Dirt inside the front headlight housing

   / Dirt inside the front headlight housing #1  


Super Member
Nov 25, 2009
Bobcat CT 235
I was looking over my Cat tonight after washing the engine and battery, as it had built up a layer of dust inside the engine compartment in 112 hours.

When I closed the hood I noticed (it was starting to get dark) what appeared to be a layer of dust inside the front light housings.

Has anyone else noticed this? Maybe it was the poor ambient light, but it sure looked like dirt/dust. From what I could tell the housing looks sealed.

   / Dirt inside the front headlight housing #2  
There is obviously a leak somewhere. If its that bad, take it off and clean it. Put it in a bucket of soapy water and push a cotton ball or small piece of towel around in it with a stick to scrub it. Then use silicone adhesive around all of the joints.
   / Dirt inside the front headlight housing #3  
From day 1 when left outside moisture got in my headlight housing. The dealer was no help so i took some silicone sealant and sealed all of the edges. No issues since then.

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