Electrical outlet, no mating plug

   / Electrical outlet, no mating plug #1  


Elite Member
Sep 15, 2006
Frederick maryland
Kubota M7040, MF 203 industrial, ZD331, RTV 1100 , Kubota Minix excavator, Unimog 404
Attached is a pic of the 12 volt electrical outlet behind the seat in the cab of my M7040. The outlet is for accessories and one terminal is hot all the time, one is ground, and one is hot when the key is turned. May be this is a common outlet in Japan but no one here knows where to get the mating plug. The dealer and the Kubota rep has no clue either. Anyone out there know where to get one or is the only way to replace the plug with a US made one?


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   / Electrical outlet, no mating plug
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Why would Kubota sell something here that is not compatible with std outlets and then not offer a plug that will match
   / Electrical outlet, no mating plug #3  
Interesting... I noted the same thing, hot terminal, etc.... when I was checking out my tractor when first I got it. However, never sought to find the matching plug... I did spend a little time looking at the shop manual trying to figure out what it was for, but couldn't easily and quit since it was not critical.
   / Electrical outlet, no mating plug
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The same thing with the 7 pin trailer connector. It is made for Japan and does not fit our std 7 pin trailer plug
   / Electrical outlet, no mating plug #5  
Here's a thought, if you don't have any luck finding the proper connector. The individual terminals look like they are male. Maybe you could find individual female connectors for each terminal. I did a similar thing with our L3830. The work light circuit ends with a special connector with female terminals for the hot and the ground. I used male spade terminals on my wires going to the light.
   / Electrical outlet, no mating plug
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Yes that is an idea however the terminals are larger than std push on terminals
   / Electrical outlet, no mating plug
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The only thing I can do is replace the whole assembly with std US types
   / Electrical outlet, no mating plug #8  
Have you checked at an auto parts store, like NAPA? They often have quite a selection of electrical connectors. Boy, you would think the Kubota dealer would be able to provide the proper connector. What do they expect people to do? I would be mad if I got the answer you did...
   / Electrical outlet, no mating plug #9  
jimainiac said:
Have you checked at an auto parts store, like NAPA? They often have quite a selection of electrical connectors. Boy, you would think the Kubota dealer would be able to provide the proper connector. What do they expect people to do? I would be mad if I got the answer you did...

He can't possibly get mad when he owns a tractor like that one :).

Yeah, good suggestion - head down to NAPA and find a fairly standard connector. Rip out the one you have and replace it.

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