Fatjay picks up chicks!

   / Fatjay picks up chicks!
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I figure that'll happen as well, but that's ok.

Got the last truss built and started to put them up, only to realize I'm 4 short on the hurricane ties. I swear I can't count to save my life. And I can't find any of my claw hammers. So back to HD to buy a hammer and more ties, which ate up the night. Still, slowly but surely.

Chickens are getting big too. They've got feathers and are chomping at the bit for some freedom. I'll paint the T1-11 walls both sides before putting them up, tie the end trusses into the body with the t111, then each one will be tied in on the ends. I'll get some fencing for the run as well this weekend. Maybe by sunday?



   / Fatjay picks up chicks! #22  
Chickens by the pool. Could be interesting.
   / Fatjay picks up chicks!
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Chickens by the pool. Could be interesting.
I am told they are not drawn to bodies of water, and will drown easily. So hopefully it won't be a problem.
   / Fatjay picks up chicks! #24  
To bad you don’t live near me. I went to a garage sale last week in a large machine shed. The guy must have been a hammer collector. He must have had 50 to a 100 hammers and a greater number of wooden handles.
   / Fatjay picks up chicks!
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Finished truss install, put the plywood up. Dead square, i was shocked. I had to nail and screw it all because one nail gun bit it and the other i couldn't find 34 degree nails. And my buddy currently has my metal connector nailer so I had to do it all by hand. Arthritis is pretty horrible at this point, it started with screwdrivers, but has moved on to hammers.




   / Fatjay picks up chicks!
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After many errands, partially to beat the heat, I got to play with the coop. After much debate with myself on which to cut first, I decided with the man door wall. The issue, is simple. The rear wall, bottom to apex, is 8'1", so I can't use one panel. I don't want to have 1" gap, I don't want to cut a 1" piece either. So I'm going to use a foot section from another panel cut off and put it on the bottom, then cut the angles for the roof pitch. That way i have the truss tied to the frame adding strength. I'll be leaving the eves open and putting hardware cloth in there so I have adequate ventilation. Painted until I couldn't see anymore, then called it an evening.




   / Fatjay picks up chicks! #28  
Nice build~!! You going to do an old school drop gable overhang? Nothing makes a shed look noble like that feature does.
I got a question:
What was the purpose of the metal mesh (hardware cloth?) you laid down before the floor went on??
   / Fatjay picks up chicks!
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Nice build~!! You going to do an old school drop gable overhang? Nothing makes a shed look noble like that feature does.
I got a question:
What was the purpose of the metal mesh (hardware cloth?) you laid down before the floor went on??
Yes, it'll have a drop gable. With the chicken door being open during the day rain or shine, I wanted to minimize rain going inside. And I like the look.

The hardware cloth under the floor was a suggestion by a chicken farmer who said he had racoons clawing up through the floor.
   / Fatjay picks up chicks! #30  
For future reference, palm nailers aren't too bad to use, especially for connectors. They even make cordless (hoseless?) ones now.

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