Don't really know what to say!

   / Don't really know what to say! #1  

Norm W

Gold Member
Sep 20, 2013
Syracuse NY
Oliver 70, Farmall A, Allis Chalmers C, VW Rabbit (repowered with a Geo engine} tractor/backhoe, Cat D4-7U
I suppose that the first question is, "What equipment is in the yard?" Mostly old stuff or home-made. Three trailers in the yard, two flatbeds both homemade and a van trailer also home-made. An Allis "C" 1948, a Farmall "A" 1940, a Hydromac badged Gehl 1970 skid steer, 1989 Rabbit powered home-made tractor with front blade and backhoe, 1953 GMC 4104 camper, 1983 International S1700 and a 1976 White Road Commander 2, these last three pull the trailers. There is a 1936 Caterpillar 22 in pieces that I need to get back together. The previous owner had run it over a stump and shattered the radiator mounts and the front of the engine. It will take a bit of work. I moved the shop into the basement, so maybe I can get some of this done over the winter. I've done welding and farm equipment repair, marine construction and a bunch of other odd jobs. The oddest was maintenance at a mattress factory. Ended up fixing everything from sewing machines to tractor trailers. Hopefully I can add something to the forum.
   / Don't really know what to say! #2  
No doubt you'll add to the forums. You're way outta my league. There are a lot of very knowledgeable can do anything guys here. Also quite a few simpletons like myself. Welcome to TBN.
   / Don't really know what to say! #3  
Welcome to TractorByNet JOAT. (jack of all Trades). You'll fit right in. greetings from Tennessee.
   / Don't really know what to say! #4  
G'day Norm and welcome to TBN from Downunder.

I usually say, "enjoy the site" at this point, but I reckon the site will enjoy you.

Have fun Mate.
   / Don't really know what to say! #6  
welcome I think you will enjoy the net a lot of great ideas
   / Don't really know what to say! #7  
You will fit in just fine. Any pictures of you projects?
   / Don't really know what to say!
  • Thread Starter
You want pictures?


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   / Don't really know what to say! #9  
I suppose that the first question is, "What equipment is in the yard?" Mostly old stuff or home-made. Three trailers in the yard, two flatbeds both homemade and a van trailer also home-made. An Allis "C" 1948, a Farmall "A" 1940, a Hydromac badged Gehl 1970 skid steer, 1989 Rabbit powered home-made tractor with front blade and backhoe, 1953 GMC 4104 camper, 1983 International S1700 and a 1976 White Road Commander 2, these last three pull the trailers. There is a 1936 Caterpillar 22 in pieces that I need to get back together. The previous owner had run it over a stump and shattered the radiator mounts and the front of the engine. It will take a bit of work. I moved the shop into the basement, so maybe I can get some of this done over the winter. I've done welding and farm equipment repair, marine construction and a bunch of other odd jobs. The oddest was maintenance at a mattress factory. Ended up fixing everything from sewing machines to tractor trailers. Hopefully I can add something to the forum.
Nice intro. sounds like you have a great knowledge of many different topics as well as experience welcome to TBN.
   / Don't really know what to say! #10  
You will fit in just fine. Any pictures of you projects?
You want pictures?
Norm--Lots of great pics and pictures or discussions of anything you're doing, building or just thinking about is great. Love your pictures and please start more threads and post more pictures.

Small point here is I asked that above question over 11 years ago. That's quite a gap and of response time and one I greatly admire. You will fit in here just fine.
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