DS Machine Wood and Coal Stove

   / DS Machine Wood and Coal Stove #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 5, 2013
Kubota B2650HST. Kubota Z125S
I am thinking of buying a stove from DS Machine. I think the model Max 160 would suit me fine to heat 1600 square feet from the basement. Also heard that Hitzer is a good stove. Just wondering if any of you own these stoves.
   / DS Machine Wood and Coal Stove #2  
I have been looking a coal stoves for a friend;Hitzer seems to be top of the line.Also got a quote on "nut" coal which the 50-93 Hitzer burns.$250/ton+delivery.
   / DS Machine Wood and Coal Stove
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Thanks birdman. Today I bought the DS Machine EnergyMax160. I will have it in a few days and fire it with coal. Really looking forward to it. I will report later once I have some time on it.
   / DS Machine Wood and Coal Stove
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THIS STOVE BURNS COAL VERY WELL. I am the OP, and got the stove burning coal now. After reading all the material and watching YouTube, I did stumble for a couple of days until finally getting it to burn good.

I originally started the stove 3 days in a row only to have it go out after about 8 hours. It would leave large burnt clinkers on the grates mixed in with fine ashes. Again, I am building this house so I am not there at night, I leave about 6pm and return by 7am only to find it cold. I realized that I had the damper wide open, and the combustion air intake wide open. Too much air I suppose.

This morning I cleaned out the whole thing and started from scratch. Built up a kindling fire, then added some hardwood fire wood and got that good and hot. Once the firewood turned to red coals, I added coal slowly but did not cover all the fire, left some visibly burning. Then I added more coal 20 minutes later and turned down the combustion air and closed the damper 90%.

Great result. Stove burned nice and clean all day (10 hours). Before I left I opened up everything again, shaked the grate, and added about 30 pounds of coal. Think I have it right this time but tomorrow morning will tell the tale. I'll let you know.
   / DS Machine Wood and Coal Stove #5  
I have a DS Mach 2100WH and have been very happy with it. It is by far the easiest to operate of any coal stove I have owned in the last twenty years.

If you are new to coal, or have been around it for years, a good place to learn about burning coal is Hand Fired Coal Stoves
There are some very knowledgeable people that write in that forum.

I noticed that you said that you added about 30lbs of coal. Make sure when you do add coal, you don't bury the fire. This can lead to a coal/gas explosion.
If you intend on burning coal most of the time, you may want to read up on barometric dampers, in that forum.

I lit my stove about a month ago. I shake it down twice a day, and empty the ashes once per day. It's 15deg outside, 80deg in the basement and 70deg upstairs.

Good luck with your new stove, Bill
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   / DS Machine Wood and Coal Stove
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Thanks Bill,

I am really liking this stove. The key to burning coal, or a major factor, is patience. I burned wood for 30 years and it was easy. I found that banking the coal along the rear and left side helps a lot. When I load it for the night I shake the coals (with a good fire burning), then load more coal. I then wait for the blue flames to dance a bit, then shut it down.

I appreciate the web site you mentioned, it will be good to visit.
   / DS Machine Wood and Coal Stove #7  
I burn rice coal in my Hitzer 608.I paid $215 a ton at the local Amish coal yard for anthracite hard coal.The local TSC now carries bagged hard coal in 50 pound bags for about $6 a bag.I just add coal to the hopper everyday and MT the ashes.The stove is automatically controlled and has literally ran non stop since November. You may not believe this but there is little or no smoke and also no odor. The stove has a low end of about 6000 BTU's to 90,000 BTU's.This is very good reliable warm heat.
   / DS Machine Wood and Coal Stove #8  
I run one of these Vogelzang wood/coal furnaces. I only burn wood but it has been a solid performer heating the entire house since I installed it. Might be worth a look.

Norseman Add-On Furnace (VG2500)
   / DS Machine Wood and Coal Stove
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Well, the stove seems to be improving all the time. It held a good fire last night for another 15 hours, and I tended it without putting it out. Shook coals briskly but for short duration. Loaded more coal little by little. Tonight I loaded about 50 pounds of coal and it is burning just fine.

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