Fender lights 2006 Toolcat 5600

   / Fender lights 2006 Toolcat 5600 #1  

Got Juice?

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Feb 2, 2025
Toolcat 5600
My Fender lights on my 2006 toolcat do not work. I have tested the bulbs and they do work off another 12v source. All fuses in the passenger side fuse panel are intact and working.
All other lights are working. Is there another fuse that is buried somewhere that is missing? Switch still works and the running lights are functional.

I am at a loss, any wisdom would be appreciated.
   / Fender lights 2006 Toolcat 5600 #2  
There are 2 fuse panels, one by your rh heel and one up by your rh toe. The one by your toe, fuse 5 and relay 12 is "light". Fuse 6 and relay 14 is optional "drive lights". The heel panel has optional marker lights fuse 3 and 4 and relay 12. This is all on a G series TC.
   / Fender lights 2006 Toolcat 5600
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Not on a 2006... you have pictures of it???
   / Fender lights 2006 Toolcat 5600
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Mine is a C Series Toolcat. Last of the solid axles....
   / Fender lights 2006 Toolcat 5600 #5  

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