That's not too bad. My local winged waker upper likes to play high steal riveter on eaves troughs.
I've gone out as early as 3 am to chase him off. He comes back in minutes.
Just something you live with.
When I sold the old homestead almost 20 years ago now that is one thing I wish I had taken cuttings from.
My mothers rose bush was old and absolutely huge. When it started to bloom in early summer it went until the frosts.
As a little guy I remember my mother making my Kindergarten teacher a bouquet and sending it to school with me.
It never required any special care.
And the aroma...
I don't know who or when it was planted.
I hope it's still there.
I cut it way back last Fall, I was afraid I cut too much since it was up over the roof gutter. We throw banana peels on it and a handful of Milorganite...but I know very little about roses. My grandmother next door had islands around their yard and I do that here.
One is mostly roses, not blooming much yet.
This is newest one I started in the Fall, Autumn Blaze maple to left, a few bushes and Peony.
Red-breasted nuthatch is a small songbird. The adult has blue-grey upperparts with cinnamon underparts, a white throat and face with a black stripe through the eyes, a straight grey bill and a black crown. Its call, which has been likened to a tin trumpet, is high-pitched and nasal.