Yes, This is actually my thread from 9 years ago when I was contemplating doing my own geothermal. Which I did end up doing.
To say that it uses around 25% of the power of a "regular" HVAC system all depends on how you define a "regular" system.
A system that heats with wood, propane, fuel, etc actually doesnt use much "power". And how the costs compare can vary widely year to year.
If you are talking about comparing geo to a regular air-source heat pump....then above 40 degrees outside temp there is actually little difference. Geo doesnt really start showing significant improvement over convention air-to-air until the temps start dropping. So if you live where there is mild TN or NC not much savings and longer payback. If you live in Michigan or Montana....big difference. An air-source will be limited and youd be relying on some other form of heat most of the winter.
Now if you are talking about electric baseboard or radiant or electric furnace..... geothermal is indeed about 3x-4x more efficient
epoxy flooring gold coast. Simply meaning that for each kwh of electricity you only get 3414btu's of heat out of electric. But if its geothermal....that same kwh of electricity can buy you ~12,000btu's of heat.