Everlast 210STL Users Out There?

   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #1  


May 6, 2020
Mahindra 2555
Hey Folks!

Let me start by saying that I have already e-mailed tech support on this, but I was curious if I’m the Lone Ranger with this problem.

I have a 210STL that I bought a couple of years ago, and when I first bought it, it was bullet proof. I don’t even know how many consecutive days I ran that thing with no problems other than the user. :) Then, all of a sudden, I began having an issue where some controls wouldn’t work at all, and then the amperage adjustment would just change itself to something other than what I set, about 5 seconds after I adjusted it.

Initially, I could open it up and blow out any dust that got in there and settled on the boards, but eventually that stopped working. At that point Everlast rushed me out a new board to swap out. I did that, and we were good for a while again. This weekend, however, I started having the issues all over again. I’ve cleaned it out and verified connections twice over the weekend, but nothing is any better. I don’t see any burned areas on the circuit board, and I don’t see any swollen capacitors.

Anyone else out there having this issue? Or better… anyone out there who HAD this issue but was able to resolve it?

   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #2  
Usually, when this happens, it's an issue with not having serviced it lately. A lot of times you can open it up, remove the connectors, blow them out and replug them and things will start working again. We recommend that those units that are used frequently be cleaned out every 3 to 4 months with dry compressed air. The result is usually many less issues...but not always as there are other causes. What we see typically is Grinding dust, and other stuff settles on the boards and connectors...much of it metallic and it starts to have a mind of its own. The boards have a coating on them, but when the fine stuff finds its way into the connectors, it causes havoc. It sounds as if you have opened it up. That unit has never given any issues. Is this a generator run unit or a unit stored out in the open or in an open sided shelter or out in the cold (below 0F?)?
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There?
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Hey Mark,

Thanks for the reply. I did open it up, but I did not disconnect the harnesses to blow out the sockets. The unit has been used on both generator and line power. I have been sure to always ensure the generator was running before connecting the welder to it. It has been stored in a fully enclosed building, but the building is not climate controlled. That said, last night was the coldest night of its life at 18 degrees.

I’ll try blowing out the individual connections this evening to see if that helps.

Thanks again!
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #4  
What generator was it? If it was over 5% THD, it could burn up the boards (not clean power). We do have a warning in the manuals and on the website about it. It could also not be enough power? I think you need about 9000 watts. When you shut down, was it always disconnected? Floating grounds/bonded grounds on generators can create problems, especially during shutdowns if not correctly done. 18 should be fine.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #5  
What generator was it? If it was over 5% THD, it could burn up the boards (not clean power). We do have a warning in the manuals and on the website about it. It could also not be enough power? I think you need about 9000 watts. When you shut down, was it always disconnected or just off? Floating grounds/bonded grounds on generators can create problems, especially during shutdowns if not correctly done. 18 should be fine.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There?
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Off hand, the only thing I know about the generator is that it is a Generac. When I use a generator, I always ensure that nothing is connected to it on start-up and shutdown.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #7  
Though I have no experience with Everlast welders I do have a lot of experience with other welders and electronic equipment operating in a machine shop environment. I have found that vibration and dirt can cause all sorts of problems with connectors. Spade connectors are especially vulnerable to vibration. They loosen up and this loose fit causes all sorts of problems.
So what I do if equipment has spade connectors and is not operating correctly is clean the connectors with contact cleaner, plug and unplug the spade connector a few times while wet with the contact cleaner, then if the connector feels loose I will squeeze the female spade connector on each side so that it grips the male side better.
Equipment that has other connection schemes are still subject to bad connections caused by, primarily, vibration. All sorts of stuff can cause vibration, like fans and motors. Temperature variations can also cause connectors to fail.
Like the spade connectors mentioned previously I use contact cleaner on other types of connectors. The stuff I use is DeoxIt. It is available in different formulations, different strengths, etc. I have found this stuff to work very well. It cleans and protects. I use the D5 the most. It comes in several delivery systems and is not expensive. Here is a link to the D series page: DeoxIT D-Series page with shop - CAIG
I have no connection (pun!) to DeoxIt, I just use the stuff and really like it. It has gotten my CNC machines working more than once when I was having problems. Oxidation on circuit board edge connectors can cause all sorts of problems. Per the advice of the machine manufacturer I started using DeoxIt and it has solved many problems. Sheesh! I sound like a commercial! Oh well.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There?
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Though I have no experience with Everlast welders I do have a lot of experience with other welders and electronic equipment operating in a machine shop environment. I have found that vibration and dirt can cause all sorts of problems with connectors. Spade connectors are especially vulnerable to vibration. They loosen up and this loose fit causes all sorts of problems.
So what I do if equipment has spade connectors and is not operating correctly is clean the connectors with contact cleaner, plug and unplug the spade connector a few times while wet with the contact cleaner, then if the connector feels loose I will squeeze the female spade connector on each side so that it grips the male side better.
Equipment that has other connection schemes are still subject to bad connections caused by, primarily, vibration. All sorts of stuff can cause vibration, like fans and motors. Temperature variations can also cause connectors to fail.
Like the spade connectors mentioned previously I use contact cleaner on other types of connectors. The stuff I use is DeoxIt. It is available in different formulations, different strengths, etc. I have found this stuff to work very well. It cleans and protects. I use the D5 the most. It comes in several delivery systems and is not expensive. Here is a link to the D series page: DeoxIT D-Series page with shop - CAIG
I have no connection (pun!) to DeoxIt, I just use the stuff and really like it. It has gotten my CNC machines working more than once when I was having problems. Oxidation on circuit board edge connectors can cause all sorts of problems. Per the advice of the machine manufacturer I started using DeoxIt and it has solved many problems. Sheesh! I sound like a commercial! Oh well.

Thanks for the info, Eric! I will ensure those connections are blown out, and I will try to get my hands on some of that DeoxIt. Hopefully both of those will resolve it.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #9  
Off hand, the only thing I know about the generator is that it is a Generac. When I use a generator, I always ensure that nothing is connected to it on start-up and shutdown.
Unless it is a X series Generac unit, it is NOT clean...and likely the source of the damage. It can be immediate if it is dirty enough or cumulative if it is off the specs we provide, but not at 25% THD like some.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There?
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Unless it is a X series Generac unit, it is NOT clean...and likely the source of the damage. It can be immediate if it is dirty enough or cumulative if it is off the specs we provide, but not at 25% THD like some.

I’ll have to go pull it out to check the model. Assuming it’s not a X series, what kind of damage are we talking about? I saw nothing burnt on the board.

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