I am more concerned about build quality than the weight differences, The "c" model seems to have thicker mounts but I do not know if one is better than the other? Looks like some reach differences too
   / CK2620 with KL4030 or KL4030c #5  
There was a recall on certain SN# 4030C QA failures.
This was what I had posted in a thread about another thread related to the failure recall.

Not my letter, I have the KL 4030.
Copied and pasted from recall thread.

I got a letter from KIOTI today for this recall on my 2022 KL4030C loader:
"Please contact your selling dealer to schedule the installation of the upgraded Quick Attach parts"

Applies KL4030C loaders with serial Number Range:
US 210701596-220121311
CA 181101234-220120928
Applies KL4020 loaders with serial Number Range:
Applies KL2610 loaders with serial Number Range:

No details or warnings to stop using the current loader on your tractor.
   / CK2620 with KL4030 or KL4030c #6  
There was a recall on certain SN# 4030C QA failures.
This was what I had posted in a thread about another thread related to the failure recall.

Not my letter, I have the KL 4030.
Copied and pasted from recall thread.

I got a letter from KIOTI today for this recall on my 2022 KL4030C loader:
"Please contact your selling dealer to schedule the installation of the upgraded Quick Attach parts"

Applies KL4030C loaders with serial Number Range:
US 210701596-220121311
CA 181101234-220120928
Applies KL4020 loaders with serial Number Range:
Applies KL2610 loaders with serial Number Range:

No details or warnings to stop using the current loader on your tractor.
This update was to increase the spring tension on the lower lock pins.

Hope this helps

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